Thursday, October 10, 2013

All Tied Up

With more than a little chill in the air on Wednesday morning (38 degrees at tee off), 10 Pot Gamers showed up for a little winter golf.  A few even braved the temps in shorts.

Chuckie made up two teams of 5 players each and they played a little 3BB with all birdies counting.

Team #1 Bear, Sandy, Otis, Walt and Billy D teed off with their breath visible and dew so think it looked like a cover of snow.  The dew made putting a real challenge plus the cups hadn't been changed since Saturday.  Even with all those factors they shot -1 lead by Otis's even par 37.

Team #2 Mad Dog, Triple N, Skrocki, TJ and Molasses Boy were up and down early but settled in with a respectable +1.  Mad Dog and TJ lead the way with 38s.

Team #1 got off to a terrible start on the back and were +4 after the 13th hole.  But they roared back with 4 birdies on the next 5 holes to end up at even par.  Team #2 went red on the 10th hole and never went over even par through 16. with Mad Dog shooting a 33 on his own ball.  Then Molasses Boy woke up from his slump and rolled in birdies on 17 and 18 getting them to -2.  So both teams won a side and split the back.

Low scores of the day Mad Dog 71, Otis 76, TJ 77, Sandy 78 and Triple N 79.  There were eight skins worth $6 a piece (Mad Dog 2, Walt 1, Sandy 1, Otis 1, TJ 1, Bear 1 and Molasses Boy 1).

Bear's game imploded while Mad Dog's came to life, so Mad Dog whipped him for $7 making the YTD all tied up...


Cheez scared everyone with news of him being hospitalized for a mild stroke.  He is out now and very optimistic about a full recovery.  His plan is to play in the 9 at 9 on Thanksgiving.  His email is if you want to drop him a line.  The Toothpicks are waiting for him to tee it up with them.

Billy D with Wednesday's round hit 100 rounds for the year.  In contrast Bear hit 50 rounds.  Cheez in his limited time playing this summer did 69 rounds.

Otis always conscious of his handicap missed a few "not needed" 4 footers during his round except on 17 when his weak putt rolled over the front edge much to his dismay.. 

Mad Dog reported that the highest index on Wednesday was only 5.3, so "Hump Day" attracts real players.

The 18th hole had two chip in birdies, one for each team.  Sandy from behind the green and Molasses Boy from the front.

Captain America was bundled up riding his mower with temps in the 30s.  He is trying to get one last round in this year before the snow flies.  His target weekend is the 19th-20th.  Tractorman has a bad shoulder and is on the Disabled List.  Thankfully it is not the one that was operated on a few years ago.

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