Monday, April 2, 2012

Off He Goes

Bear the Publisher of the Gazette has his credentials in order and will be heading off to The Masters on Wednesday morning.  He will be flying in style thanks to the generous loan of the SteelPen Corp jet compliments of CEO Murt. It is fully stocked with Miller Lites.  With stops in Greenville SC to see his Grandson and a quick challenge golf match against his son Andy.  Bear and Andy will be headed to Augusta on Thursday.  They usually hang out behind the 6th tee to watch tee shots and be within a few steps of a beer tent and bathrooms.  Then on Friday son Jed joins Bear where they hang by the 13th fairway and bet on whether or not the players will go for the green in two. On the weekend the boys use the badges to bring friends to their first Masters.  If all goes well Bear should be back for Sunday's Pot Game.

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