Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend Tidbits

Otis forgot the handicap computer was turned on when he shot 69 (oops), House shot his personal best low score of 77 which included driving the 5th green despite being paranoid Commish would banish him again at any moment,  Mad Dog vows to quit Pot Game for Rizzo's group, The Gazette asked Rizzo about this: "My group plays lots of complicated betting games that requires Players with math skills. So I'm not sure he would be a fit" (that's cold),  Deacon acquired Pro Tour level pitching skills over the winter (several of his pitches resulted in "Phillys"), Former "Invitational" tournament has been renamed "The Banished Boys Open" and will be moved to Spofford CC sometime in July, Chimney looking to get back on a roll like 2011 when he cashed in 13 straight Pot Games, Bear's team had 8 birdies but that only equaled Mini's total by himself,  Warm temps brought out lots of shorts,  Birdie attends Vietnamese wedding in NY and meets a women who knew Billy D from his rice paddy days in the 60s (must be more to that story),  TJ attempts to censor Gazette by telling Publisher Bear what he can or can not write about (not a smart move), Bretwood camouflage hats are showing up on the deck (Leslie Twins),  Triple N claims to have read all the back issues of the Gazette yet still violates rules every time he plays,  Tee box on the 14th was up which led to lots of launches trying to drive the green, Two Eagles on 1st hole resulted in no skins (Otis & Commish) as they canceled each other,  Skoog has yet to buy popcorn, Scotty-Steve told the Gazette he is alive and reading the blog and expects to be in attendance soon,  Tractorman was the heavy favorite leaving the first tee but his dream team never lived up to the hype, Commish held the tee box against 16 angry "Out of Towners" who were trying to jump ahead of Pot Game.  Based on the beverages consumed everyone had a good time.


  1. Bear has graciously offered to donate his Sunday winnings to HP as an apology for his childess rant on the 1st tee directed at said HP.

  2. Heard it got a little nasty on the deck saturday???????
