Saturday, November 3, 2012

Notes From The Editors Desk

Cheez becomes a Villager snob when he arrives in Florida and stops all contact with his Pot Gamer friends in NH.  You would think when his only tasks every day are to play golf, eat lunch, take a nap, take a shower and get dressed for a cocktail party, he could find time to send an email or text. 

Commish has no time for golf despite the cold temps, because Mrs Commish has him caring full time for all her orphaned or abused animals she is collecting.   The latest are a horse and pony.  At last count he has 2 horses, 6 alpacas, 2 donkeys, 13 rabbits and a goat in the main barn.  The other building has 2 sheep, 2 alpacas, 2 turkeys, 2 rabbits and 13 non laying chickens.  That makes 29 water or feeding stations that have to be filled twice a day every day.  So you would think it would mean plenty of protein in his diet but no, they eat but he doesn't get to eat them.  Yikes.

Deacon entertained all the kids in the neighborhood on Halloween when he dressed up as a vampire while he passed out candy.  He stood in the doorway and when the little goblins would reach for the bowl of candy, he would pull out the cotton balls out of his nose and streams of blood would come pouring out.  What a guy, anything for the kids.

Chuckie wasting no time has already begun interviewing barmaids for his new Men's Locker Room Lounge.   By the looks of things his recruiting seems to be going well.  Who knew they would be wearing bikinis to serve the thirsty members.


Birdie had to hire a carpenter to reenforce the wall over his fireplace in his living-room because Bullwinkle's stuff head is coming in a few weeks.  Not sure if having Bullwinkle staring down at you is the best wall decoration, but to each his own.  Wonder what Mrs Birdie thinks?

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