Monday, July 9, 2012

Reporting In

Crack reporter Birdie was on top of all the action from this past weekend.  The following are the reports he turned into the editor.

Threatening skies must have held back a few Pot Gamers as only 16 player showed up on Saturday.  Four teams of four headed out to the North course for a little 3 BB.  Bionic Joey M rallied his team of Little Bow Pete, Birdie and Chimney for a +7 front which was good enough for the victory and 1/3 of the Pot.  Pudge's team (Dougie, Penguin and Rama) 5 out of the lead on the front steamrolled over all the other teams on the back with a -2 to take total as well with +10.  Low scores of the day were Pudge 72, Skrocki 75, and Little Bow Pete 77.  Only four players broke 80.  The ever streaky Cheez melted down and shot double snowmen 88, he was the high man on his all 80 shooters team.

Sunday under sunny skies looked like it could be a big turnout but no only 16 players teed it up on South.  Mad Dog had the teams sketched out and was almost ready to go with himself as one of the Captains when one the Pot Gamers noticed that Cheez still in a funk from shooting 88 the day before was on the putting green even though he never called in or signed in.  So Mad Dog took himself out and despite Cheez violating all the rules he was allowed to play.  Sandy's team of Commish, Birdie and Rama roared out to a +1 3 BB on the front and a respectable +3 on the back which gave them 1.5 sides of front and 1/2 total.  Otis with 40, Lenny and Blue Tees won the back with an awesome score of -5 and tied total with +4 netting 1.5 sides.  There were 8 players under 80 with the best being Otis 70 (wonder if he posted), Sandy 74 and Birdie, Chimney and Skrocki 76.  Deacon having attended the Skrocki chipping school shot a smooth 79. Cheez boasted he had improved his score by 11 shots from Saturday (88 vs 77), however that wasn't the best turn around it only tied it with Chimney 87 to 76.
There were 7 skins worth $11 a piece by Fireman, Sandy, Penguin, Lenny, Chimney, Skrocki and Red Dunn (eagle on 18).

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