Sunday, July 15, 2012

Life Away From Pot Game

Timing is everything, so when my golf game disintegrated into a series chunk shots and hooks, I looked forward to a break from the Pot Game.  Our house has been a construction site for many weeks from a bathroom repair, so with family coming for the July 4th break Ann and I needed a good solid week to put house back together and clear the inch of dust from every surface.  We had a wonderful 4th of July with both boys and their wife, girlfriend and grandson.  After Andy and Mikala departed for business trips, Ann and I (mostly Ann) got to have our 17 month old grandson all to our selves for 5 days.  We all had a great time as he was a pleasure and brought back a lot of memories when both our boys were that age.  Andy arrived back on Friday and the two of them departed early this morning for home in SC.  While I have been away from the Pot Game and having lots of family time it will be fun to get back to hear the moaning and groaning of Cheez, to hear Rama let loose a "Sons of Beetches", Commish give his WTF look to someone on the deck, collect a few of my dollars back from Mad Dog, listen to Deacon spin one of his many tales from yesteryear, play with Skooger for 10th time in a row, watch Skrocki win another Pot, have Birdie just get to play golf without having to be a reporter too and see which Tractorman shows up the 70s shooter or the 80s shooter.

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