Friday, September 13, 2013

Not A Chance

The Gazette polled dozens of Pot Gamers (really random golfers on the range) to get their opinions on the following questions:

Will Cheez shoot a score lower or equal to his age?  Not A Chance
Will Fireman turn his right hand to the right to stop the fade?  Not A Chance
Will Mad Dog catch Bear in their year-long match of cards for a buck a hole?  Not A Chance
Will TJ cut back on his playing golf on the weekends when he becomes a father?  Not A Chance
Will we see Commish at another Pot Game in 2013 with the weather getting cooler?  Not A Chance
Will Dougie opt play the tips on his road trip Invitational next year?  Not A Chance
Will Billy D dump Gretchen for his new neighbor?  Not A Chance
Will "The One Who Moved To The Cape" ever play in another Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will House ever be allowed to play on the white tees?  Not A Chance
Will Tractorman stop tomahawking his wedge?  Not A Chance
Will Skrocki find a cure for his shanking of chip shots?  Not A Chance
Will Triple N ever walk at a normal person's pace during a round of golf?  Not A Chance
Will "The Big House" ever allow beer carts on the course?  Not A Chance
Will DMac's girlfriend ever let him play another Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will Otis ever lengthen his back swing to get more distance?  Not A Chance
Will the maintenance crew ever get a raise more than $9 per hour?  Not A Chance
Will Dickie Mac ever like the team he is on?  Not A Chance
Will Chimney ever shift his weight to his left foot?  Not A Chance
Will Birdie's house sell before Cheez's next spring?  Not A Chance
Will the Bayou Bomber ever prefer NE Clam Chowder to Gumbo?  Not A Chance
Will Mad Dog ever witness another player miss a zero inch putt in his lifetime?  Not A Chance
Will The "Vulch" be welcomed back into the Pot Game by Joey M?  Not A Chance
Will Dr Dave ever hit bad on the range and great on the course?  Not A Chance
Will Brad-Brian be able to dodge the day his sons start beating him at golf?  Not A Chance
Will Molasses Boy ever get his "Little Bow" nickname back?  Not A Chance
Will Bretwood stay open until December this year?  Not A Chance
Will Jay Esch be known for his putting rather than his long drives?  Not A Chance
Will Sandy ever reveal what is really in that gigantic coffee mug?  Not A Chance
Will Deacon ever have anything but an "outside" voice?  Not A Chance
Will 99 ever look younger than his real age?  Not A Chance
Will Chuckie ever give up his ownership in Bretwood that he won off of Ellis playing cribbage?  Not A Chance
Will 40 adopt the fade like his brother?  Not A Chance
Will Murt come out of exile and play in the Pot Game again?  Not A Chance
Will Danny Roy's girlfriend find out he plays golf every afternoon before he goes home?  Not A Chance
Will Loy show how he got a $20 bill to fly on to the roof of the Clubhouse?  Not A Chance
Will Skooger ever sharpen his game so he can be a B player?  Not A Chance
Will Rama ever be able to top his expression after missing a putt of "Swahili Cock Boxer"?  Not A Chance
Will Brett shoot another round in the 70s like he did two weeks ago in the Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will Pudge ever again pick a date for his Red, White and Blue Tournament and then not show up for it?  Not A Chance
Will any Pot Gamer break it to Mini that he is not really Mad Dog's son?  Not A Chance
Will the "Big House" step away and let Luke take his rightful place as manager of the empire?  Not A Chance
Will Blue Tees be a delight to play with because of his positive attitude?  Not A Chance
Will Jerry Maguire ever give himself another putt while playing a match against another Pot Gamer?  Not A Chance
Will Joey M's future Invitational have more players invited than Randy & Friends Tournament?  Not A Chance
Will there ever be another long haired J-walker sent to County Jail for two days because he talked while Deacon the Bail Commissioner was talking?  Not A Chance

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