Monday, October 29, 2012

It's A Miracle

Eleven Pot Gamers drove through the fog on Saturday to play some golf before the storm of the century moved in this coming week. With an odd number of players they struggled to make fair teams. Mad Dog would make 12 but he said he couldn't play because he had too much to do. But with a little cajoling he decided to join in. But he insisted he was a C player with his self appointed 8 handicap because of impaired vision.

Team # 1 Captained by Triple N included Birdie, Joey M and Skooger. Team # 2 Captained by Bear included with Dougie, Billy D and Fireman. Team #3 Captained by Tractorman included Skrocki, Mad Dog and Chimney was without a doubt the dream team to watch out for.

On the front nine Triple N's team edged out Bear's team by one +6 to +7 (3BB) with Tractorman way back at + 13. But the back nine was a different story. Bear's team faded away with +11 but Tractorman's team roared back with a +3 to edge out Triple N's +5. So Triple N's team got 2 sides and Tractorman's team got 1. Bear's team got a $20 beer.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 74, Mad Dog 76, Joey M 77 and Dougie 79. There were 7 skins worth $8 a piece (Joey M 2, Tractorman 1, Bear 1, Birdie 1, Billy D 1 and Dougie 1)

For the last several weeks Bear has been ridiculed for continuing to play Mad Dog in their Dollar A Hole match because of his impaired vision. But Saturday Mad Dog clipped Bear for $4 which made the YTD total Mad Dog up $10. So either there was a miraculous recovery of Mad Dog's vision or he has adapted to not seeing the right side of the golf ball. Deacon upon hearing the news has already submitted Mad Dog's vision recovery to Catholic Church for an official "Miracle".

Deacon was a no show on Saturday after getting a nose bleed so bad he had to go to the Emergency room to have it stopped. He will be back playing when he can figure out how to breath with his nose packed full of cotton and still be able to smoke.

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