Monday, August 19, 2013

Slowpoke and Firery

The Invitational Director Deacon announced on Saturday that Molasses Boy (Snail Boy for short) and Tractorman have been named Captains for 2013.  So if you are a very very deliberate (slow) player you should hope Molasses Boy picks you.  On the other hand if you on occasion fling a club or tomahawk your wedge into the turf, then Tractorman is your man.  Neither Captain teed it up this past weekend so both will going into their match a little rusty.  Texting or emailing your favorite Captain asking to be chosen is allowed under the Director's rules.  For the first time ever the Director will be sitting out the matches but he will be riding around in his cart making rulings and watching his creation unfold.  There are few non payees that the Director wants money from Jerry (Bill Mag) and D Mac.  There is one more delinquent but The Gazette can't remember who you are so turn yourself in to the Deacon as soon as possible.  You really don't want him to have to track you down.

The list of Invitees is as follows:
1. Andy Mac
2. Rama
3. Billy D
4. Skrocki
5. D Mac
6. Chimney
7. Jerry Maguire
8. House
9. Jay Esch
10. Joey M
11. Bear
12. TJ
13. Dougie
14. Sandy
15. Jordan K
16. Birdie
17. Cheez
18. Blue Tees (White Tee Slut)
19. Brad-Brian
20. Sports Reporter (Dave L)
21. YTHL (Younger Than He Looks or 99) Jay S
22. Penguin (Possible White Tee Slut)
23. Molasses Boy Captain
24. Tractorman Captain

The Pic'Em Party always the highlight of the Invitational will start promptly at 6pm on Friday at Sandy's house in East Swanzey.  If you don't know how to find it most people don't either so don't feel bad.  If you find a fire station turn up the drive to the right of it that has a giant golf ball mail box.  If you see a party going on you have arrived at the right place, if not get the hell out of there.

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