Thursday, September 6, 2012

From The Beginning To Now

These are things that were happening at the beginning of the season and what is happening now.
Cheez arrived from the Villages in a slump, Cheez leaving for the Villages in a slump
Deacon was a closet smoker sneaking them in the parking lot,  Deacon openly lighting up on deck
House was in exile from Pot Game,  House about to X himself back into exile with his behavior
Joey M was on IR, Joey M the ever shrinking man with bionic body parts playing every week
Blue Tees teed up on the whites for first time, Blue Tees hero of Blue Team in the Invitational making 2 Points
Friday got the biggest turnout mid week, Wednesday the day with most players and strong teams
Commish could chip, putt and was Beav Champ,  Commish chunks chips, misses putts and loser at Beav Bretwood and Beav Montcalm
Sandy arm in a sling, Sandy bombing his driver and regular Captain
Chimney curved all his shots to the right and rammed his putts, Chimney curves his shots right and still ramming putts.
Mad Dog tries to make Pot Games Net and loses money to Bear,  Mad Dog still tries to play Net and opened a new bank account with all the money he won from Bear.
Otis had a Honey Do list,  a 10 handicap and was a B player, Otis still has Honey Do list, 3 handicap (still falling) and please call him Captain.
Pistol Pete carried phoney Twilight League Handicap higher than Deacon and never made a hole-in-one,  Little Bow Pete (new nickname) same phoney TL handicap and made his first hole-in-one but got no pool money.
Bear shooting 68 to 74, winning money from Mad Dog, always Captain,  Bear thinks 79 is great score, visits ATM before playing to cover his losses to Mad Dog and is getting use to being a B player.
Billy D getting over break up with Betty, drinking Bud Light and trying to get rid of fades, Billy D wakes up to Gretchen's smiling face, still drinking Bud Lights (after flirting with Shock Tops) and thinks a 4 yard fade is a straight ball.
Joey D wanted to hit it big, wanted to know what his swing looked like constantly and was building a garage,  TJ (new nickname) likes to hit it big but likes to shoot low scores more, self correcting his swing and did build garage (twice) after it fell down but retained the same builder
Dougie plans to play more, hoped for Invitational in 2012, Dougie started his own tournament in another state and won it, plays more than ever and kicked butt again at Invitational.
Scottie-Steve no plans play much, Scottie-Steve one token appearance to say he did and drove off on his motorcycle
Mike B walks fast for no reason, wants nickname and chooses one for himself and shoots in low 70s,  Triple N (No Nick Name) finally got a nick name,  still walks fast he doesn't know why and slumping with mid 70s score.
Skooger loves popcorn if Deacon buys and uses old driver, Skooger sometimes buys popcorn himself, and bought himself white wand of death
Lenny Mid Week Commissioner, bad back and new Villages homeowner,  Cabot (picked up nickname in VT) still fights bad back,  almost lost Commissioner post after several questionable rulings, still owns two houses
Birdie plays Bear auto dogs every weekend, hits stinger like Commish and Tiger and hopes to be Beav Champ,  Birdie stopped auto dogs when Bear plays Mad Dog, still hits stinger and not only is he Champ at Beav but a two time Champion over Commish
Mini no plans to play much with landscape business growing, eyeing house in front of Mad Dogs as place to live,  Mini doesn't even play when Daddy plays, very infrequently and moved into the white house of Mad Dogs
Tractorman best B player, mid 70s to low 80s all the time and cuts cups in places no one has ever seen, Tractorman always a Captain, low 70s to high 70s and still continues to cut cups seemingly in the dark.
Sr Pro wasn't planning on playing and still going strong with Suzy and Gino's,  Sr Pro made two surprise visits to Pot Game hoping for more,  Suzy still spoiling him had his bar stool reupholstered with extra padding.
Pudge looking for his smooth swing, wants more Red, White & Blue Tournaments and wants to find players for Pro Ams,  Pudge found his old tempo shooting high 60s to low 70s,  ran three RW& B tournaments and still looking for player for Pro Ams that will win him some money
Chuckie just an employee behind to counter and mid week player,  Chuckie proud owner of Bretwood (Ellis's share) from cribbage winnings and getting to play at least twice a week in mid week Pot Games.
Rama hoping for shooting in the low 80s and more length off the tee with a little bigger backswing,  Rama scores are lower low 80s,  plenty of length off the tees, backswing work in progress (working on getting it to hip high), took down white tee slut House in Invitational plus collected $20.
Skrocki worried about Chinese shot, sleep deprived during Mid Week, Skrocki cured of all Chinese shots from his game,  played well enough to reach Club Championship finals, and still sleep deprived all week.
Hagen hoping to find time on weekends to play and wants to learn "flick",  Hagen only plays mid week and flick is not for him
Fireman wants to move from slice to fade, keep temper in check and supervise to indoor golf range & putting green construction in new firehouse,  Fireman had the pine trees on the right of 1st tee north named after him, so slice not cured,  broke a few clubs over his knee so temper not in check and when asked denies there is a golf range/green in new firehouse.
Jay Esh needs help reading putts, launches drives long and straight and loves gold game,  Jay Esh only needs which direction it will break on putts, still launching drives, blue tees don't look so bad now.
40 had 40mobile to get to the club,  fighting a hook on occasion and plans to play more Pot Games,  40 must have loaned 40mobile to Mini, he drives it more than 40,  hook still alive and the lure of the Cape cut into Pot Games.
Penguin looking for more elevation on his tee shots and more length,  Penguin still looking.

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