Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Buried In White

40 and Mini Sneaking On North
With a storm last week and another coming this week Mad Dog's prediction of Opening Day on March 28th seems a little optimistic.  However Tractorman assures the Gazette that the new underground heaters under each green will allow for an early opening.  40 and Mini couldn't wait as they played a few holes in the snow last week.

Bullwinkle in Birdie's LR
Birdie took his house off the market after six months of trying to sell it.  Triple N was not available for comment by press time as to why he couldn't get the job done for Birdie.  A look at the listings interior pictures of his LR on the MLS showed a possible reason.  Customers who want Keene come here because it is the most liberal part of NH where all the legalize weed, anti hunting element, green power, gather together. Rumor has it that he is waiting for Cheez to come home before he puts it back on the market, then he will challenge Cheez as to who can sell their house the fastest.

Commish Dressed For Spring Golf
With Commish back in power certain Pot Gamers will be looking over their shoulders when they drive into the parking lot this spring.  As you will remember that is his favorite spot to terminate players he thinks no longer fit into the Pot Game. The list of Pot Gamers sent on their way never to be seen again was quite extensive when he was reigning over the Pot Game.  He may dress like a 6yr old sent out to play in the snow by his Mother, but don't let his fashion fool you, he still packs a verbal punch.
Ginger "Practicing"

Pudge's date with Ginger over the holidays seem to go well.  He has been giving her private after hour lessons at Dick's Sporting Goods range.  According to Fritz the Cat, they have been "practicing" quite frequently always with the heat turned way up.  Pudge told him it was because her swing felt too restrictive with too many clothes on.  Whatever works...

Dougie is in the planning stages for his 3rd Annual Road Trip tournament.  The last two years they have been played on mountain courses in VT.  The word is that he is eyeing some MA courses that are a little flatter.  The strongest rumor so far has it being played at the International course in Bolton MA from the Tiger tees over 8,000 yards long.  It doesn't matter where its played Dougie will be in the winners circle when its over.
The Pines Course At The International

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