Friday, November 2, 2012

Down Goes Bambi

With a healthy number of Pot Gamers turning to hunting this time of year the Gazette is more like Outdoor Life Magazine than a golf blog.  The Great White Hunter's Sherpa TJ,  headed out to Obama Country to try his luck at getting a liberal white tail and to go deer hunting.  After walking the woods for days with no luck and being completely bored he decided to bring his driver along with a dozen balls to get a little practice in before 9 at 9 on Thanksgiving.  He set up a make shift range next to a big clearing not too far from his stand.  The first couple he hit were pure high fades just like Pudge taught him.  But the next few were the biggest snap hooks you ever saw.  Meanwhile his hunting companion was pushing a big buck toward the clearing, knowing TJ was suppose to be in his stand on alert.  As the buck approached the clearing it stuck its head around a big pine just as a Titleist Pro V going at laser speed from a duck hook off TJ's driver hit him right between the eyes.  The little Sherba bagged his trophy without ever firing a shot.  (notice in the picture there is no blood) 
Sherpa TJ & Bambi


  1. He's never hit a fade with his driver. Congrats on bambi.

  2. If you can carry your trophy out under one arm you probably shouldnt be taking pictures--gives hunting a bad name.
