Monday, December 10, 2012

Your're Invited

The Deacon aka Captain America, Invitational Tournament Director, Trooper #1, One and half Lung, Richie Allen Hater, Don King Hair, Stair Kicker Downer, Putter Looper, Smooth Swinger, Former Bail Commissioner  invites all Pot Gamers (except Village People) to his Annual Chili Party at Yankee Lanes, 477 Park Ave, Keene, NH at 6pm this Wednesday December 12th. 

The Chili has been simmering for days to get the "just right" bite.  Homemade rolls lovingly kneaded by "The Man" himself will melt in your mouth.  Barbara lets The Deacon take all the credit but she is the real brains behind the operation buying all the ingredients, using her kitchen and has to feed Al beers while he is cooking.

Rules of the evening:
1. Be sure to waive at The Deacon when you come in unless he is on a roll of strikes, then don't make eye contact.
2. Thank Barbara and give her condolences for putting up with the Host for all these years.
3. Bring money to buy at least one Pitcher of Coors Light.
4. Stay clear of Chili Pot when Tractorman is filling his bowl which will happen numerous times during the evening.
5. Purge "Dumplings" from your vocabulary.  Last guy to describe rolls as "Dumplings" purged from Guest list for life.
6. When you leave be sure to Thank your host and hostess or you will be on the same list as the Village People in 2013.

Hope for an unsuspecting bowler to wandered over to the food table and start to help themselves and watch for Deacon to leap over the benches on the alleys and verbally light them up.  Well worth coming to watch.

Possible lost souls making an appearance this year: Sr Pro, Scotty-Steve.  Regulars who show Tractorman, Murt, Pudge, Billy D, Commish, Bear and Blue Tees.

1 comment:

  1. Shit...I can't make it! Can you change the date?
