Saturday, June 29, 2013

Over The Border

Even though the Gazette is shut down for a few weeks, when news breaks we are on it.

The Little Bow Pete Archery shop is under investigation by both the Tobacco and Firearms unit and Drug Enforcement Agency. It seems Bow Pete has been shipping bows and arrows to a radical tribe of pigmies in Botswana. The type of arrows that can be fitted with poison tips. Drug Enforcement wants him for distribution of Deer Antler spray, not the wimpy kind VIjay Singh was taking but the kick ass kind which would take a low 80 shooter and make him into a low 70s shooter. It seems that several members of the Pot Game turned him in to authorities after he was beating them with his low scores and collecting all the Pot money. We interviewed one of the secret informants. "Everybody can get lucky once in a while but this has gone too far when I take him to a Pro Am and he out drives me and shots a lower score than me. I am the Pro that is not suppose to happen. I had to do the right thing. Plus Birdie told me he voted for Obama so he deserves what ever is coming to him."

Run to Gino's as fast as you can because it is being replaced by Duncan Donuts later this summer. Can you picture Sr Pro sitting at the counter sipping on a latte instead of his 6th Coors Light. What is this world coming to...

That's all for now.

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