Sunday, July 15, 2012

Steamy Sunday

Under hot steamy skies, 16 Pot Gamers teed it up to play 3 BB on the North course.  Crack reporter Birdie turned his report into the editor at 3:59pm just under the 4pm deadline for today's edition.
Sandy captained the team of Skrocki, Lenny and Rama and jumped out to a good start on the front with a solid +2 to win a side.  Rama cashes again even though he personally shot double snowman, but must of had his good luck rub off on the rest of his team who all shot in the 70s.  Mini with the team of Birdie, Chimney and the ever twitchy House led his team to -2 on the back with the help of Chimney's 76 from the C spot.  Their total of +2 was also good for another side.  Triple N had Commish, Dougie and Mark H and three of them shot in the 70s but came away with a free drink and nothing else. Cheez with his pockets full of money from yesterday couldn't find enough purpose even with a good captain in Jay Esh to cash in today.  Deacon has decided 80 is his new average score instead of 85, must be his improved chipping.  Low scores of the day were Mini 68, Triple N and Skrocki 73.  There were 4 skins worth $20 a piece by Chimney 1(chip-in), Skrocki 1, Sandy 1 and Mini 1.

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