Monday, May 6, 2013

Some Stale Tales

Time is marching on bringing warmer weather to the weekend Pot Games, but not warm enough for The Commish to make an appearance.  There are several new Pot Gamers who when old time Pot Gamers refer to the "one they call Commish" don't know if he is real or imagined.

Two week old news:  Bear gets $2 back from Mad Dog making YTD Mad Dog up $2.  House sneaks onto the white tees on Saturday while the Bear was away.  He bets Rama (who thought he was playing blues) and cheated him out of $10.  Deacon ripped him a new one for violating the 2013 rule he must play the blues.  Bear calls him out on Sunday for playing the whites and for misleading Rama.  He issues House two Xs, to loud applause from the deck dwelling Pot Gamers.  House response was to tell Bear he can't issue Xs because he isn't Commish.  Xs stand.  Deacon continues to find himself on winning teams and raking in the cash.

Saturday: Mad Dog unilaterally decides to change tee time to 7am.  Everyone shows up ready to tee off only to find out Mad Dog pencils it in as 7:20am, so 16 players are waiting to tee off watching duffers tee off in front of them on the south course.  There were four teams: Bear, Birdie, 40 and Deacon team #1.  DMac, TJ, Bow Pete and Fireman Team #2.  Pudge. Joey M, Brett and Skooger team #3 and Mad Dog, Tractorman, Billy D and Chimney team #4.  It was a complete blow out with DMac team winning all three sides in three best balls.  There were only 3 skins worth $25 a piece (Birdie, Bear (both Roy Boy Skins) and Fireman.  Low scores of the day were DMac 75, Mad Dog 76 and TJ 79, the only scores under 80.

Mad Dog took $5 from the struggling Bear so YTD Mad Dog up $7.

When 40 and Bear went out to the deck there was a couple with a new born baby and two other women with a stroller sitting at the next table.  They quickly started to calculate how long it would take to clear the deck after the Deacon came out to sit down.  They settled on 5 minutes for the over/under.  It took exactly 3.5 minutes and two F bombs by the Deacon to move them off the deck.  He hasn't lost his touch.  The best part was when Bear told him about the bet, Deacon didn't even know he had dropped a couple F bombs.

Sunday: With 70 degrees in the forecast, 24 Pot Gamers showed up.  Somehow Mad Dog was able to muster his best math skills and create 6 teams.  Of course he also used his slight of hand to create a "dream team" for himself.  When he read off the teams he set off a chorus of boos from the putting green from the stunned and angry Pot Gamers.  Here is the team he thought was very fair to the rest of the field.  Team #5 Captain Triple N, B player Mad Dog (76 day before), C Player TJ (79 day before) and Blue Tees out of the D player spot.  The other teams were as follows: Team #1 Brad-Brian, Kirk P, Bow Pete and Billy D, Team #2 Sandy, Skrocki, Brett and Chimney, Team #3 Mini, Tractorman, Dougie and Rod P, Team #4 Bear, Jay Esh, Birdie and Deacon, Team #6 DMac, Otis, 40 and Rama.  The format was 4 on par 3s, 3 on par 4s and 2 on par 5s.  The format change did wipe the smirk off of Team #5's faces, as they were crying about wanting to play 3 BBs on the first tee.  Team # 6 lead by strong showings by Otis, DMac and 40 all in the 70s took two thirds of the pot.  The Dream Team #5 was able only to win the back.

There were 4 skins worth $30 a piece (40, Otis (eagle 17th), Blue Tees and TJ).  Low scores of the day Otis 72, DMac 74 and Kirk P 75.  A total of 9 players broke 80.  TJ and Triple N are under investigation for overwriting an 80 score (correct) with a 79 (incorrect).  Triple N has a reputation for filling out cards and creating scores on the deck.  Could be an X in one of their futures.  Deacon's winning ways come to an abrupt halt when he gets Bear as his Captain for two days straight.

Mad Dog crying all the way around the course as to how bad he was playing ended up losing $2 to Bear making YTD $5 in Mad Dog's favor.

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