Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful For

As Pot Gamers gather with their family and friends around the Thanksgiving dinner table they give Thanks for the following:

99 is thankful for that he is recuperating with his new 80 year old friends in a nursing home instead of sharing a cell with an axe murderer in the slammer.

Commish is thankful for the fact that Pot Gamers still remember who he is since he barely plays anymore.

Pudge is thankful for that there are no more Red, White & Blue tournaments left on the calendar for this year so he doesn't have to worry about sleeping past his tee time.

Otis is thankful for the fact that his last six rounds in the low 70s never went into the GHIN system so his handicap is safely padded for next spring.

Dr Dave is thankful for the fact he has tickets to BC games in the fall so he does have to play in the Pot Game and risk losing all the Pot money he won.

Cheez is thankful for the fact that he survived ignoring stroke pain for three days and hundreds of miles of driving but he didn't miss his first "Sticks" golf match.

TJ is thankful for the fact he has a beautiful little daughter and his garage has stayed standing another year.

Birdie is thankful for Obamacare not having kicked in yet so he can get his knees fixed with good health insurance.

Rama is thankful for the fact he has a new cellphone with a secret number so the "Big House" can't call him into work on nights and weekends.

Mad Dog is thankful for that season has ended as he was running out of excuses as to why he couldn't play in the Pot Game when his back felt great.

Chuckster is thankful for his new house being within view of the clubhouse and driveway so he can watch all the Pot Gamers driving by the course in the early spring seeing if the course is ready to open while he sips a cocktail on his porch.

Deacon is thankful for despite that fact he doesn't have all his strength back he can still crank his drives past the Bear.

Fireman is thankful for the fact that the new putting green at the firehouse is the same speed as Bretwood's greens, slow.

Luke is thankful he still gets invited to his parents houses for Turkey Day even though he has to sit at the little kid's table because Mini took the last place at the head table.

Billy D is thankful for that in skiing he can go left and right instead of like golf where he only goes to the right.

Tractorman is thankful for that 2014 is almost here so he start planning for the first annual "Randy & Friends tournament.

Chimney is thankful for that the cold weather is upon us so all the wood stoves are cranked up securing his income for the new year.

Brett is thankful for his new baby daughter who will be able to earn a full scholarship to college for softball under title nine once he teaches her his home run swing.

Kirk is thankful for his father Rod having to refer to him as "Mr Club Champion" at the dinner table this year.

Molasses Boy is thankful for the fact that hunting season is here and hunters like to move slow and deliberate unlike golfers.
Triple N is thankful for the fact that nobody has ever told him how strange it is that he carries his clubs like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder or he walks like his pants are on fire.

Dougie is thankful for that he has all winter to work on his VT invitational so he can create another powerhouse team for himself.

House is thankful for the rumors that Commish is coming back into control next summer so he once again he can tee off from the whites.

Sandy is thankful for the fact that his oldest daughter enjoys chasing deer with him instead of chasing boys.

Jerry Maquire is thankful for the fact he survived his first summer as an official Pot Gamer,  got himself a nickname and only got one X.

Skrocki is thankful for the fact he found a set of no hosel irons on eBay so there will be no Chinese shots next summer for him.

Dicky Mac is thankful for his son Andy Mac dragging him back to play Pot Games so he could get on lousy teams and lose money every week.

Brad-Brian is thankful for the fact he came back from exile at Spofford and on to a real golf course at Bretwood where gets to be a regular B man in the Pot Game.

Skooger is thankful for the fact he gets to go skiing all winter where if you fall all anyone says to you is "oh well".

Blue Tees is thankful for the fact he is the frontrunner to chosen Captain in the 2014 Invitational based on his good play in 2013.

Joey M is thankful for being left the Invitational in Deacon's will so he can pare the roster down a little.

Forty is thankful for getting to play all fall with the B Boys so he could fatten his wallet to be able to get his wife something nice for Christmas at the Dollar Store.

Jay Esch is thankful he is only weeks away from heading south to his house in FL where all the putts break to the setting sun.

Bayou Bomber is thankful for having received his first invite to the Invitational in 2013 and is looking for his secret handshake for 2014.

Sr Pro is thankful for the fact he found another watering hole after his beloved Ginos closed this summer.

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