Friday, July 26, 2013

Wednesday Woes

Under cooler conditions twelve Pot Gamers teed it up for a little 3BB.  They played the weekend format complete with skins and $20 entry fee.  Team #1 Pudge, Bow Pete, Birdie and Billy D on paper the clear favorite got off to a rocky start with a mystifying +12 on the front nine of North.  Team #2 Bear, Skrocki, Cheez and Skooger was the wildcard team as they teeded off because Skooger hadn't played in two weeks, Cheez was in a very fragile state recovering from the dreaded "Chinese" disease, Skrocki has been schizophrenic shooting either high 60s or mid 80s and Bear can't putt into the hole and they shot a mediocre +5.  Team #3 Mad Dog, TJ, Walt and House proved to be the team to beat as they cruised to an easy +2 front.  Pudge rallied his team to shot a respectable +6 on the back as Bear's team succumbed to the pressure and imploded to +12 and Mad Dog's team tripped up to shoot +9.  Mad Dog did collect 2/3 of the Pot which sent him into the Club House to buy all the drinks.

Low scores of the day were Mad Dog 76, Bear 76, Walt 77, Pudge 79 and TJ 79.  There were 8 skins worth a measly $7 a piece (Birdie 2, TJ, Skooger, Billy D, Pudge, Walt, Mad Dog).

Mad Dog on the strength of 2 birdies nipped Bear for $2 making the YTD Mad Dog up $2.  Bear accepted the challenge laid down by Pudge on the 1st tee to play a match and came out on top for a $1 (which has been sent away for framing to hang on his trophy wall).

Cheez shot an easy 39 on the front only to see his dream of a smooth 75 be taken away by his second shot on 14 that careened off the stonewall in front of the 15th tee.  After that a million thoughts raced through his head, not one of them positive.  Game over for the rest of the round although to his credit he tried to the end.  It really made no difference as the rest of his team was headed south with him.

The City Championship is filled with Pot Gamers in the Senior division which will make for a small pool of Pot Gamers over the weekend.

TJ has created a foursome of Pot Gamers who he hopes will bring him the elusive SP NH Championship on Monday.  The Pot Gamers are hoping first prize is a free pass if you get caught speeding card.

Deacon reports he is putting the finishing touches on his Invitational.  For those fortunate to have been give the secret handshake your $120 payment is due August 1st. (Cash Only just like buying a beer at Bretwood).  Sandy has agreed to host the "Pic-Em Party" again this year.  Several rumors are swirling around as to who will be the Captains.  Here are what we have heard so far...Deacon and Blue Tees; Billy D and Birdie; Rama and House and rematch of Bear vs Cheez.

Latest Commish rumor is he is breeding donkeys for donkey basketball and has no time for golf.

Sr Pro has asked for a moment of silence as Gino's is slated to close this weekend.  "I don't know what the F__k I am going to do.  It is like I lost my best friend..F__kers."

Chuckster's new "Big House" is taking shape high on the knoll opposite the driving range.  It only took months and thousands of dollars in Municipal fees to be able to start building.  What a city...  It should be nice when it is all finished with the indoor driving range and heated pool.

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