Dougie decided to invite a few Pot Gamers for a golf adventure away from Bretwood. He got the idea when his wife presented with some two for one coupons she got as a gift to Green Mtn. National in Killington VT. The night before the tournament, Dougie took a closer look at the coupons. They were for green fees only, no carts and only one could be redeemed one at a time, so basically not worth much. He invited a total of 12 players and he hand picked the teams with fairness in mind with a slight slant toward stacked. Sandy, Dougie and Hagen drove the cars with 11 players and one opted to drive alone so he could smoke and get into the zone on the way up. So 11 players arrived in plenty of time for their 10am tee time and one didn't. Mad Dog called up the loner to find out where he was with 10 minutes to go. He was 10 miles away and confused. But as the first group was teeing off, he did arrive. If you guessed Deacon who was late you would be correct.
The first group was Bear, Chuckie, Hagen and Lenny. They set a record for an away game in 3 BB with +40. They were +19 on the front and +21 on the back. Their lowest score was 86 followed by 87, 89 and 92. It was not pretty to watch, but they did have fun despite the struggles because they were in first and were able to consume the most beers. Bear on the 13th hole finally hit a golf shot and had a 2 foot birdie putt. Lenny in a Cheez like coma stepped on his coin while he was tapping in his own putt. It didn't move it but he was oblivious that he had even done it. If that wasn't bad enough on the very next hole he stepped in Bear's line again. So Bear told him he was like a "little Cheez". When the story got retold several times in the clubhouse, Fireman chimed in with "A little Cheez in VT is called Cabot". So from now on Lenny will known as Cabot.
The second group Sandy. Bow Pete, Billy D and Fireman fared much better with a +9 front but slipped to a +16 back but did share the lead on the front for a half of one side. Their scores were 78, 81, 85 and 93.
The "stacked team" hand picked by the host was Mad Dog, Birdie, Dougie and Lone Wolf Deacon. He did the teams by handicap but then did a little shuffle as to who was hot and who was not. He confessed in the car on the ride up as to how he did it. They were +9 on the front and +10 on the back to sweep 2.5 sides. Plus they won the bar tab as well. Their scores ranged from 79, 80, 84 and 89.
But the real story of the day was Deacon with a over/under hanging over his head of 86 and 9 players betting the over shot 84. The lone player who bet the under was Mad Dog, who may have coached him a little inorder to secure his wager. The bookie did make a killing of $8 when Deacon came in under.
After a little ice cream on the way home the memories of shanks and hooks into woods faded away. A good time was had by all.
Mad Dog despite beating Bear by 7 shots was only able to take $6 from him. So YTD Mad Dog up $19.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Free At Last
The Gazette is once again able to be published after almost two weeks in hibernation mode after Cheez filed a restraining order asking for it to be shut down because it had employed a liberal reporter (Birdie), who he thought brought a left wing slant to the news.
He was granted a temporary restraining order. However once the Superior Court heard the facts, the judge threw out the case and gave a reprimand to Cheez to stop interfering in the freedom of the press and trying manipulate his fellow Pot Gamers to look at the world through his right wing agenda.
So the back log of stories from the last two weeks will be coming soon.
He was granted a temporary restraining order. However once the Superior Court heard the facts, the judge threw out the case and gave a reprimand to Cheez to stop interfering in the freedom of the press and trying manipulate his fellow Pot Gamers to look at the world through his right wing agenda.
So the back log of stories from the last two weeks will be coming soon.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Steamy Sunday
Under hot steamy skies, 16 Pot Gamers teed it up to play 3 BB on the North course. Crack reporter Birdie turned his report into the editor at 3:59pm just under the 4pm deadline for today's edition.
Sandy captained the team of Skrocki, Lenny and Rama and jumped out to a good start on the front with a solid +2 to win a side. Rama cashes again even though he personally shot double snowman, but must of had his good luck rub off on the rest of his team who all shot in the 70s. Mini with the team of Birdie, Chimney and the ever twitchy House led his team to -2 on the back with the help of Chimney's 76 from the C spot. Their total of +2 was also good for another side. Triple N had Commish, Dougie and Mark H and three of them shot in the 70s but came away with a free drink and nothing else. Cheez with his pockets full of money from yesterday couldn't find enough purpose even with a good captain in Jay Esh to cash in today. Deacon has decided 80 is his new average score instead of 85, must be his improved chipping. Low scores of the day were Mini 68, Triple N and Skrocki 73. There were 4 skins worth $20 a piece by Chimney 1(chip-in), Skrocki 1, Sandy 1 and Mini 1.
Sandy captained the team of Skrocki, Lenny and Rama and jumped out to a good start on the front with a solid +2 to win a side. Rama cashes again even though he personally shot double snowman, but must of had his good luck rub off on the rest of his team who all shot in the 70s. Mini with the team of Birdie, Chimney and the ever twitchy House led his team to -2 on the back with the help of Chimney's 76 from the C spot. Their total of +2 was also good for another side. Triple N had Commish, Dougie and Mark H and three of them shot in the 70s but came away with a free drink and nothing else. Cheez with his pockets full of money from yesterday couldn't find enough purpose even with a good captain in Jay Esh to cash in today. Deacon has decided 80 is his new average score instead of 85, must be his improved chipping. Low scores of the day were Mini 68, Triple N and Skrocki 73. There were 4 skins worth $20 a piece by Chimney 1(chip-in), Skrocki 1, Sandy 1 and Mini 1.
Not Quota Again
With the uneven number of 17 Pot Gamers, quota was the only choice for a format although not the most popular choice on Saturday. Commish had a very creative format all planned but it had to be scrapped with a mixture of threesomes and foursomes. Cheez who hates quota, captained 40, Deacon and Rama and lead them to a unbelievable +15 (scorecard had to be checked twice) on the front which blew away Skrocki's team which thought they had it wrapped up with +12.5 on the front. Cheez's team easily won the total with +21 and his whole team immediately went under handicap investigation by the Commish. The back was won by Bear's team (Commish and Skooger) with a respectable +7.5. Low scores of the day were turned in by Skrocki 70, Bear 74, Bill M and Bow Pete 76. A total of 11 players broke 80 and nobody was in the 90s. There were 5 skins worth $15 a piece Bear 2, Deacon 1, Mad Dog 1, Commish 1. Bear was able to pry $3 from Mad Dog which makes the YTD total Mad Dog up $13.
Chimney was first to arrive at the club and did sign in and despite all that he was left off the initial roster of teams but found a home on Skrocki's team. Cheez reaches in his pocket for the $40 his team paid him for the pot but only comes up with $30. So a frantic search ensues looking for the missing money, only to have Deacon emerge saying he hadn't paid the Cheez yet. (Cheez the gift that keeps on giving, what would we do without him). Birdie must have had a hot date after the Pot Game because he was decked out in a collared shirt instead of his usual tee shirt. Rama continues his fine play with a strong 78 out of the D slot on Cheez's team. Commish also has hit his stride as he shots a smooth 78 even with a bogey bogey finish.
Chimney was first to arrive at the club and did sign in and despite all that he was left off the initial roster of teams but found a home on Skrocki's team. Cheez reaches in his pocket for the $40 his team paid him for the pot but only comes up with $30. So a frantic search ensues looking for the missing money, only to have Deacon emerge saying he hadn't paid the Cheez yet. (Cheez the gift that keeps on giving, what would we do without him). Birdie must have had a hot date after the Pot Game because he was decked out in a collared shirt instead of his usual tee shirt. Rama continues his fine play with a strong 78 out of the D slot on Cheez's team. Commish also has hit his stride as he shots a smooth 78 even with a bogey bogey finish.
Life Away From Pot Game
Timing is everything, so when my golf game disintegrated into a series chunk shots and hooks, I looked forward to a break from the Pot Game. Our house has been a construction site for many weeks from a bathroom repair, so with family coming for the July 4th break Ann and I needed a good solid week to put house back together and clear the inch of dust from every surface. We had a wonderful 4th of July with both boys and their wife, girlfriend and grandson. After Andy and Mikala departed for business trips, Ann and I (mostly Ann) got to have our 17 month old grandson all to our selves for 5 days. We all had a great time as he was a pleasure and brought back a lot of memories when both our boys were that age. Andy arrived back on Friday and the two of them departed early this morning for home in SC. While I have been away from the Pot Game and having lots of family time it will be fun to get back to hear the moaning and groaning of Cheez, to hear Rama let loose a "Sons of Beetches", Commish give his WTF look to someone on the deck, collect a few of my dollars back from Mad Dog, listen to Deacon spin one of his many tales from yesteryear, play with Skooger for 10th time in a row, watch Skrocki win another Pot, have Birdie just get to play golf without having to be a reporter too and see which Tractorman shows up the 70s shooter or the 80s shooter.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Updated Hole-In-One Pool
Monday, July 9, 2012
Reporting In
Crack reporter Birdie was on top of all the action from this past weekend. The following are the reports he turned into the editor.
Threatening skies must have held back a few Pot Gamers as only 16 player showed up on Saturday. Four teams of four headed out to the North course for a little 3 BB. Bionic Joey M rallied his team of Little Bow Pete, Birdie and Chimney for a +7 front which was good enough for the victory and 1/3 of the Pot. Pudge's team (Dougie, Penguin and Rama) 5 out of the lead on the front steamrolled over all the other teams on the back with a -2 to take total as well with +10. Low scores of the day were Pudge 72, Skrocki 75, and Little Bow Pete 77. Only four players broke 80. The ever streaky Cheez melted down and shot double snowmen 88, he was the high man on his all 80 shooters team.
Sunday under sunny skies looked like it could be a big turnout but no only 16 players teed it up on South. Mad Dog had the teams sketched out and was almost ready to go with himself as one of the Captains when one the Pot Gamers noticed that Cheez still in a funk from shooting 88 the day before was on the putting green even though he never called in or signed in. So Mad Dog took himself out and despite Cheez violating all the rules he was allowed to play. Sandy's team of Commish, Birdie and Rama roared out to a +1 3 BB on the front and a respectable +3 on the back which gave them 1.5 sides of front and 1/2 total. Otis with 40, Lenny and Blue Tees won the back with an awesome score of -5 and tied total with +4 netting 1.5 sides. There were 8 players under 80 with the best being Otis 70 (wonder if he posted), Sandy 74 and Birdie, Chimney and Skrocki 76. Deacon having attended the Skrocki chipping school shot a smooth 79. Cheez boasted he had improved his score by 11 shots from Saturday (88 vs 77), however that wasn't the best turn around it only tied it with Chimney 87 to 76.
There were 7 skins worth $11 a piece by Fireman, Sandy, Penguin, Lenny, Chimney, Skrocki and Red Dunn (eagle on 18).
Threatening skies must have held back a few Pot Gamers as only 16 player showed up on Saturday. Four teams of four headed out to the North course for a little 3 BB. Bionic Joey M rallied his team of Little Bow Pete, Birdie and Chimney for a +7 front which was good enough for the victory and 1/3 of the Pot. Pudge's team (Dougie, Penguin and Rama) 5 out of the lead on the front steamrolled over all the other teams on the back with a -2 to take total as well with +10. Low scores of the day were Pudge 72, Skrocki 75, and Little Bow Pete 77. Only four players broke 80. The ever streaky Cheez melted down and shot double snowmen 88, he was the high man on his all 80 shooters team.
Sunday under sunny skies looked like it could be a big turnout but no only 16 players teed it up on South. Mad Dog had the teams sketched out and was almost ready to go with himself as one of the Captains when one the Pot Gamers noticed that Cheez still in a funk from shooting 88 the day before was on the putting green even though he never called in or signed in. So Mad Dog took himself out and despite Cheez violating all the rules he was allowed to play. Sandy's team of Commish, Birdie and Rama roared out to a +1 3 BB on the front and a respectable +3 on the back which gave them 1.5 sides of front and 1/2 total. Otis with 40, Lenny and Blue Tees won the back with an awesome score of -5 and tied total with +4 netting 1.5 sides. There were 8 players under 80 with the best being Otis 70 (wonder if he posted), Sandy 74 and Birdie, Chimney and Skrocki 76. Deacon having attended the Skrocki chipping school shot a smooth 79. Cheez boasted he had improved his score by 11 shots from Saturday (88 vs 77), however that wasn't the best turn around it only tied it with Chimney 87 to 76.
There were 7 skins worth $11 a piece by Fireman, Sandy, Penguin, Lenny, Chimney, Skrocki and Red Dunn (eagle on 18).
Friday, July 6, 2012
2012 Moller Open
Bear and sons played their annual Moller Open on Thursday on the North course at Bretwood. Andy the two time reigning Champ 2010 & 2011 came up from SC, Jed drove up from Newton, MA and Bear came in from Hancock. It was a toss up between Andy and Jed as to who was favored, but it was clear who was not, Bear still mired in a slump. Under the watchful eye of Mad Dog all three players hit their drives on the first tee. Bear went into the right trees (Fireman's favorite spot), Andy had only 130 yds from the middle of the fairway and Jed only 110 from the right rough. Both Boys knocked it on the green, Bear needed three to get on. After one it was Andy -1, Jed even, Bear +1. Jed took the lead on the 5th hole and never looked back. He was three up over Bear and six up over Andy at the turn. Although Bear found a little game on the back and closed to within one stroke with three holes to play Jed proved to be too tough and shot a smooth 76 to win by two over Bear's 78. Andy a victim of the "Bretwood Break" on the greens had two rough holes which took him out of it half way through the back nine. A good time was had by all and they look forward to the 2013 battle at a site to be determined.
They did invite a Swede to play with them about 8 years ago and he stole the show by shooting a 68 so he has never been invited back.
Jed 2012 Champ Andy 2010 & 2011 Champ |
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Happy 4th Of July
To all Pot Gamers and their families on behalf of the Gazette Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the day whether it be playing golf, having a barbecue, drinking a few brews, water skiing (Otis, Deacon hasn't forgotten), going to watch fireworks or just relaxing around the house.
Weekend Recap
Based on Pudge's schedule and the 4th falling on Wednesday, Saturday became the "White, Blue, Red" Tournament on the South course. Twenty Three players gathered to play quota with one threesome and five foursomes. This format usually has the sandbaggers rise to the top and surprise surprise look who won, Otis's team. The team of Otis, Cheez, Deacon and Chimney shot +13 on the front but blistered the back with +26 to go +39 overall, which was good for 2/3 of the pot for back and total. Sandy captained Little Bow Pete, Skooger and Blue Tees and they jumped out to a stunning +25.5 on the front for a 1/3 of the pot but wilted on the back with +7.5. The other teams with players that had true handicaps were all between +11 to +24 overall, great scores but well short of the +30s necessary to win. There were only four skins worth $25 a piece. Deacon #1 Eagle, Cheez #10 Eagle, Sandy #16 & #17 Birdies. Low scores of the day belonged to Sandy 70, Otis 71, Triple N 71 and Bill M 72. Fourteen players broke 80. This report was brought to you by the Gazette's on the course (live) reporter Pudge. The Cub Reporter evidently skipped out on his duties and left before filing his report.
Rarer these days than the looney bird is a Roy Boy sighting. Sunday Danny Roy the Mixologist himself made an appearance (does his girlfriend know). Sixteen players played 3 BB on the North course. Captain Skrocki with Little Bow Pete, Mixologist, and Chimney were +1 on the front and +8 total to take 2/3 of the pot. Captain Pudge after going to the whip hard starting at the 10th hole brought his team (Dougie, Birdie and Deacon) in with -3 on the back taking 1/3 on the pot. Five of the sixteen players broke 80 lead by Pudge 73, Skrocki 75, Little Bow Pete 75. Five players divided up 8 skins worth $10 a piece, Bow Pete 2, Pudge 2, Birdie 2, Skrocki 1 and Fireman 1. This report was brought to you by Birdie an experienced scribe and 2012 winner of the Battle At Beav/Bretwood
Rarer these days than the looney bird is a Roy Boy sighting. Sunday Danny Roy the Mixologist himself made an appearance (does his girlfriend know). Sixteen players played 3 BB on the North course. Captain Skrocki with Little Bow Pete, Mixologist, and Chimney were +1 on the front and +8 total to take 2/3 of the pot. Captain Pudge after going to the whip hard starting at the 10th hole brought his team (Dougie, Birdie and Deacon) in with -3 on the back taking 1/3 on the pot. Five of the sixteen players broke 80 lead by Pudge 73, Skrocki 75, Little Bow Pete 75. Five players divided up 8 skins worth $10 a piece, Bow Pete 2, Pudge 2, Birdie 2, Skrocki 1 and Fireman 1. This report was brought to you by Birdie an experienced scribe and 2012 winner of the Battle At Beav/Bretwood
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