Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Inside Scoop

The new TaylorMade R1 Black driver has made its way into the bags of Fireman and Billy D. The bottom of the club looking like a compass was glued onto it.  Both players have it toed in (closed) at least 2 degrees to ensure as Billy D likes to say "I will never cut this driver".  Reports are both are still cutting it a little bit.

Cheez has convinced all the Mid-Week Pot Gamers to stay on Villagers time which means they don't tee off until sometime after 8am.  It will stay that way according to the "Want To Be Commissioner" Cheez until July 1st , when they will arise early to tee off at 7:45am.

Gazette will be on a news Black-Out until July 15th.  Editor will be away for the next three weeks.  Any cub reporters who would like to send in some news we will try to get it online.

Loy continues to show up for Pot Games hoping to match cards with Commish but every week is disappointed.  Loy does keep busy though having to fend off House from stealing his cigarettes on the deck.

When Pudge is one of the youngest players in the Pot Game you know the group is not doing enough recruiting of fresh young talent.  The youngters probably haven't been asked to play in the group, but even if they had unless their politics are right of Attila the Hun, have thick skins to protect them from the verbal barbs and f bombs and can tune out constant complaining about format, unfair teams, playing the ball down, etc., they probably would not fit in.  So we are faced with the graying of the Pot Game stocked with players who can't remember names, can't see where their ball went, don't know what their yardage is because they forget to charge their SkyCaddie's the night before and can't remember which way their putt breaks even though they had the same putt yesterday.

Monday is the annual NHPGA Pro Am Senior played at Pheasant Ridge.  Pudge is bringing Commish, Billy D and Fireman to do battle against Mad Dog, Triple N, Bow Pete and Cheez.  The winners usually go to eat at Longhorn and the losers stop at the McDonalds drive thru.  Who do think will take the title this year?

Friday June 21st will be the first official day of summer, which means after that the days get shorter and winter and snow are just around the corner...  

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