Monday, October 21, 2013

Full Moon Massacre

Saturday brought frosty temperatures and a bright moon still shining over the course as Pot Gamers descended on Bretwood at 7:30am.  The Pro Shop announced that there was a frost delay, so all 10 Pot Gamers who were bundled up to play made their way upstairs to grab something to eat.  As they were sitting around BB (Brad-Brian) thought it would be a good idea to have Pudge and Bear pick the teams.  So everyone agreed and Bear with the higher handicap started off with the first pick followed by Pudge picking the next two and back it forth it went until two teams of five were created.  Bear flipped a coin to determine the format 3BB or 4BB.  When the coin came up tails, 4 BB it was.

Little did Bear know that Pudge who had been playing several days in a row knew who was hot and who was not.  So Bear's team looked good on paper until the balls started flying.

Team #1 Bear, Skrocki, Dougie, Jerry and House knew they were in trouble from the opening tee shots on the North Course when three players duck hooked left into the 18th fairway of south.  It only got worse from there. Which resulted in a new record of +22 for 4BB.

Team #2 Pudge, BB, Billy D, Brett and Skooger couldn't contain their laughs watching Team #1 tee off.  By getting 5 birdies, avoiding triples and doubles and making sure they had 4 players in on every hole they cruised to +10.  Good enough for a 12 shot lead.

Team #1 couldn't play any worse but it didn't get a whole lot better when the best they could do was +16 on the back.  Team #2 knowing they had an unbeatable lead for total went to cruise control and eased in with a +11.

Here is what Pudge knew and Bear didn't.  Skrocki had worked all night and was playing on almost no sleep.  House had played on Friday on Pudge's team and he had used up all his birdies for a month.  Dougie hadn't played since the warm weather and dry greens and Jerry lost his laser on the practice tee and was a basket case until the 6th hole when it was announced by another foursome that it been found.  So Bear's team had scores of 76, 87, 87, 84 and 93 while Pudge's team had 75, 81, 87, 83 and 85, hence the massacre.

There were only three skins worth $15 a piece. (Pudge 1, Skrocki 1 and Bear 1)  Low scores of the day were Pudge 75 and Bear 76.

If Pudge's thumping of Bear's team wasn't enough Pudge took $1 off Bear in their ongoing match.

News and Notes
Cheez has reported in that he played his first round of golf and shot 89.  The Sticks invited him to join them and he paired up with two of best friends to actually win a side.  He is recovering nicely and sends his thanks for all the emails and cards from his fellow Pot Gamers.

BB's sons have unfortunately got his "club bashing against the bag" DNA.  The little BBs have each broken a club this summer, along with Dad.  So punishment will not be forthcoming because they can't help it if its in their genes.

Start time for weekend Pot Games will be 8am starting next weekend the 26th.  The Pro Shop has stopped giving out tee times so we will play which course is less crowded.

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