Friday, March 1, 2013

Muddy March Morsels

Commish has been practicing his stinger drivers by hitting off a mat in the back of his barn and seeing if his shots stay low enough to launch out the front door and over the goat pen.  Only two goats and six rabbits have been injured so far. 

Cheez finally has found a group he fits with at the Villages.  After being kicked out of "The Sticks" for shooting in the 80s all the time, he was invited to play with a Ladies group called "The Winers".  At first he was insulted until he found out they only play 9 holes (which is free) and then drink wine the rest of the afternoon.  So far they love him...but we all know how that turns out in the end.

Pudge was voted employee of the year at Dick's Sporting Goods in NH.  The reason given was besides his sparkling personality, he sold more golf clubs than any other store.   In his acceptance speech he credited his fellow Pot Gamers for being loyal customers especially one who instead of heeding Pudge's swing and grip advice, constantly blames his equipment which makes for lots of new sales.

Lenny recently petitioned Commish to move to the Red Tees this summer.  He said it was getting too crowded on the White Tees with all the 70 year olds moving to the whites.   Commish told him he would take it under consideration if it meant he would play faster.

Mr Clean (same earring)
Steven Van Zandt

Deacon with his recent chemo treatments is anticipating losing his "Don King" hairstyle.  He hasn't decided if he should go with the Mr Clean look or Steven Van Zandt scarf.  He is looking for your input.

 Luke has decided to play in more Pot Games this summer.  Word on the street is he is trying to gain back his #1 favorite child ranking with Mr & Mrs Mad Dog, after dropping well behind his brother Jay and Mini into third place.  Good luck with that..

Rama has organized a work stoppage at the Bretwood Maintenance Shed.  He has let the "Big House" know he is not available for repairs nights or weekends.  He is committed to improving his game and therefore will be playing every weekend in the Pot Game.  No word on whether his companion who is nicknamed after a piece of "blue" equipment is on board or not.

Billy D has been spring skiing with Gretchen.  As you can see by this recent photo she doesn't need the traditional ski outfit to have fun.  Looks like Billy picks out all her outfits.  What's with the tank?

Sr Pro spends so much time at Gino's that they installed a net in the back of the building so he can practice hitting irons all winter long while enjoying his Coors Lights.   Rumor has it he will be a regular back at the Pot Games. Only one patron was injured so far when Sr Pro shanked one and caught the guy in a very sensitive area as he came out of the men's room.

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