Saturday, November 3, 2012

Only The Fool Hardy Showed

With the temperature in the low 40s and wind blowing strong out of the north only 6 Pot Gamers showed up on Saturday.  Chuckie made up two teams.  Team 1 Mad Dog back at Captain with Billy D and Deacon.  Team 2 was Bear, Tractorman and Rama Yama. 

Mad Dog coming out of retirement from golf for the 8th time in a month discovered a new method of putting on the practice green.  He watched his putter go back and through instead of watching the back of the ball.  As he was rolling 12 footer after 12 footer into the cup he thought he had discovered the "secret" to low scoring.  Of course his new theory goes against every putting convention ever taught.  The Golf Gods don't like people who mess around with convention.  You guessed it, he made nothing on the course until the last hole.  End of that theory..  Deacon being down a few quarts of blood from last week when his bloody nose refused to stop dripping, showed up with mortared nostrils and cotton balls as a backup precaution.  Of course the Doctor told him don't play golf, bend over or drink any alcohol.  And he proceeded to violate all three but did survive all 18 holes.  Billy D with cranky back warmed by a heat wrap lasted about 4 holes before his back locked up in the cold windy conditions. 

Bear's team played like it was a balmy 50 degrees with no wind as they cruised to a sweep of all sides with a +2 front +3 back +5 overall.  Mad Dog's wounded warriors went +7 front +15 back for a grand total of +22.  Rama played steady with drives long and straight with clutch putts rolling in to go with Tractorman's solid all around play in terrible windy conditions.

Low scores of the day were Bear 73, Tractorman 79 and Rama 83.  In other words, Rama beat all of Mad Dog's team score by himself.  There were 7 skins worth $4 a piece.  Tractorman 2, Deacon 2, Rama 1, Bear 1 and Mad Dog 1.

Bear plucked $7 from Mad Dog's pocket in their ongoing match so the YTD stands at Mad Dog up $3.

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