Friday, September 20, 2013

Too Old To Care About

Saturday:  I told you it was old news.  18 Players showed up in the fog to play some 2BB on the south course.  Mad Dog was going to go with 3 teams of six when he remembered that he could make 6 teams of three instead.

Team #1 Triple N, 99 and Cheez somehow managed to overcome the jinx of their Captain not winning in at least a month and pulled out a -1 on the front to nip two other teams.  Both 99 and Cheez were waiting for the other one to hit a Chinese hosel rocket.  99 blinked first with two of them but couldn't entice Cheez to follow him.

Team #2 Brad-Brian, Molasses Boy and Skooger were in the lead until the 9th hole and a bogey did them in, so they finished even par.

Team #3 TJ, Billy D and Chimney played the front great for individual scores but lousy for team scores at +2

Team #4 Andy Mac, Skrocki and Rama closed fast with a birdie on 9 but still fell one short of the winning score with a even par round.

Team #5 Bear, Brett and Dr Dave thought they had it made with automatic money man Dr Dave on their team but it wasn't to be with the high score on the front of +4.

Team #6 Mad Dog, Birdie and Jerry Mag stumbled out the gate to finish next to last with a +3

On the back nine Team #6 under threat of their Captain launched a birdie assault led by Jerry Mag (3 birdies) to cruise to an easy victory at -2.  All the other teams were shooting between +1 to +5.  Team #1 did get total with even par to win two thirds of the pot.

Low Score of the day were Skrocki 74, Molasses Boy 76, Mad Dog 77, Brad-Brian 77, TJ 77, Triple N 77 and 99 77.  There were only two skins worth $45 a piece (Andy Mac and Jerry Mag)

Mad Dog despite beating Bear by two strokes was only able to grab $1 making the YTD Bear up $2.

Sunday: Gazette did not cover the Pot Game and no reporters turned in their reports.  Cheez did mention there were 12 players.  Who won is anybody's guess.

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