Sunday, August 19, 2012

Deck Chatter

The Invitational is on for next weekend with 20 Players ponying up the necessary $120 to the Tournament Director Deacon.  Bear and Cheez have been named Captains.  Cheez has reluctantly agreed to be a Captain after he consumed three cold ones, but is nervous he will screw up his picks and lose the flip for the first pick.  More news will be forthcoming.

Mad Dog continues to want to interject "net" into the Pot Game format.  He knows he can only get away with it when Bear is away or Commish is on the porch drinking his coffee.  He has been nominated for his second X as a result of his creating a one gross one net format on Saturday.

Dougie has been blazing hot after a secret lesson with a local pro whose name rhymes with fudge.

Birdie hoping to be picked by Cheez in the upcoming Invitational so he can name their team the Obama Boys.

Deacon continues to rake in money from the Pots even though he shoots in the 80s.  Keeping his handicap at the right level so he always gets the best Captain is a real art form not many people have.

Gretchen in Caddie Outfit
Billy D has his caddie all lined up for next weekend.  Gretchen has agreed to lug his bag for all the matches.  Something tells us Billy D will be a popular opponent.

Next week the annual bet between Mad Dog's Team and Pudge's Team in the NHPGA Pro Senior Championship is going to take place.  It is anybody's guess who will win with both Captains peaking but the rest of their teams not so much.  Mad Dog has Cheez playing without purpose, Birdie a little erratic, and a mystery player yet to be named but it won't be Triple N.  Pudge is saddled with the high handicap Bear a shadow of his former self,  Commish two time loser to Birdie and Billy D who has fought off the cuts all year long but is playing better golf as of late.  So the odds makers are stumped as to whom to pick.


  1. Tractorman was issued an 'X' for "manipulating handicap"

  2. As a former outspoken critic of "NET", I wish to withdraw my opposition to the NET/GROSS format. Other than an unnamed FLA resident needing a calculator to score his card--VILLAGES home owner--the match was surprisingly close. I look forward to more NET matches.

  3. One gross/one net is a great format.
