Wednesday, February 4, 2015

He's Been Busy

Weeks ago a Pot Game legendary figure passed away after a long battle with the big "C".  He leaves a huge void especially in the social setting on the deck post round where he held court in his booming whisper voice while consuming a libation or three.  He went by Deacon.  When the Gazette tried to nickname him "Big Al", he sent a email to the editor saying his name was "Deacon"period....

This remembrance is long over due but trying to sum a such a complicated figure in a few paragraphs proved to be harder than we thought.  However a recent news event gave us inspiration to put words on paper (or Web page).  Tiger has chipping yips.  When we watched him on TV all we could think of was that somehow Deacon had convinced the "Man UpStairs" to bless Tiger with his chipping stroke.  The flubs, blades and chunks are all classic Deacon moves.  We are not sure how he did it but we are convinced he had a hand in Tiger (who he despised) getting the yips.

Deacon's lived a colorful life which gave him a endless supply of stories, all of which he was happy to share with Pot Gamers especially newbies.

Like the one about how he kicked a handcuffed suspect down a flight of stairs because he had spit at him and for several hours thought he had killed him.....

Like when he was a Bail Commissioner he sent a hippie to jail for the weekend because he didn't like the way he looked even though he had only J walked....

Like when he got mad when nobody signed up for his "Gold Game" tournament and he went down stairs and ripped up the sign up sheet swearing all the way....

Like when he borrowed some demo Titleist irons from Mad Dog and was still trying them out 12 years later....

Like when he cleared the deck of a young Mother and her children in less than 90 seconds when he boomed out a few F Bombs as he was settling in for a Mich Light....

Like when he would consume multiple Mich Lights then pop a half a packet of Listerine tabs into his mouth and head off to Saturday afternoon Mass to read some scripture....

Like when he would fret over who he should invite with the secret handshake to fill out the last couple of spots for his beloved Invitational....

And on and on he would go...

His answer to everything he liked was "That's Big".  Well Mr Al aka Deacon we all think you were "Big" and we will miss you.

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