Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekend Recap

Based on Pudge's schedule and the 4th falling on Wednesday, Saturday became the "White, Blue, Red" Tournament on the South course.  Twenty Three players gathered to play quota with one threesome and five foursomes.  This format usually has the sandbaggers rise to the top and surprise surprise look who won, Otis's team.  The team of Otis, Cheez, Deacon and Chimney shot +13 on the front but blistered the back with +26 to go +39 overall, which was good for 2/3 of the pot for back and total.  Sandy captained Little Bow Pete, Skooger and Blue Tees and they jumped out to a stunning +25.5 on the front for a 1/3 of the pot but wilted on the back with +7.5.  The other teams with players that had true handicaps were all between +11 to +24 overall, great scores but well short of the +30s necessary to win.  There were only four skins worth $25 a piece. Deacon #1 Eagle, Cheez #10 Eagle, Sandy #16 & #17 Birdies.  Low scores of the day belonged to Sandy 70, Otis 71, Triple N 71 and Bill M 72.  Fourteen players broke 80.  This report was brought to you by the Gazette's on the course (live) reporter Pudge.  The Cub Reporter evidently skipped out on his duties and left before filing his report.

Rarer these days than the looney bird is a Roy Boy sighting.  Sunday Danny Roy the Mixologist himself made an appearance (does his girlfriend know).  Sixteen players played 3 BB on the North course.  Captain Skrocki with Little Bow Pete, Mixologist, and Chimney were +1 on the front and +8 total to take 2/3 of the pot.  Captain Pudge after going to the whip hard starting at the 10th hole brought his team (Dougie, Birdie and Deacon) in with -3 on the back taking 1/3 on the pot.  Five of the sixteen players broke 80 lead by Pudge 73, Skrocki 75, Little Bow Pete 75.  Five players divided up 8 skins worth $10 a piece,  Bow Pete 2, Pudge 2, Birdie 2, Skrocki 1 and Fireman 1.  This report was brought to you by Birdie an experienced scribe and 2012 winner of the Battle At Beav/Bretwood


  1. How can a report not include a score of 99? Only saved triple figures with a clutch par on 18.
    Any guesses who that might have been?
    Hint: He shot 77 Sat in the R W B
    Hint: It was not Loy

    1. Answer: There made of sticks, hay or bricks?
