Friday, September 20, 2013

What A Bright Idea

Average Wednesday Bretwood Player
Thick fog was foreshadowing what disaster the Wednesday Pot Game was about to become.  With the new start time of 8am on weekdays,  it gives time for other groups to jump ahead of the Pot Game.  Wednesday was a classic case.  Twelve players from MA with and average handicap of 40 teed off just in front of the Pot Game on the South Course.  The North course was closed on the back nine so the Pot Gamers were stuck.  Mad Dog came up with a "bright idea" to walk all the way out to 11 and tee off to jump ahead of the disaster in front of them.  This ranked up there with his idea to put the Pot Game behind the Elks Tournament 6 years ago.  Reluctantly the 12 Pot Gamers walked and rode out to the 11th tee even though they were worried that when they came around a big crowd would be on the first tee.  Mad Dog assured everyone that it was September no one comes out to play.  Well when they came around there were 5 groups waiting to tee off with an average age of 80.  The round took over 5 hours to play.  Moral of this story is the next time Mad Dog has a "bright idea" no one will be listening.

Team #1 Bear, Walt, Billy D and Cheez never got untracked on the disjointed back nine shooting the high score of +10 3BB.  Billy D despite laying down the rules of no talking or moving on the greens to Cheez, he couldn't keep him under control.  Cheez picked up maybe two pins in 18 holes even though he putted out first many times.  He was more interested in securing a ride in Walt's cart then helping out his team mates.

Team #2 Mad Dog, TJ, Bill M and 99 got it rolling early but let it slip away with a +6.  Mad Dog was a mess the whole round worried he wasn't going to finish his round in time to take over his duties in the Pro Shop at 1pm.  According to his group he was a real pleasure to play with while his blood pressure was rising.

Team #3 Triple N Skrocki, Molasses Boy and Skooger cruised to an easy victory on the back with a solid +2.  Triple N was like a race horse stuck at the gate with no place to run.

After the long wait on the first tee most of the Pot Gamers were so stiff they could barely swing the club.  Team #2 had two of the youngest members so they were able to carry their teammates  to victory with a solid +1.  Which gave them the total as well with +7.  The other two teams were well behind with +8 and +9.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 75, TJ 77, 99 77 and Walt 77.  Everyone else was in the 80s.

Mad Dog despite shooting an awful 84 to Bear's 81 he still managed to get a $1 on the strength of his one birdie making the YTD Bear up $1.

Billy D bought a bucket of balls to hit on the range.  When he got over there he realized he couldn't even see where they were going because of the fog.  He did see a vision we are all familiar with though of the Cheez emerging from the fog from in front of the range with a arm full of previously hit range balls.  Most of Cheez's retirement dollars would be gone if "The Big House" knew how many free range balls and cart rides he has taken over the years.

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