Monday, June 10, 2013

Against All Odds

With rain expected past the scheduled tee time of 7am only eight Pot Gamers showed up to play.  They were rewarded with clouds turning into bright blue skies and not a raindrop.  Mad Dog playing the "grandson duties" excuse ducked out of playing but did stick around long enough to create two teams, but not necessarily  balanced teams.

Team #1 Bear, Cheez, Billy D and Skooger had to face Team #2 Sandy, TJ, Birdie and Chimney (Dream Team).   Skooger fresh off his 95 (8 double bogey performance on Thursday) managed to shot a fine 39 on the front nine South along with Cheez's 37 to lead their team to +4  (3 BB) which was good enough to win the front.  Sandy's team with a +9 front roared back with a +4 back to defeat Bear's team who imploded to +12.  Skooger shot a team leading 77 responding to Cheez's compliments all the way around the course.  What were the odds of that happening? Who knew by being nice to him he would respond with his best score.

Low scores Sandy 76, Skooger 77 and TJ 79.  There were 3 skins worth $13 a piece (Sandy 2, Cheez 1).

With the monsoon season over twenty Pot Gamers showed including Coach of Maine and new guy Mike M.  Commish who had Swamp Bat duties and nurse mate duties to a sick horse was a no show again.

Mad Dog whipped out his calculator to figure out how many teams to create.  Team # 1 Captained by Cheez (really), Tractorman, Chimney and Fireman teed off first on the North Course.  Cheez was not a happy camper about being selected a Captain and voiced his displeasure to anyone who would listen.  The other teams inorder were as follows: Team #2 Skrocki, Joey M, Billy D and Rama; Team #3 Triple N, Mike M, Brett, Coach; Team #4 Bear, TJ, Bill M and Blue Tees; Team #5 Mad Dog, Bow Pete, Dr Dave and Deacon.

Bear's team ding-donging their way around the front nine of north shot an improbable +1 (3 BB) which gave them a 6 shot lead over the next team.  Triple N and Mad Dog went to the whip on the back nine to drive their teams to +4 scores, which was gave them a split of the one side of the Pot.
Bear's team despite slipping to +7 on the back had enough of a lead to hang on to total.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 72, Skrocki 74, Mad Dog 74, Bow Pete 76 and TJ 76. Seven players broke 80.  There were seven skins worth $14 a piece (Skrocki 3 (eagle on 18 with nine iron), Mad Dog 1, Fireman 1, Triple N 1, Mike M 1).  All the skins were on the back nine.

Mad Dog clipped Bear for $3 making YTD Mad Dog up $9 .

Cheez complained so much about being Captain that Chimney felt sorry for him and kept the card and posted the scores after which earned Cheez an X for shirking his duties.  Plus he never put back a pin all day.

Deacon came back after a week off to rest and didn't shot his best score but did find a way to win a piece of the Pot again.  If he could only put his magical winning Pot Game powers to use in the Invitational, he could finally be on a victorious team.

Rama was lost without his personal ATM House around to make his usual withdrawal.

Billy D has proven he is the most consistent golfer in the Pot Game as his scores never vary week to week.  He will shoot 82 to 85, bank on it.

Joey M saw his life flash before him on the 6th hole when TJ snapped hooked his tee shot on 5 and hit Joey's cart windshield square.  It did earn him a free beer on the deck for his troubles.

Bill Maquire shot his best round in a Pot Game 79 by rolling in all his five footers which helped propel his team to victory.

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