Sunday, April 29, 2012

Turn Off The Fan

The thermometer said 34 degrees but it actually felt warmer as 10 Pot Gamers stood on the 1st tee  South.  Two teams were primed to play three BB format.  Captain Tractorman had Skrocki, Billy D, Rama and TJ vs Captain Bear, Birdie, Pistol Pete, Deacon and House.  Bear's team despite missing 3 footers by the handful shot +7 to Tractorman's +10.  On the back Tractorman went to the whip and inspired his team to shoot +2 to Bear's +8, so Tractorman won the total as well with +12.  There were 5 skins Skrocki 2, Bear 1, Pete 1 and TJ 1.  They were worth $8 a piece.  Low scores of the day were Bear's 77 and Skrocki's 78.  The wind came up after 5 holes and was gusting in all directions making club selection a nightmare.  House as he stands over his 3 footer on 18 when asked by his Captain to make sure of it; said "Have you ever seen me miss one of these" right before he yanked it left missing the hole.  Bear after 3 putting for the fourth time on 10, told his team he was releasing them to free agency to play for skins.  He then shot 1 under on the back with two birdies.  Birdie, Pete and Deacon all made 8s on the 14th with double dunks sealing their teams fate on the back nine. Mad Dog when he found out that the blog had a new poll as to who was the Most Right Wing Extremist tried to make a claim that he should be on the list when he told us his philosophy that women should be home cooking and cleaning.  Might have been a Senior moment but we are sure wife Laura will have a word with him after she reads this blog.


  1. No bear, his exact words were: "they should be home making dresses or something."

  2. There was a lot of talking while I was putting.
