Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Card That House Built

With the qualifying for the Pub Links on the North Course the mid week Pot Gamers were forced along with all other golfers to the South Course.  So anticipating a crowd Cheez and Tee J called for the starting time to be moved up to 7am.  Word went out by email on the time change however not everyone got the word.  So what started as 9 players and three teams morphed into three foursomes as Loy, Dougie and Skrocki came out after two holes to play along for fun.

Controversy ensued right from the beginning when Deacon and Mad Dog decided to play it down on the most damaged course in NH, which meant balls in the muddy areas were played down as there are no drop zones.  All players except Deacon and Mad Dog thought it was ridiculous.
Bear's team of Tee J and Hilow won the front with a score of +4.  Mad Dog's team of Hagen and Deacon won the back with +2 and tied with Cheez's team for total with +8.  Cheez' team however was under scrutiny for several reasons.  First Cheez allowed House to keep the card which was almost unreadable.  Second when they arrived at the table they announced they shot +5 on the back, then they changed it to +4 both of which made Mad Dog the winner.  Then after changing a score they decided it was +3 they shot on the back.  All roads lead to House, who violated the rules by keeping the card instead of the Captain, then he posted the scores (one of which was wrong) which is a second violation but lastly he never gave his money to his Captain so when the money was split up it was short.  Blame goes to his weak Captain Cheez who likes to do no duties if he can get away with it and to Bow Pete who allowed House to screw up the card.
This could be the end for House as he was given the directive by Commish one more 50 anything score and he will be banished, now after today has his second X so one more and he is gone.  Plus he was stealing white cylinders from Loy without even asking justifying it by saying he was paying him a dollar.

Mad Dog shot an impressive 71 which netted him $10 from Bear in their ongoing match so YTD Mad Dog up $2.

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