Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drip Drip Drip

14th Hole as of Monday April 7th
With the snow on the course in neat little melting rows clear of the fairways and greens, The Big House has decided the time to start collecting some cash is now.  Mad Dog announced to The Gazette and it was confirmed by Tractorman, the course will open this Saturday the 12th.  There will 27 holes open to start.  So if the new old Commish gets his act together and arranges a tee time, the first Pot Game of 2014 will be on Saturday.  Chances are very strong however he will be a no show so whatever Pot Gamers do show up they will be on their own to create a format.

The endless winter has dragged on so long, Pot Gamers have been traveling out of state to play.  Last week Pudge and Otis headed to MA and TJ headed to CT.

You can tell its Spring time when:

Jay Esch playing 16th at Cypress Point
Jay Esch sends in pictures of his FL yard full of flowers or the places he has played golf this past winter.
Commish has to rescue the donkeys from ankle deep mud in their paddock.
Cheez endures the wrath from the "Sticks" for heading home to NH with the other "Snow Birds".
Tractorman gets ready to cut the diabolical pin placements that he has been dreaming up all winter.
Deacon polishes up his deck stories by telling them to other patients in the hospital when he gets his treatment.
Mad Dog uses his winter bowling injuries to miss the first Pot Games until his game rounds into shape.
Rama goes on 24 hour 7 day a week duty to keep the equipment held together with rubber bands and baling wire.
 Pudge's Red White & Blue Poster
Chuckster is asking for more hours in the Pro Shop so he can save enough money to pay his first half property tax bill on his new house.
Birdie breaks out his tee shirt collection and blue jeans to be ready for opening day.
Skrocki adjusts his work schedule so he can play golf during the day and work nights.
Chimney puts away his brushes and vacuums and cleans up his trusty putter.
Gretchen and Ginger put away their winter clothes in favor of shorts and bikinis much to the pleasure of Billy D and Pudge.
House waits in the parking lot to see if Commish will allow him to play in the Pot Game.
Bear makes his annual pilgrimage to The Masters to haul back hats, shirts and other gear for fellow Pot Gamers.


  1. You are correct...there will be no 'old' Commish sighting until the fckn white shit is gone

  2. Bear...you didn't get the message. Without Shithead playing, they have cancelled the Masters.
