Sunday, April 15, 2012

Out Of His Mind

As the weather warms up, more and more Pot Gamers are coming out to play.  Today it was the Penguin who made his debut.  Chuckie was keeping track of who signed in or called in the Pro Shop.  He started to assemble the teams and it was all going so smoothly, until Mad Dog showed up.  He decided to take over the duties of creating the teams and disaster ensued.  He could not figure out how to make even teams out of 18 players despite the fact we had the exact same number yesterday when we had 6 teams.  He comes to the tee with cards made out for 5 teams (two teams of 3 and three teams of 4).  When Pot Gamers started to scream at him, he still didn't know what he had done wrong.  When he finally was told how to divide (third graders can do that problem) he quickly dropped 3 players off the foursomes and created a team.  Which made the teams totally messed up.  Some were left with two captains plus a B player and others with a captain and two C players.  For his monstrous error Mad Dog received from Commish a quick X plus a lifetime ban from ever creating teams again.  This ranked up there with the time Mad Dog sent out the Pot Game in the middle of the Elks tournament.  Somehow despite the blunder the Pot Game was played.  Mini's team was -2 on the front beating out two teams with -1 and Triple N and Bear's team shot -1 on the back, with Bear's team winning total with -2.  Mini lead his team with a great round of 66 which included 8 birdies.  Otis who played out of the B slot shot 69, which means he will always be a Captain for the rest of the Summer.  There were 7 skins with Mini getting 4, Deacon 1, Huslander 1, and Bear 1 worth $12 a piece.  Commissioner Softy let a few potential Xs go today, which in the old days would never happen.  Huslander raised his hand to indicate he got a birdie in the middle of the Captains calling out skins which is clear violation of the rules and Triple N was asking for his team's Handicap Local Numbers on the deck when there is a rule that all Captains must post scores before coming up on the deck. 


  1. Ken, What the F*%% is going on. Things are out of control,is there any voice of reason? This is not the commish I respected/fear (Adrian). Is Mad Dog going the way of his father? Was there any beer on deck?

  2. HP received his first X for 2012 for the fiasco---dont worry about Commish getting "soft" despite the word from our blogster. His new nickname came close to "MAC". As in....."if I cant have 3 "A" players the teams arent fair".

  3. House did raise his hand,but it was to give someone behind him the
    a beer.
