T-Day Pot Gamers minus Brad-Brian & Deacon Photo By Triple N (on one leg) |
The Commish |
Gathering In Parking Lot |
This years 9 at 9 on Thanksgiving morning was the best yet. 16 Players showed, first to enjoy a few beverages in the parking lot and then to do battle on a bright sunny day. Trunks flew open and an assortment of nips, bailey/coffee, beers all came out for a little pregame warmup. Because of minimal frost we were able to tee off at 9:40. When noses where counted there were originally 15 players, so three teams of 5 were chosen on the first tee of North. But just after the first team teed off Brad-Brian showed up wanting to play, thinking we were playing at 10am. So Pudge dispatched Brad-Brian, Rama and Skrocki to join the first team of Otis, Mini, Tractorman, Blue Tees and Luke. So two teams it would be with 8 on a team, which is what Pudge had hoped for all along. Team Two was loaded with Pudge, Eric The Red, Jed, Jason (married Commish's niece, Friend of Jed's, Golf Pro, knew Eric and went to school with Luke), Bear, Deacon, Billy D and Commish. They played 10 holes on the North (1,2, 3 Original 14 (4th tee to 10th green), 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18). All the way around Pudge was feeling guilty for having created uneven teams, his being the stronger with 3 Pros and two very low handicappers. But the mystery of the Pot Game was at work and naturally Team 1 won in a cake walk with a score of +12 for 6 best balls to +19 for Team 2. A seven shot margin that so astounded Pudge that when Bear asked him if Commish had left his money before he ran off for Turkey, Pudge said "Don't bother collecting the money, we're good". To which Bear replied "I'm collecting our team's money because we lost". "What...How did that happen" was Pudge's reply. The smiling Team 1 members just waited for their $10 a man to be placed into their hands.
To say the weather was perfect would be an understatement. True to form, Deacon was late to the tee, Commish dressed like he was headed to the barn to feed his animals at 20 below zero including shit on his shoes, Otis told his wife he would go to the grocery store for her (failed to mention about playing golf), Jed drove in from MA, Luke dumped his kids off with Mrs Mad Dog, Brad-Brian pledged to join Bretwood next year and be a Pot Gamer again, Blue Tees had a thermos of his secret concoction, Billy D's back was shaky but held up, Pudge had a big smile as he saw car after car pull in the parking lot, Skooger and Coach both showed to wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving even though they didn't play and everyone enjoyed the golf, the libations and the camaraderie. It was a very Happy Thanksgiving. It will be hard for Pudge to top this year's 9 at 9 but we will have to see what he comes up with.
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