Friday, May 17, 2013

Who Will Show

As the weather grows warmer, all Pot Gamers will be scanning the parking lot before tee off to see if Cheez or Commish will show up for their first Pot Game of 2013.  The Gazette has inside information that the Commish will be a no show this weekend but will make an appearance Memorial Day Weekend.  So the only question left is: Will the Cheez come out of hiding?  Stay tuned.

Mad Dog has been playing almost every day inorder to sharpen his game to collect Bear's money.  So Thursday along with Billy D and Blue Tees, they resumed their match.  Mad Dog and Blue Tees played BB against Bear and Billy D.  The first nine was halved, but the back nine belonged to Mad Dog and Blue Tees who ding-donged their way to a 3-2 victory and $13.  Mad Dog coaching up Blue Tees watched as Blue Tees putted out of traps, rough and fringes to shoot 39.  Mad Dog on the strength of three deuces on the par 3s cleaned Bear for $5 making their YTD $5 in Mad Dog's favor.

Loy, Commish's little ATM machine is scheduled to make his debut this weekend.  Too bad Commish won't be here to make a withdrawal.

The ever growing pot for the Hole-In-One pool is ripe for the picking, if you can dunk one in a Pot Game.  Don't do like Little Bow Pete and make one during Invitational.

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