Friday, September 27, 2013

Against The Odds

Cheez had let it be known that there was only a one in ten chance he would play Wednesday, but he surprised everyone by showing up. With 11 other Pot Gamers joining him, Chuckie created 3 teams of 4 to play 2BB with all birdies counting.

Team#1 Mad Dog (yes he came out of retirement), Otis, Billy D and Fireman on the strength of Otis's three birdies shot a respectable -1 but fell short of winning the front.

Team#2 Bear, Skrocki, Molasses Boy and Skooger peaked at -3 but slipped back to -2 but held on to share on the front.

Team#3 Sandy, Walt, 99 and Cheez also peaked at -3 but settled at -2 to tie.

All teams had at least 5 birdies on the front with Team #1 getting 6.

The back was a whole different story with birdies drying up and all teams shooting over par. Team #1 managed a +1 score to secure the victory because the other two teams shot +2. However all teams tied for overall. Which made this the fairest teams of any Pot Game all summer long.

Cheez asked to play a regular Pot Game on his last day complete with skins and they did. There were only 2 skins worth $30 a piece. (Sandy 1 and Molasses Boy 1)

Low scores of day were Bear 78, Molasses Boy 78, Walt 78, Mad Dog 79 and Otis 79.

Bear was able to pry $2 from Mad Dog making the YTD Bear up $3.

Fireman told one last Cheez story as the Cheez's Pot Games came to a close. On Sunday on the 16th hole North, Fireman chunked his tee shot so he headed half way up the hill to hit his next shot. As he was over his shot about to pull the trigger he heard a crash of what sounded like his bag being knocked over. Sure enough as Fireman looked over at where he left his bag, there was Cheez with his head down looking at the ground, arms outstretched pushing his cart up the hill right smack into Fireman's clubs. Cheez not missing a beat looks at Fireman and says "who would leave their clubs in the middle of the fairway". Only the Cheez oblivious to his surrounding could run over his playing partners clubs with a push cart in the middle of the fairway. He has become Hopper Jr.

We will miss him for the wealth of Gazette stories he gives us every week. But he is a "Toothpick" now for the winter.

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