Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bad Timing

The last day for Bretwood to be open was last Sunday.  Although the weatherman promised 50 degree temperatures he didn't deliver.  At 9:30am  the greens were still covered with snow and the temp hovered around freezing.  Deacon, Billy D (without his clubs), Tractorman, TJ (who did hit balls on the range) and Bear all showed up in hopes of playing. Bear was even equipped for play with brooms to swept off the greens if necessary but it never warmed up enough  to use them.  So after a few libations in the parking lot in full view of the man from the big house who circled around in his new truck a few times.  They all said goodbye and headed home to watch football.  By 11:30 everything had melted and the course was playable but no Pot Gamers were around.  So the longest Pot Game season on record ended in disappointment.

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