Friday, March 23, 2018

Almost Time

The "Big House" is in full panic mode with no revenue from green fees and no membership dues coming in yet.  Two years ago they couldn't collect the money fast enough with opening day on St Patrick's Day.  It is so bad that Mad Dog had to cut way back on buying gold bars since his dividend checks aren't coming in yet.  Rumor has it he built a special room in his basement to store the gold bars. He calls it "Little Fort Knox".  Only he and his #1 son Mini know the combination to get in.

Molasses Boy had to be rushed to the emergency room on Sunday.  He thought he was having the "big one" when Tiger came within 1 stroke of the lead at Arnie's tournament.  The thought of Tiger almost winning and having to pay off all his big money bets that Tiger would never win again (he is very cheap) the stress overwhelmed him.  But before they could hook up the EKG to his chest, he found out Tiger snapped hooked it out of bounds and instantly the chest pains went away.

Dougie has vowed to play more golf this summer and do less hiking since he has conquered all the Presidential Range summits.   He wants to beat Billy D for the most rounds by a Pot Gamer.

CFC has decided to switch to right handed clubs.  He found out his swing speed is 22 mph faster from the right side.  Oh course his swing speed was measured by Jerry Maguire after he had consumed a few cocktails.  Being the youngest "White Tee Slut" he is willing to try anything that will move him back to the blue tees.

Blue Tees has been wintering in Florida for several months getting his game in shape.  When he comes back and consistently shoots in the low 70s, he figures the Commish will have to make him a Captain.

Bear will have to find a new putting stroke because after his knee replacement he put on so much padding around his middle he can't see the golf ball from his normal stance.  Plus he thinks he is going back to carrying his bag and walking 18 holes...can we say oxygen will be needed.

NNN has decided that the Pot Game is a joke (someone else said that once).  He has told the Gazette he will only play in State and New England wide tournaments where he can be challenged by his peers and receive the publicity he seeks.  I guess Chris McL taking his Cities title away from him did a tune on his ego.

Sadly there won't be any Roy Boys playing in the Pot Games this summer.  Danny aka The Mixologist was told by his girlfriend that his golfing days are over.   It may have something to do with her finding out about him playing a few Saturdays last summer when she was away and he missed her call while he was enjoying a cold one on the deck.  So sad...

If you spot any of these former Pot Gamers make sure to extend an invitation for them to come back to play with us anytime.  Scotty-Steve,  Coach,  Donny Roy,  Sr,  Jr,  Sully,  Murt,  New Orleans Nicky and The Cat.

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