Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hot Chili On A Chilly Night

Deacon has done it again.. In the middle of winter's Holiday Season he is able to get most of the Pot Game regulars to come out on a cold night for some homemade chili, plump rolls, slices of pie and plenty of pitchers of beer.  After a few pitchers to loosen up the lips old stories and fresh rumors start flying around.

Blue Tees may be bidding us farewell as he has prepaid for a 2014 membership at Shattuck.  Makes sense as that is right in his backyard but he may be giving up his chance as an Invitational Captain in 2014.

Pudge sneaked in at the end of the night but with enough time left to buy a pitcher and stay off  Deacon's "Naughty List".  He had a big smile on his face just thinking about his upcoming dream date with Ginger that his buddy Billy D gave him for Christmas.

Skooger told Deacon he probably won't come back next year because there was no popcorn.  Just before the party started Deacon had the Bowling Alley owner move their big popcorn machine to the back room out of sight.  I am sure it was just to make more room for the party.

Deacon did catch another unsuspecting Bowler trying to steal a bowl full of chili.  He waited until the misguided soul had ladled it into his bowl and then he unleashed a powerful tongue lashing on the poor guy.  When he was done spewing his wrath, he told the guy he could take it.  The suspect did not try to grab a roll during his getaway.

Tractorman knocked down 5 bowls of chili, 4 rolls and 2 pieces of pie.  Nowhere near his record.   He does help bring the chili to the party as well as bring it home for the Deacon, so he may have fixed himself a snack coming and going.

There was a major malfunction this year.  It seems that right when the second batch of roll dough was rising, the first rolls weren't cooking very fast in the oven.  That's because the stove decided to expire after years of abuse by the Deacon.  So everything had to be transported to a neighbors house to be cooked.  According to Barbara who got blamed for the stove failure,  Deacon's blood pressure was through the roof.  Which may explain why his first two strings he bowled were not up to par.

Joey M is a closet bowling instructor.. Who knew.  After a few words with Deacon about how to move his hand a little to the right on his release, the strikes started going up on the score sheet big time.

Randy and Friends Tournament is really taking shape.  According to the host he has lined up several sponsors for next year.  One of them is rumored to be Dick's Sporting Goods who has agreed to place electronic scoreboards around the course for up to the minute standings and donate a dozen Titleist for each player .  Another is Clark Distributors who will be having beverage carts serve up ice cold beer for free..  There were a lot of excited Pot Gamers when they heard that news.  Especially the Invitational exiled (Fireman, Commish, Pudge, 40).

Speaking of exiled, Cheez called in from FL but the Deacon refused to talk with him because he used had used the "D" word five years ago to describe the rolls.  But Cheez did get to talk with lots of other Pot Gamers.  He gave them a blow by blow description of his last round all 82 strokes.

Commish announced he will be taking back his rightful place as head of the Pot Game in 2014.  House immediately starting writing out a petition to allow him to play the white tees again.  As he was passing it around for players to sign it got misplaced when it got to Joey M.  It was never seen again.

BB (Brad-Brian) and TJ were comparing notes over kid issues.  One has a dating teenager and the other a little perpetual pooping machine.  They were told it doesn't get any easier going forward.

Mad Dog announced Bretwood's opening day in 2014 will March 28th.  So the first Pot Game will be March 29th at 9am or when the frost is gone.  Be sure to pay for the Hole-In-One pool before you tee off.

Molasses Boy was seen talking with his old twilight partner George most of the night.  Which can mean only one thing.  He is planning on dumping Deacon as his partner and reuniting with George.

Billy D came early and left early to get ready for a long day of skiing the next day.  Birdie gave him a heads up that the best "spandex" watching at the Y is around 10am, when the bored housewives come out to exercise.  Billy D has been going at 7am when there is no spandex in sight just over sized sweat pants.

Triple N even showed.  He blew off volunteering helping feed the cold and poor homeless at the Keene shelter so he could get some nice hot chili.

Everyone agreed that they had a great time seeing all their friends and enjoying great food served up by Deacon and Barbara.  It is a lot of hard work and expense for Deacon and Barbara but it wouldn't seem like Christmas for them without doing it.

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