Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mile Longer?

Bear's Route To 77 on South  

If you ever wondered if the South Course was a longer walk, wonder no longer.  Here are the statistics.
Walk Time: 1:29:40
Stopped Time: 2:44:29
Distance: 6.55 miles
Average: 13:42 /mile
Fastest Pace: 5:37 /mile
Ascent: 671 feet
Calories: 661

Turn Off The Fan

The thermometer said 34 degrees but it actually felt warmer as 10 Pot Gamers stood on the 1st tee  South.  Two teams were primed to play three BB format.  Captain Tractorman had Skrocki, Billy D, Rama and TJ vs Captain Bear, Birdie, Pistol Pete, Deacon and House.  Bear's team despite missing 3 footers by the handful shot +7 to Tractorman's +10.  On the back Tractorman went to the whip and inspired his team to shoot +2 to Bear's +8, so Tractorman won the total as well with +12.  There were 5 skins Skrocki 2, Bear 1, Pete 1 and TJ 1.  They were worth $8 a piece.  Low scores of the day were Bear's 77 and Skrocki's 78.  The wind came up after 5 holes and was gusting in all directions making club selection a nightmare.  House as he stands over his 3 footer on 18 when asked by his Captain to make sure of it; said "Have you ever seen me miss one of these" right before he yanked it left missing the hole.  Bear after 3 putting for the fourth time on 10, told his team he was releasing them to free agency to play for skins.  He then shot 1 under on the back with two birdies.  Birdie, Pete and Deacon all made 8s on the 14th with double dunks sealing their teams fate on the back nine. Mad Dog when he found out that the blog had a new poll as to who was the Most Right Wing Extremist tried to make a claim that he should be on the list when he told us his philosophy that women should be home cooking and cleaning.  Might have been a Senior moment but we are sure wife Laura will have a word with him after she reads this blog.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How Far?

Bear's Route To An 82

If you have ever wondered how far you walk during a round,  Bear used his iPhone Walker App to record the following stats.
Walk Time: 1:26:15
Stopped Time: 2:10:47
Distance: 5.99 miles
Average: 14:23 /mile
Fastest Pace: 13:36 /mile
Ascent: 482 feet
Calories: 577

Multi Layered

With the temperatures dropping into the mid 30s, 18 Pot Gamers dressed in multiple layers and ski caps showed up to do battle.  Mad Dog with calculator in hand was able to create 6 teams (progress) of three players and 3-2-1 was the format.  With balls being blown in every direction and all players scores counting on par fives, it was a struggle except for two teams.  Captain For Life Otis with TJ and Pistol Pete shot a +6 on the front but Captain Skrocki with Dougie and Hulslander shot an impressive + 1 on the back and +9 total for 2/3s of the Pot.  There were 5 skins Skrocki 2, Otis 1, Kirk 1 and Fireman 1 worth $18 a piece.  Low scores were Skrocki 74 and Otis 77.  Lots of rounds in the 80s and a few spilled over into the 90s.  Hulslander was dressed by his wife right down to the gloves with his name "House" written across the top with magic markers, just like she was sending him off to summer camp.  Otis's handicap is dropping like a rock 8 trending to 5, with the next adjustment rumor has it he will come off the USGA top 10 Sand Bagger list. Fireman tried to inspire his team (didn't work) when he strung together 3 birdies in a row (14, 15, 16), but only picked up one skin.  Hot Chili was the lunch of choice.  Commish stayed home with his feet up next to his woodstove drinking coffee.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's Not To Love

Cheez With Top Flights
The ever popular Cheez is on his way back to the Pot Game from The Villages.  He will be in NC later tonight and will be staying about a week (or until his son Doodleburger can't take it any more).  He expects to arrive home around the 3rd or 4th of May.  
 The Top Reasons Pot Gamers love him:
1. Trendsetter: uses Top Flights even though son Eric The Red gives him dozens of Titleist Pro Vs
2. Conversationalist: He is never at a loss for words while playing.  Most of the time you just listen while he recounts his shots and why they didn't do what he thought they would.
3. Fashion Plate: Wears shorts from the time he comes home until he leaves in the fall regardless of the temperature.
4. Durable: Plays 7 days a week no matter what the weather even if it means playing by himself.
5. Soundologist : Unique gift of creating grunts, groans, moans usually on the green
6. Thrifty: Very generous in buying beers when the hardcore deck dwellers are left (2 or 3 Pot Gamers)
7. Tolerant: Although very conservative he is tolerate of the most liberal Pot Gamer
8. Inclusive: Tries to involve his playing partners by asking after every shot he hits "Where did that go?"
9. Thoughtful: He usually picks up and returns to the cup 1 flag stick per 18 holes
10. Inventive:  Only Pot Gamer to have two shots named after him.  The "Philly" when you hit the ball so close to the hole you feel you should not have to putt it and you don't and the "Cheez It" which is when you finish every putt over 18 holes three inches short of the cup.

Two Timing?

Sr Pro At Gino's (Sully Cam)
Suzy In Better Times
It appears that Sr Pro as the owner of Gino's either makes it a practice to hug all his customers or he is stepping out on Suzy. The last we heard from him he said he was very busy running Gino's and the Pot Game would have to wait.  Given that Suzy bought Gino's for Sr Pro, it is not likely he would be jeopardizing his ownership for another women.  Plus if you remember what Suzy looked like vs the "other women", it would appear to be no contest.

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Iron Fisted Commish
The passive benevolent Commish is no more.  Upon reflection of last Saturday's fiasco, he has decided that his dictatorial iron fisted style is the only way to go.  So starting this weekend, call or be signed up 15 minutes prior to tee off or don't expect to play.  Players assigned to the White Tees are there to make them more competitive, so if they shot in the 70s that is actually what the Commish envisioned for them.  There will be no more net/quota tournaments for the rest of the summer.  We will play either 3 BB with foursomes, 2 BB with threesomes, or 3-2-1 with an occasional Gold Game. If you cry about your team will be forever known as a "Dickie Mac".  His ideal would be everyone shooting in the 70s and play in 3 hours, maybe 3 1/2 hours.  If you want to invite a friend or family member to play just tell Commish first so they can be slotted to help their assigned team.  He doesn't want Reverse Sandbaggers who claim to be single digit handicappers who then shoot newspaper 90 something. Otis (when he shows up) will remain a Captain for the foreseeable future.  Fireman received the first and perhaps only Free X Card, for his thoughtful and insightful comments in the last blog.  Don't worry the grunts, groans and clearing of throats during your putting stroke,  won't start until next week when the Cheez arrives from The Villages.  Until then hit'em straight and play fast.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Did You Ever Notice

Pudge usually wins a side or two when he shows up.  Deacon has no place to hold a beer because he has an inhaler in one hand and a cigarette in the other.  Tractorman in a little slump has decided to take his frustration out on the White Tee Boys wanting them kicked to the B Group.  Hulslander scans the parking lot from the deck to make sure Commish is nowhere in sight before he goes to his car.  Commish is way too mellow after taking a year off.  Mad Dog has no advantage on the rock hard fairways because his flicks float to the ground vs TJ who gets 50 yards of roll.  Penguin's drives are never effected by the wind because they never get that high.  Birdie is paying Bear in real dollars not mythicals anymore.  Fireman had to learn the rules of lacrosse so he could watch his daughter's games.  Blue Tees playing the White Tees is collecting lots of skin money.  Billy D went from a hooker to a fader.  Mic Lights aren't as popular as they use to be.  Hilow never misses a fairway or make a putt his team doesn't need. The low flood spots on the course are all being filled in or mounded.  Roy Boys are on the endangered species list. Skoog has improved his play and is now competitive.  Dougie is the best two man you could have on your team, very steady that's why Mad Dog makes sure Bear never gets him.  40 can't make up his mind what beer he likes.  Skrocki has become a B man.  Triple N has a phobia about grounding his driver.  Only one person drinks Bud Light draft.  There are only two players who can hit the "Feather Duster Driver" where most players hit their 5 iron, Birdie and his mentor Commish.  Otis use to be the only one who could reach in two certain par 5s before this new crop of "white tee bombers".  Pistol Pete is afraid to talk on the deck for fear of a X.  Mini will actually play this year even if Daddy isn't.  Sandy is again practicing with his new shoulder and expects to be a player in less than a month. Rama has drifted away from the Pot Game again.  Jay Esh only plays on Sunday. Hagen is a mid week regular.  Chimney is usually putting his team to victory out of the C player position.  Lenny is a more popular Mid Week Commissioner than the Cheez. Chuckie unlike Mad Dog can actually take phone calls, collect green fees and pass out cart keys all at the same time.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cool But Dry

Ten players who actually watched the forecasts that called for rain in the afternoon showed up today to play the South course.  Mad Dog created two teams of 5.  Bear captained Kirk, Penguin, Chimney and Hulslander vs Captain Tractorman Skrocki, Hilow, TJ and Billy D.  Bear's team swept with +3 on front +1 on back +4 total for three best balls. There were 6 skins worth $8 a piece (Bear 3, Hilow 1, Tractorman 1 and Skrocki 1).  Low scores were Bear's 73 and Hulslander's 79.  Tractorman's team did win the fastest time award as they were 2 1/2 holes ahead most of the round.  Hulslander pulls his putter out within 20 yards of the green no matter where the ball is rough, fairway, bunker.  Shorts were not the smart wardrobe choice on this blustery day. Birdies flowed early and often for Bear's team through the first 6 holes but tailed off to a few on the back nine.  Chimney is still the finest putter inside 8 feet with is rama jama style.

What Happened To Rules?

Commish On Saturday
The overcast early morning foreshadowed what was about to happen to the Saturday Pot Game.  Everyone expected a large turnout given the weather forecast for Sunday of rain, so as Mad Dog was recording names as the Pot Gamers streamed in first there was 10 , then 14, then 18, then a perfect 21.  Seven teams of three would do battle...until a new comer seconds before tee off asked if he could play.  That set off a chain of events never before seen by even the most hardened Pot Gamers.  Commish & Mad Dog violated their own rule of cutting off any Pot Gamer who fails to call or show 15 minutes prior to tee off.  Now nobody was sure whether we had 21 or 22, Was Mad Dog playing or not?  As the players collected on the 1st tee North, confusion rained.  Finally a pissed off Commish with smoke pouring out of his ears, declared we had to play quota with uneven teams totaling 22 players.  So Sandbagger Saturday was on. Half the players cried out they wanted to play 2 best balls others wanted to play quota but had no handicaps to be able to figure their team points.  Commish stole Hulslander's cart to get the handicap chart and then rode down the fairway to give the information to the threesomes that had already teed off.  The Captains figured out their teams quotas and off they went.  Two threesomes and four foursomes.  Bear's team asked Mad Dog's team on the 15th fairway how they did on the front and Mad Dog answered he didn't know what we playing so he was just marking down their scores...(Senior moment).  When the dust cleared Pudge's team won the front with +2.5 points and total with +2.5. Mad Dog somehow won the back (even though he didn't know what he was playing) with an impressive +6.  There were 7 skins worth $15 each (Pudge 2, Mad Dog 1, Bear 1, Skrocki 1, Pete 1 and Blue Tees 1).  Otis took money for a skin for his birdie on two but was informed he had been cut by the long hitting Hulslander who had reached the green in two and made a birdie as well.  Reluctantly Otis gave the money back to a loud chorus of jeers.  Low scores were Bear's 69 and Pudge's 74.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

No Way

Deacon is planning a Welcome Home Party for Cheez's arrival in 15 days.  Billy D and Fireman have purchased a summer supply of ear plugs for Cheez's arrival.  Pudge has been recruiting players from Maine with Sully's help to play in the Pro Ams with him.  Mad Dog and Bear both made multiple triple bogeys or worst but their team still won the Mid Week Pot Game over Triple N's team.  TJ thinks his swing is getting better because he is launching it 300 yards off the tee but everyone is hitting it 30 yards longer because of the rock hard fairways. The river is so low if you hook it left of 14N you can still play it from the mud where the river use to be.  Skrocki was seen at Dick's Sporting Goods buying new Bridgestone balls by the dozens.  Lobster Rolls will be available in both Snack Shacks starting June 1st.  Jay Esh hired a Laser Company over the winter to create 3D models of all 36 holes so he won't be asking which way his putts break anymore.  Mini tells his next door neighbor 40 he got Daddy's permission for the 40mobile to be used on the course at no cost.  Commish has agreed to give Huslander private chipping lessons at his farm, so I guess Hulslander's new nickname "Skully" won't be around for long. Blue Tees sent Commish an email with a list of 56 suggestions for changes to the Pot Game.  Penguin doesn't wear glasses anymore and was missing his cigar but his walk is unmistakeable.  Tractorman has vowed to cut pins only in the middle of every green.  Dougie B petitioned the Commish to be made a Captain because he has been shooting lower than all his Captains so far.  The Blue Tees are a joke so we will be playing from the Golds from now on.   Pistol Pete's game stinks so he is having screws put back in his ankle.  Joey M reports Deacon bribed the Doctors to keep him in the hospital so he can't break Deacon's record of hitting balls two weeks after knee replacement surgery.  Coach may make an appearance to keep the tradition of a Roy Boy in the Pot Game.  Chimney named his new driver "White Wand Of Death". Billy M will only socialize with Lenny and Cheez in NH because he doesn't want to be seen in The Villages.  Black, Yellow and White in combination aren't prevalent on the deck without Murt.  Since the Roy Boys aren't around anymore, Skoog wants it known that when you get only one birdie in a round and it holds up for a skin,  it a "Skooger".  Chuckie has been playing Ellis for a penny a point in cribbage for years which as of last week makes him the new the majority stock holder in Bretwood.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A little more than a year ago, Bear was given the gift of a lifetime when son Andy sent the whole family to Pebble Beach to celebrate his 60th birthday.
The views were better than advertised as this video reflects.  The 6th Green and 7th Tee are in the background.

Stay Tuned

2010 Birdie Wins

Mark your Calendars for June 4th.  That is the day of The Battle Of The Beav IV in which Birdie will take on reigning Champ Commish in their annual duel for the infamous Beav Hat.  Pudge will be texting live updates after every hole so the Blog will have reports every 15 minutes so you can follow the action.  Last year Birdie lost to Commish's hole-in-one, birdie finish, so it should be exciting.  Without looking at the caption you can tell by Commish's facial expression who won.
2011 Commish Wins

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hole-In-One Pool Update

Anyone who wants to buy 2011 may still do so.  The Village People and Pro At Dick's have yet to buy in for 2012.  It appears Triple N doesn't plan on making a hole-in-one this year.  Any Captain is eligible to collect the money and turn it over to Bear.

Weekend Tidbits

Otis forgot the handicap computer was turned on when he shot 69 (oops), House shot his personal best low score of 77 which included driving the 5th green despite being paranoid Commish would banish him again at any moment,  Mad Dog vows to quit Pot Game for Rizzo's group, The Gazette asked Rizzo about this: "My group plays lots of complicated betting games that requires Players with math skills. So I'm not sure he would be a fit" (that's cold),  Deacon acquired Pro Tour level pitching skills over the winter (several of his pitches resulted in "Phillys"), Former "Invitational" tournament has been renamed "The Banished Boys Open" and will be moved to Spofford CC sometime in July, Chimney looking to get back on a roll like 2011 when he cashed in 13 straight Pot Games, Bear's team had 8 birdies but that only equaled Mini's total by himself,  Warm temps brought out lots of shorts,  Birdie attends Vietnamese wedding in NY and meets a women who knew Billy D from his rice paddy days in the 60s (must be more to that story),  TJ attempts to censor Gazette by telling Publisher Bear what he can or can not write about (not a smart move), Bretwood camouflage hats are showing up on the deck (Leslie Twins),  Triple N claims to have read all the back issues of the Gazette yet still violates rules every time he plays,  Tee box on the 14th was up which led to lots of launches trying to drive the green, Two Eagles on 1st hole resulted in no skins (Otis & Commish) as they canceled each other,  Skoog has yet to buy popcorn, Scotty-Steve told the Gazette he is alive and reading the blog and expects to be in attendance soon,  Tractorman was the heavy favorite leaving the first tee but his dream team never lived up to the hype, Commish held the tee box against 16 angry "Out of Towners" who were trying to jump ahead of Pot Game.  Based on the beverages consumed everyone had a good time.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Out Of His Mind

As the weather warms up, more and more Pot Gamers are coming out to play.  Today it was the Penguin who made his debut.  Chuckie was keeping track of who signed in or called in the Pro Shop.  He started to assemble the teams and it was all going so smoothly, until Mad Dog showed up.  He decided to take over the duties of creating the teams and disaster ensued.  He could not figure out how to make even teams out of 18 players despite the fact we had the exact same number yesterday when we had 6 teams.  He comes to the tee with cards made out for 5 teams (two teams of 3 and three teams of 4).  When Pot Gamers started to scream at him, he still didn't know what he had done wrong.  When he finally was told how to divide (third graders can do that problem) he quickly dropped 3 players off the foursomes and created a team.  Which made the teams totally messed up.  Some were left with two captains plus a B player and others with a captain and two C players.  For his monstrous error Mad Dog received from Commish a quick X plus a lifetime ban from ever creating teams again.  This ranked up there with the time Mad Dog sent out the Pot Game in the middle of the Elks tournament.  Somehow despite the blunder the Pot Game was played.  Mini's team was -2 on the front beating out two teams with -1 and Triple N and Bear's team shot -1 on the back, with Bear's team winning total with -2.  Mini lead his team with a great round of 66 which included 8 birdies.  Otis who played out of the B slot shot 69, which means he will always be a Captain for the rest of the Summer.  There were 7 skins with Mini getting 4, Deacon 1, Huslander 1, and Bear 1 worth $12 a piece.  Commissioner Softy let a few potential Xs go today, which in the old days would never happen.  Huslander raised his hand to indicate he got a birdie in the middle of the Captains calling out skins which is clear violation of the rules and Triple N was asking for his team's Handicap Local Numbers on the deck when there is a rule that all Captains must post scores before coming up on the deck. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

He's Gone Soft

With reports of temps in the 60s, Commish made an appearance today to take stock of his Pot Gamers.  One of Banished Brothers Huslander was standing around the signup area, when Mad Dog asked if he was playing today.  He said he wanted to but had to wait for the Commish to give his blessing.  Unbelievably Commish allowed him back in.  When the teams were created guess who played together.  That's right Commish and Huslander with 40 keeping the peace.  18 Players showed up making 6 teams of three.  Mad Dog went to the whip early on his team which produced a best ball of two score of even par good for the win, but his heavy hand proved too much on back nine as they collapsed to 11 over.  Tractorman's team got off to a fast start but leaked some oil to go 7 over on the front but roared back with a even par on the back which got them tie on back and overall with +7.  They tied Bear's team which had an identical score back and front.  Bear's team started +6 on first two holes and played +1 the last 16 holes.  There were five skins worth $18 a piece by Mad Dog, Pistol Pete, Deacon, Mini and Fireman.  Mad Dog's team somehow ended up with one dollar more than any of the other teams (go figure)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


After several weeks of Pot Games we have noticed certain trends: Stiff shafts are disappearing for Regular shafts, Strong gripping Lefties are moving to Tour Shafts instead of weakening their grips,  TaylorMade Rocketballz woods/utility clubs are multiplying by the week,  White is most popular color of Driver, Titleist Golf Balls are being replaced by Bridgestone & Srixon (Not Topflight), Girlfriends and Wives still dictate who shows up,  Greens are firmer and faster, Bunkers are soft, deep and unraked, Shorts are still in closets, Windbreakers a must,  Fireman straightened out his slice, Deacon still sends out email with Angels, Blue Tees plays from the whites, Hilow moved retirement house to the North instead of South,  Birdie loses Mythical Dollars not real ones to Bear, Commish spends more time with Alpacas than Pot Gamers and Mini moved into Daddy's compound.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back On Track

Cheez Celebrating His 79 And 12 Cent Victory
Cheez checked in with the Gazette yesterday to report he is starting to pack up and prepare for his long drive home.  He should arrive on the scene by May 5th.  Billy D and Fireman are in training so they can maintain pace for the seven day a week pounding their bodies will take trying to keep up with the Cheez.  After weeks of duck hooks and putts that never reach the cup, Cheez finally broke 80 on one of the little nine hole courses at The Villages.  He had to drop out of the "Sticks" group due to bad play.  He now plays Lenny for a penny a hole.  He was excited when he broke 80 but he was more excited because he took 12 cents off of Lenny.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Notice A Pattern

Bear's son Andy went to The Masters on Sunday with his best friend JR.  JR wore a Garmin GPS watch which recorded his movement walking around Augusta National.  It was his first time so Andy made sure he saw the whole course.  If you study their pattern you will notice they visited a few areas multiple times.  Guess what are located in those areas...that's right the food tents where the $3.00 beers were sold.  The intersecting trails also lead to the Men's rooms.  They would fit in well with the Pot Gamers.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Heathen Open

Easter Sunday brought out eight Heathens to do battle in cold windy conditions.  Mad Dog made his 2012 debut and captained Billy D, Skrocki and Rama versus Pudge, Bear, Birdie and TJ.  Pudge's team jumped out in front with a +2 (three best balls) to Mad Dog's +4 however they collapsed on the back with a +11 to Mad Dog's +7.  Giving Mad Dog 2/3 of the Pot.  Billy D said his team had extra incentive after Birdie has whispered to him on the first tee that his team stood no chance today. After beverages were paid for Mad Dog split up the money rounding up his teams share leaving Pudge's team a dollar short.  Mad Dog shot a best round 70 which included missing several bunnies on this Easter Sunday.  There were 4 skins one for TJ, one for Pudge and two for Mad Dog.  After wishing each other Happy Easter they headed off to eat special dinners and watch The Masters. 

Master Leftovers

Bear had two orders for Master hats from Fireman and Birdie.  Fireman wanted a green paneled Trucker hat and Birdie a fitted light colored hat.  Bear presented Birdie's hat today and it fit like a glove, Pudge paid for and picked up Fireman's hat but was eyeing it closely so I hope it makes it to Fireman.  Bear bought himself an official green Caddie hat but his melon size head was too big to fit it, so Pudge is now the proud owner. The Light Beer at Masters is Miller Lite (Murt's favorite).  For the first time The Masters had a lottery for one day tickets, you could pick the "one dayers" out of the crowd as they don't know the rules like not sitting in patrons chairs and wore glaze looks on their faces. The roars for a Tiger or Phil are very different than any others just like they say on tv.  The "Payday" candy bar is extinct everywhere except at The Masters.  Informational booklets filled with Masters facts and trivia are free along with pairing sheets.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Augusta Day Two

Bear Holding The Flag
Bear & Jed At Clubhouse
Jed arrived from Boston last night to go to the Masters on Friday and Saturday. Bear takes each of his sons the first two days and then they have the tickets over the weekend to each take a friend. Driving down from Columbia to Augusta in the early morning with light traffic and 80 mph seeming to be the normal speed limit in SC, it only took 50 minutes. The gray cloudy skies and NH like temperatures of 52 degrees made it cool add a 25 mph wind made it down right cold. Tradition was broken when they placed their chairs in the 18th seating area for the first time as they walked the back nine when nobody was playing yet. No they didn't find Phil's ball in the ice plant on the 10th. The fairway grass is amazing to see, Keegan Bradley's caddie was measuring to the hole on the 16th tee with his rangefinder, Bear guessed 147 and asked him the actual yardage 143. They watched three groups all miss the 7th green with their second shots with most failing to up and down. They next ventured to the 8th hole grandstands to rest their feet and attempt to get out of the wind. Didn't really work as wind was blowing across the stands and straight down the fairway. They did notice brightening skies over Butler Cabin off in the distance. When they went to the range to watch real golf swings it actually got sunny. Ricky Fowler, Lucas Glover and KJ Choi all warmed up right in front of them. After a quick peek of the par three course they ventured over to front side of the Clubhouse for look. What they found was a new tradition of Augusta National having a professional photographer awaiting to take your picture for free. Nice touch. A leisurely stroll down the hill to 8th tee to see some drives, a few more beers and they ended the day sitting in their chairs on 18 where they left them earlier. They visited the Pro Shop on the way to the car and then the 2012 Masters was in the books for the Bear. Highlights: Barbecue sandwich is the new favorite, Tiger's coach had his camera with him at all times on the range, Jim Nance rode by in a cart, he is a big boy, dozens of the cutest girls you will ever see at the checkout counter at pro shop, the pouch that holds the folding chair can also hold six empty beer glasses.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Live From Augusta

VIP Parking Spot
After a smooth flight in the SteelPen jet to SC, Bear visited with his son Andy and family. He checked his barely walking Grandson's golf swing (looks good) and played a challenge match with son Andy at the Walker course on Clemson University's campus. They were chased from the course by thunderstorms after 15 holes with Andy holding a one shot advantage. After a two hour drive to Augusta they pulled into VIP parking for the National Press. They placed their chairs inside the ropes on the 16th hole to have great seats later in the day. Big News: beers now $3.00 and there are no tuna sandwiches anymore replaced by a club sandwich (bummer). A few highlights Tiger is not as buff in person as he is on tv, Rory really hits it different than most big high draw effortlessly, Gentle Ben looking a little old, Bubba Watson moves all over the place when he swings, Oosthuzien beautiful swing but huge ears, 5th green looks like they buried an elephant in the middle, Watson receives applause on every green and tee no matter how he hits it, Euros all wear pants tight with slits on bottom cuff, worst dressed Scotsman Sandy Lyle, Sergio hasn't shaved in a few days, walk ways a little soft and muddy, and rain held off until late. 84 degrees and sunny most of the day. More reports tomorrow...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Off He Goes

Bear the Publisher of the Gazette has his credentials in order and will be heading off to The Masters on Wednesday morning.  He will be flying in style thanks to the generous loan of the SteelPen Corp jet compliments of CEO Murt. It is fully stocked with Miller Lites.  With stops in Greenville SC to see his Grandson and a quick challenge golf match against his son Andy.  Bear and Andy will be headed to Augusta on Thursday.  They usually hang out behind the 6th tee to watch tee shots and be within a few steps of a beer tent and bathrooms.  Then on Friday son Jed joins Bear where they hang by the 13th fairway and bet on whether or not the players will go for the green in two. On the weekend the boys use the badges to bring friends to their first Masters.  If all goes well Bear should be back for Sunday's Pot Game.

Oh For A Minute There...

To make one of our newest Pot Game members Joe D feel welcome, an old long time Pot Gamer decided he needed a nickname.  So last weekend the word spread he shall be called TJ for Trooper Joe.  When the Gazette let him know that the other members had bestowed a nickname on him, he said "Cool, I like that. Thanks."  Within a half hour though he emailed back to say "I hope TJ doesn't stand for Trooper Junior.  It doesn't does it?"  We assured him that the longtime Pot Gamer would never do that.  Would he...