Monday, May 13, 2013

Foot In Mouth

Mr XX House
As Pot Gamers were gathering around the sign-up sheet table and eating breakfast,  House began complaining about having to tee off from the blue tees.  He said a 70 yr old should be able to play the whites.  When everyone reminded him he hits it as long as the longest hitters and Deacon who is his same age doesn't complain.  House firmly placed his foot in his mouth with this quote: "Deacon didn't work hard, all he did was ride around all day.  I had to work hard all my life."  Even with all the Pot Gamers rolling their eyes at what they just heard coming from House's lips, he kept it up.  Bear reminded him that Deacon is "packing" and he can't turn to the State Police for protection when the Deacon hunts him down because he just threw the whole police profession under the bus. House kept muttering about his life has been hard.  Later on the deck he tried to change the tone of what he said but no one was allowing him to get away with it.

Some Pot Gamers have mentioned that House takes a lot of abuse but this next House tale will help bring into focus why he brings it on himself.  House and Rama match cards dollar a hole like a lot others do.  House sneaks onto the white tees a few weeks ago while Rama thinks he is playing the blues.  House wins $10 and doesn't even buy Rama a beer.  He pretends he bought one but it really was purchased by the winnings in the Pot.  When pressed he admitted he lied about buying it.  So fast forward to Sunday, House loses $4 to Rama and then demands Rama buy him a beer.  See what we mean... (Rama did not buy him a beer).  House has two Xs and is dangling by a thread from being X'd out of the Pot Game and it is only May.

Back to actual playing of the Pot Game.  Sunday brought lots of clouds and a few sprinkles but it didn't stop 14 players from teeing it up on the South course.  Neither Commish nor Cheez showed for those of you at home keeping score.  Mad Dog decided to do Grandfather duties rather than risk losing more money to Bear, so he created 4 teams (two 3s and two 4s) and then left.  With uneven numbers they were forced to play quota for the first time all year.

Team #1 was Bear, Birdie and Brett.  Followed by Team #2 Brad-Brian, TJ and Billy D, then Team #3 Skrocki, Chimney, Andy Mac and the infamous House.  Bringing up the rear was Team #4 Joey M, Dougie, Rama and Bill Maguire.  It was a wipe out by Team #2 as they had +4 on both sides which means they collected all the pot and the title of biggest sandbaggers.  Team #4 imploded on the front with -14 but roared back to a +3.5 on the back only to find out they lost by .5.  They did win the best comeback award which got them no money but the admiration of the rest of the Pot Gamers (not really).

The low scores of the day were Skrocki 73, TJ 75, Brad-Brian 75, Bear 77 and Chimney 79.  They were the only players under 80.  There were 7 skins worth $10 a piece (Dougie 2, TJ 2, Skrocki 1, Billy D 1 and Joey M 1).

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