Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dougie Invitational

Dougie decided to invite a few Pot Gamers for a golf adventure away from Bretwood.  He got the idea when his wife presented with some two for one coupons she got as a gift to Green Mtn. National in Killington VT.  The night before the tournament, Dougie took a closer look at the coupons.  They were for green fees only, no carts and only one could be redeemed one at a time, so basically not worth much.  He invited a total of 12 players and he hand picked the teams with fairness in mind with a slight slant toward stacked.  Sandy, Dougie and Hagen drove the cars with 11 players and one opted to drive alone so he could smoke and get into the zone on the way up.  So 11 players arrived in plenty of time for their 10am tee time and one didn't.  Mad Dog called up the loner to find out where he was with 10 minutes to go.  He was 10 miles away and confused.  But as the first group was teeing off, he did arrive.  If you guessed Deacon who was late you would be correct.

The first group was Bear, Chuckie, Hagen and Lenny.  They set a record for an away game in 3 BB with +40.  They were +19 on the front and +21 on the back.  Their lowest score was 86 followed by 87, 89 and 92.  It was not pretty to watch, but they did have fun despite the struggles because they were in first and were able to consume the most beers.  Bear on the 13th hole finally hit a golf shot and had a 2 foot birdie putt.  Lenny in a Cheez like coma stepped on his coin while he was tapping in his own putt.  It didn't move it but he was oblivious that he had even done it.  If that wasn't bad enough on the very next hole he stepped in Bear's line again.  So Bear told him he was like a "little Cheez".  When the story got retold several times in the clubhouse, Fireman chimed in with "A little Cheez in VT is called Cabot".  So from now on Lenny will known as Cabot.

The second group Sandy. Bow Pete, Billy D and Fireman fared much better with a +9 front but slipped to a +16 back but did share the lead on the front for a half of one side.  Their scores were 78, 81, 85 and 93.

The "stacked team" hand picked by the host was Mad Dog, Birdie, Dougie and Lone Wolf Deacon.  He did the teams by handicap but then did a little shuffle as to who was hot and who was not.  He confessed in the car on the ride up as to how he did it.  They were +9 on the front and +10 on the back to sweep 2.5 sides.  Plus they won the bar tab as well.  Their scores ranged from 79, 80, 84 and 89.

But the real story of the day was Deacon with a over/under hanging over his head of 86 and 9 players betting the over shot 84.  The lone player who bet the under was Mad Dog, who may have coached him a little inorder to secure his wager.  The bookie did make a killing of $8 when Deacon came in under.

After a little ice cream on the way home the memories of shanks and hooks into woods faded away.  A good time was had by all.

Mad Dog despite beating Bear by 7 shots was only able to take $6 from him.  So YTD Mad Dog up $19.

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