Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

According to Mad Dog's prediction there are only 88 days until the first Pot Game, so start practicing.

House in Maine

Santa didn't bring House new golf clubs so he had to earn the money by heading to Maine to clear ice and tree limbs off of power lines.  Don't feel too sorry for him as he was earning triple overtime  wages for his efforts..

Cheez as given up golf for a new sport.  He has joined The Village's Precision Golf Cart Drill Team.  They perform at funerals and weddings so they are booked all the time.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Have Yourself A Merry Little Pot Game

Have yourself a merry little Pot Game
Let your swing be right
From now on, our drives will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Pot Game
Make the other teams pay
From now on, our doubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden (game) days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
So spin a shining ball upon the highest tier
And have yourself a merry little Pot Game now
Have yourself a merry little Pot Game
Let your swing be right
From now on, our drives will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Pot Game
Make the other teams pay
From now on, our doubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden (game) days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
So spin a shining ball upon the highest tier
And have yourself a merry little Pot Game now

Billy D and Sr Pro sent in Christmas photos of their girlfriends for you to enjoy.



To all fellow Pot Gamers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the staff of The Gazette.  Enjoy time with your families.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hot Chili On A Chilly Night

Deacon has done it again.. In the middle of winter's Holiday Season he is able to get most of the Pot Game regulars to come out on a cold night for some homemade chili, plump rolls, slices of pie and plenty of pitchers of beer.  After a few pitchers to loosen up the lips old stories and fresh rumors start flying around.

Blue Tees may be bidding us farewell as he has prepaid for a 2014 membership at Shattuck.  Makes sense as that is right in his backyard but he may be giving up his chance as an Invitational Captain in 2014.

Pudge sneaked in at the end of the night but with enough time left to buy a pitcher and stay off  Deacon's "Naughty List".  He had a big smile on his face just thinking about his upcoming dream date with Ginger that his buddy Billy D gave him for Christmas.

Skooger told Deacon he probably won't come back next year because there was no popcorn.  Just before the party started Deacon had the Bowling Alley owner move their big popcorn machine to the back room out of sight.  I am sure it was just to make more room for the party.

Deacon did catch another unsuspecting Bowler trying to steal a bowl full of chili.  He waited until the misguided soul had ladled it into his bowl and then he unleashed a powerful tongue lashing on the poor guy.  When he was done spewing his wrath, he told the guy he could take it.  The suspect did not try to grab a roll during his getaway.

Tractorman knocked down 5 bowls of chili, 4 rolls and 2 pieces of pie.  Nowhere near his record.   He does help bring the chili to the party as well as bring it home for the Deacon, so he may have fixed himself a snack coming and going.

There was a major malfunction this year.  It seems that right when the second batch of roll dough was rising, the first rolls weren't cooking very fast in the oven.  That's because the stove decided to expire after years of abuse by the Deacon.  So everything had to be transported to a neighbors house to be cooked.  According to Barbara who got blamed for the stove failure,  Deacon's blood pressure was through the roof.  Which may explain why his first two strings he bowled were not up to par.

Joey M is a closet bowling instructor.. Who knew.  After a few words with Deacon about how to move his hand a little to the right on his release, the strikes started going up on the score sheet big time.

Randy and Friends Tournament is really taking shape.  According to the host he has lined up several sponsors for next year.  One of them is rumored to be Dick's Sporting Goods who has agreed to place electronic scoreboards around the course for up to the minute standings and donate a dozen Titleist for each player .  Another is Clark Distributors who will be having beverage carts serve up ice cold beer for free..  There were a lot of excited Pot Gamers when they heard that news.  Especially the Invitational exiled (Fireman, Commish, Pudge, 40).

Speaking of exiled, Cheez called in from FL but the Deacon refused to talk with him because he used had used the "D" word five years ago to describe the rolls.  But Cheez did get to talk with lots of other Pot Gamers.  He gave them a blow by blow description of his last round all 82 strokes.

Commish announced he will be taking back his rightful place as head of the Pot Game in 2014.  House immediately starting writing out a petition to allow him to play the white tees again.  As he was passing it around for players to sign it got misplaced when it got to Joey M.  It was never seen again.

BB (Brad-Brian) and TJ were comparing notes over kid issues.  One has a dating teenager and the other a little perpetual pooping machine.  They were told it doesn't get any easier going forward.

Mad Dog announced Bretwood's opening day in 2014 will March 28th.  So the first Pot Game will be March 29th at 9am or when the frost is gone.  Be sure to pay for the Hole-In-One pool before you tee off.

Molasses Boy was seen talking with his old twilight partner George most of the night.  Which can mean only one thing.  He is planning on dumping Deacon as his partner and reuniting with George.

Billy D came early and left early to get ready for a long day of skiing the next day.  Birdie gave him a heads up that the best "spandex" watching at the Y is around 10am, when the bored housewives come out to exercise.  Billy D has been going at 7am when there is no spandex in sight just over sized sweat pants.

Triple N even showed.  He blew off volunteering helping feed the cold and poor homeless at the Keene shelter so he could get some nice hot chili.

Everyone agreed that they had a great time seeing all their friends and enjoying great food served up by Deacon and Barbara.  It is a lot of hard work and expense for Deacon and Barbara but it wouldn't seem like Christmas for them without doing it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shopping Tips Or Gift Suggestions

If you were thinking of getting 99 a winter hat or scarf for XMas make sure it is orange so it will match his jumpsuit he might be wearing for the next few months.

Dr Dave's wife is getting him new golf shoes with lead weight soles so his feet won't be moving when he hits his shots next summer.

Rizzo has asked Santa for a faster internet connection so he can send out twice as many high quality porno pic emails to all his friends.

Rama bought House a new lunch box for his mid-round snacks with the money he took off him this summer.  He let his daughter pick it out.

If you wanted to get Birdie a little something, why not a new tee shirt since he never wears collared golf shirts anyway.

They Are Cute!
Ever wonder why Otis plays in lots of scrambles during the summer; here is your answer.  Last Christmas his wife paid his way into a charity scramble called "Help Homeless Bunnies".  She thought it was for saving cute little bunnies who needed a farm to live on.  This is a picture of Otis's team of "Homeless Bunnies".  He is not getting the same present this year.

Joey M has asked for a few sessions with a sports psychologist to get over the emotional trauma of the Red Sox winning the World Series and his beloved NY Giants not making the playoffs.


Billy D is going to surprise Pudge with a dream date with Gretchen's little sister Ginger.  She likes to watch golf on tv, going to NASCAR races, visiting Las Vegas and throwing down a few cold ones after a good workout.

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's Holiday Time

Billy D and Gretchen are into ski mode even though snow is in short supply.  Gretchen surprised Billy D by modeling her new "apres ski" outfit outside their VT lodge.  Some guys get all the luck.


Deacon this time of year is always trying out new chili recipes for his annual Bowling Alley Chili Party.  He uses the fussy neighborhood kids to do his taste tasting.  By the looks of things this recipe may not have made the cut.

Down He Goes
Captain Fireman wants his men to be prepared for any contingency including if Santa while making his rounds in Keene may get stuck in a chimney after indulging in one too many cookies.  So he has the newest KFD rookie lowered into old firehouse chimney so they can practice extraction.

Commish always looking for ways to earn a few bucks so he can feed the ever growing menagerie of animals Mrs Commish collects, has decided to dress up the alpacas in Santa hats and take them around to nursing homes for picture opportunities with the residents.  99 is his man on the inside setting up the appointments for a small cut.


Cheez made it back to his home in the Villages after freezing his butt off during his brief NH Thanksgiving stay.  The first thing he did when he got back was put up his Christmas decorations on his front lawn.  He decided it would be cool this year to decorate his palm tree.  For some reason his neighbors didn't share his enthusiasm.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful For

As Pot Gamers gather with their family and friends around the Thanksgiving dinner table they give Thanks for the following:

99 is thankful for that he is recuperating with his new 80 year old friends in a nursing home instead of sharing a cell with an axe murderer in the slammer.

Commish is thankful for the fact that Pot Gamers still remember who he is since he barely plays anymore.

Pudge is thankful for that there are no more Red, White & Blue tournaments left on the calendar for this year so he doesn't have to worry about sleeping past his tee time.

Otis is thankful for the fact that his last six rounds in the low 70s never went into the GHIN system so his handicap is safely padded for next spring.

Dr Dave is thankful for the fact he has tickets to BC games in the fall so he does have to play in the Pot Game and risk losing all the Pot money he won.

Cheez is thankful for the fact that he survived ignoring stroke pain for three days and hundreds of miles of driving but he didn't miss his first "Sticks" golf match.

TJ is thankful for the fact he has a beautiful little daughter and his garage has stayed standing another year.

Birdie is thankful for Obamacare not having kicked in yet so he can get his knees fixed with good health insurance.

Rama is thankful for the fact he has a new cellphone with a secret number so the "Big House" can't call him into work on nights and weekends.

Mad Dog is thankful for that season has ended as he was running out of excuses as to why he couldn't play in the Pot Game when his back felt great.

Chuckster is thankful for his new house being within view of the clubhouse and driveway so he can watch all the Pot Gamers driving by the course in the early spring seeing if the course is ready to open while he sips a cocktail on his porch.

Deacon is thankful for despite that fact he doesn't have all his strength back he can still crank his drives past the Bear.

Fireman is thankful for the fact that the new putting green at the firehouse is the same speed as Bretwood's greens, slow.

Luke is thankful he still gets invited to his parents houses for Turkey Day even though he has to sit at the little kid's table because Mini took the last place at the head table.

Billy D is thankful for that in skiing he can go left and right instead of like golf where he only goes to the right.

Tractorman is thankful for that 2014 is almost here so he start planning for the first annual "Randy & Friends tournament.

Chimney is thankful for that the cold weather is upon us so all the wood stoves are cranked up securing his income for the new year.

Brett is thankful for his new baby daughter who will be able to earn a full scholarship to college for softball under title nine once he teaches her his home run swing.

Kirk is thankful for his father Rod having to refer to him as "Mr Club Champion" at the dinner table this year.

Molasses Boy is thankful for the fact that hunting season is here and hunters like to move slow and deliberate unlike golfers.
Triple N is thankful for the fact that nobody has ever told him how strange it is that he carries his clubs like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder or he walks like his pants are on fire.

Dougie is thankful for that he has all winter to work on his VT invitational so he can create another powerhouse team for himself.

House is thankful for the rumors that Commish is coming back into control next summer so he once again he can tee off from the whites.

Sandy is thankful for the fact that his oldest daughter enjoys chasing deer with him instead of chasing boys.

Jerry Maquire is thankful for the fact he survived his first summer as an official Pot Gamer,  got himself a nickname and only got one X.

Skrocki is thankful for the fact he found a set of no hosel irons on eBay so there will be no Chinese shots next summer for him.

Dicky Mac is thankful for his son Andy Mac dragging him back to play Pot Games so he could get on lousy teams and lose money every week.

Brad-Brian is thankful for the fact he came back from exile at Spofford and on to a real golf course at Bretwood where gets to be a regular B man in the Pot Game.

Skooger is thankful for the fact he gets to go skiing all winter where if you fall all anyone says to you is "oh well".

Blue Tees is thankful for the fact he is the frontrunner to chosen Captain in the 2014 Invitational based on his good play in 2013.

Joey M is thankful for being left the Invitational in Deacon's will so he can pare the roster down a little.

Forty is thankful for getting to play all fall with the B Boys so he could fatten his wallet to be able to get his wife something nice for Christmas at the Dollar Store.

Jay Esch is thankful he is only weeks away from heading south to his house in FL where all the putts break to the setting sun.

Bayou Bomber is thankful for having received his first invite to the Invitational in 2013 and is looking for his secret handshake for 2014.

Sr Pro is thankful for the fact he found another watering hole after his beloved Ginos closed this summer.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Last Hurrah

Last Saturday was the last day of play for Bretwood for 2013.  Bright sunny skies were deceptive because the 20 mph gusting wind made the wind chill about 6 degrees.  But despite the freezing weather 10 Pot Gamers showed to play one last round together.

Chuckster under the influence of a crispy fresh $20 from Pudge, created two teams of five to do battle.

Team #1 Pudge, Jay Esch, Otis, Fireman and Commish (dream team) teed off first on the North Course with the wind hollowing from the North.  Despite several of the players bundled up with multiple layers they shot a unbelievable +10 (4 BB) on the front.
Commish Ready For Action Pic By Donna Cam

Team #2 Bear, Sandy, Dougie, Billy D and House got off to a very slow start and never recovered with a +21 on the front to lose by 11.

The back nine started out promising for Team #1 who was in cruise control but they couldn't duplicate the birdie barrage of the front side and ended up stumbling in with a +15.  They still thought it was good enough based on the pummeling they had give team #2 on the front.  But fear the team that stinks it up on the front, they usually roar back to life.  Team #2 demoralized and able to muster only one birdie put together a +1 over the last four holes to nip Team #1 by one with +14.

So each team won a side and Team #1 won the overall.  There were 5 skins worth $10 a piece (Pudge 2, Commish 2 and Otis 1)

Low scores of the day Otis 76, Bear 77, Pudge 77 and Sandy 79.  Pudge and Bear resumed their "dollar a hole" match and Pudge on the strength of his four birdie day got into Bear's pocket for $4.  Which should have been more because Bear had no birdies but did have a few more pars than Pudge.

A few libations were shared in the parking lot after which took the chill off momentarily.  It was a great end to all too short of a golf season.

Pudge announced that 9 at 9 is officially canceled for this year based on course conditions and weather (temps in low 20s).
Cheez is back in town and was planning to play and see everyone but instead sends his Thanks for all the emails and texts wishing him a full recovery.

Next Pot Game event is Dec 11th at 6pm at the Bowling Alley for the Annual Chili Party hosted by the Deacon and His #1 Girl Barbara.  Heaven help you if you blow it off...he takes notice of who shows and who doesn't.

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 18, 2013


Billy D's View From Treadmill At The Y
Did you ever wonder why Billy D works out every morning at the Y.  He is on a constant spandex hunt.  By the looks of things hunting has been pretty good lately.

9 at 9 is a little more than a week away.  Last year we had quite a turn out on Thanksgiving morning to share a few libations and play a few holes of golf on the frozen tundra.  Mark your calendars and tell your wife/girlfriend you will help out when you come back at noon just before you sit down for the football games.

Deacon has played more golf than Mad Dog in the last couple of weeks.  He has announced his Chili Party will be at 6pm sharp at the bowling alley on December 11th.  If you are a regular Pot Gamer you are invited.  Bring an appetite for great chili, rolls and special pies for dessert.  Be sure to buy a pitcher of beer if you want to attend next year.  Also be sure to thank your host "Barbara" and don't talk to the Deacon if he has a string of strikes going, he hates that...

Chuckster has sold out all his winter memberships to his indoor driving range at his new house.   Bonnie will be selling refreshments if you get thirsty.  Rumor has it Brad-Brian is putting one in as well so you could try to buy a membership from him.

Addison Jane DiRusso
TJ broke into the ranks of Fatherhood on the 5th of November with a baby daughter Addison Jane.  She is a cutie..  He reports that he has not slept through the night yet since her arrival.  So her lungs are working fine.  He tells her bedtime stories about all the low rounds he shot this summer.

Weekend Pot Games are still going on despite the cool temps.  Although we gather at 8am, tee off is usually between 8:30 to 9:30.  Scores are no longer being posted so all sandbaggers feel free to attend and shoot your low scores.

Cheez checked in to say he is doing much better.  He said he is about 97% back to normal health wise with just a little more work to do with his left side in therapy.  His chipping is very "Deacon" like so his scores are in the mid 80s instead of mid 70s.  He will be attending 9 at 9 on Turkey Day.  He will be guy looking like the younger brother in the Christmas Story movie with the snow suit on.

Chimney's putts are rolling in with authority again after he "reclaimed" his trusted old putter from his son.  He has been picking up some decent skin money in the late season Pot Games.

Fireman and Birdie are pitching shutouts in their quest to bag a trophy buck.  All they have seen are a few Bambi.   Of course Fireman did spot deer and bear tracks on the greens of the South side on Sunday, so you could see a tree stand erected in the near future.

When you think of who has the most rounds posted this summer you would guess Cheez, Billy D, Fireman, but you would be wrong by a wide margin.  Billy D was closing in on 120 rounds, but the Bayou Bomber has over 150 and counting.  No wonder the Sentinel Sports section is so small.

Tractorman has been on IR with a bad shoulder.  But he is still keeping his hand in the Pot Game with his diabolical tee markers and pin placements...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Frozen Out

Wednesday was the coldest start yet in a Pot Game.  Frost was the dominate theme as 8 players had to wait until almost 9am to tee off on the North Course.  Chuckster created two teams which looked very fair on paper.  As they assembled on the first tee Bear's team was all there so they tee off first which made Triple N wait to go second which usually throws him off his game because he can't race ahead.  But more than going second Bear's team thought Molasses Boy being in his group would be his "kryptonite" because he can't stand to play slow.

Team #1 Bear, Otis, Billy D and Fireman started great on the first hole but lost 4 on the 2nd hole and had to use a lot of double bogeys in their 3BB score along the way so they end up +11.

Team #2 Triple N, Skrocki, Molasses Boy and Skooger played strong through the first five holes on the strength of Skrocki's two birdies but slipped a little coming in to end up with +9, but a two stroke victory.

On back nine with Team #2 fading out of sight two holes behind, Team #1 played steady through 14 and then brought their score down to +4 which they thought was a winner after three birdies on the last three holes.  However Team #2 settled into the snail pace set by Molasses Boy and continued to play better golf on the back as well.  Skrocki rolled in two more birdies and Triple N threw in another on the 17th and they finished at +3 to sweep all sides and freeze out Team #1.

Low scores of the day Bear 72, Skrocki 75, Otis 76 and Triple N 77.  Everyone else slipped to high 80s or low 90s.

There were 5 skins worth $8 a piece (Skrocki 3, Fireman and Otis)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Full Moon Massacre

Saturday brought frosty temperatures and a bright moon still shining over the course as Pot Gamers descended on Bretwood at 7:30am.  The Pro Shop announced that there was a frost delay, so all 10 Pot Gamers who were bundled up to play made their way upstairs to grab something to eat.  As they were sitting around BB (Brad-Brian) thought it would be a good idea to have Pudge and Bear pick the teams.  So everyone agreed and Bear with the higher handicap started off with the first pick followed by Pudge picking the next two and back it forth it went until two teams of five were created.  Bear flipped a coin to determine the format 3BB or 4BB.  When the coin came up tails, 4 BB it was.

Little did Bear know that Pudge who had been playing several days in a row knew who was hot and who was not.  So Bear's team looked good on paper until the balls started flying.

Team #1 Bear, Skrocki, Dougie, Jerry and House knew they were in trouble from the opening tee shots on the North Course when three players duck hooked left into the 18th fairway of south.  It only got worse from there. Which resulted in a new record of +22 for 4BB.

Team #2 Pudge, BB, Billy D, Brett and Skooger couldn't contain their laughs watching Team #1 tee off.  By getting 5 birdies, avoiding triples and doubles and making sure they had 4 players in on every hole they cruised to +10.  Good enough for a 12 shot lead.

Team #1 couldn't play any worse but it didn't get a whole lot better when the best they could do was +16 on the back.  Team #2 knowing they had an unbeatable lead for total went to cruise control and eased in with a +11.

Here is what Pudge knew and Bear didn't.  Skrocki had worked all night and was playing on almost no sleep.  House had played on Friday on Pudge's team and he had used up all his birdies for a month.  Dougie hadn't played since the warm weather and dry greens and Jerry lost his laser on the practice tee and was a basket case until the 6th hole when it was announced by another foursome that it been found.  So Bear's team had scores of 76, 87, 87, 84 and 93 while Pudge's team had 75, 81, 87, 83 and 85, hence the massacre.

There were only three skins worth $15 a piece. (Pudge 1, Skrocki 1 and Bear 1)  Low scores of the day were Pudge 75 and Bear 76.

If Pudge's thumping of Bear's team wasn't enough Pudge took $1 off Bear in their ongoing match.

News and Notes
Cheez has reported in that he played his first round of golf and shot 89.  The Sticks invited him to join them and he paired up with two of best friends to actually win a side.  He is recovering nicely and sends his thanks for all the emails and cards from his fellow Pot Gamers.

BB's sons have unfortunately got his "club bashing against the bag" DNA.  The little BBs have each broken a club this summer, along with Dad.  So punishment will not be forthcoming because they can't help it if its in their genes.

Start time for weekend Pot Games will be 8am starting next weekend the 26th.  The Pro Shop has stopped giving out tee times so we will play which course is less crowded.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Out Of Balance

Mad Dog clears his schedule for Wednesdays when he knows the low handicappers all show up.  So when he added up the list and found 13 players including himself, he knew he would be chainsawing instead of taking Bear's money.  But before he left in his unhappy state he decided to bless one team with three Captains and leave the other two teams wanting.

Team #1 Triple N, Walt, Skrocki and Rod was harassed from the first tee by the other two teams for being ridiculously strong.  By the look on their faces they knew they had it in the bag courtesy of  Mad Dog's team creations.  Just to make sure they lived up to their billing, Skrocki knocked in three birdies to have them shoot +1 and win the front.

Team #2 Pudge, Otis, Billy D and House knew they had to battle hard to beat the dream team and they tried but the best they could muster was +5 (3BB with all birdies).

Team #3 Bear, Sandy, Fireman and Skooger drifted all the way up to +5 after the 7th hole but rolled in three birdies on the 8th to climb back in it only to watch it melt away with two bogeys on the 9th to finish +4.

Team #1 ran away with the back as they posted an even par 3BB and +1 total.  Team #2 succumbed to the reality of the situation and despite Otis having three birdies  they shot +8.

Team #3 put up six birdies but couldn't overcome their slow start on the 10th hole where they lost four shots and ended up with +2.

There were 5 skins worth $12 a piece. (Otis 1, Triple N 1, Walt 1, Skrocki 1 and Fireman 1).

Low scores of the day were Bear 72, Otis 74, Skrocki 74, Pudge 75, Triple N 76, Walt 78 and Sandy 78.

The Mad Dog created Dream Team had all three "Captains" between 74-78.  The other teams could only get two players in the 70s so "fair and balanced" was not the theme of the day.

The loser teams at least got a free $20 drink. 

There was a total of 23 birdies made.  Skrocki lead the way with 5 of his own.  Team #3 loved the par 3s as they had three birdies on the 8th hole and two on both the 13th and 16th holes.

Bear was able to pry $6 from Pudge on the strength of 3 more birdies in their continuing match.

Past Weekend Round Up

Mad Dog in full Grandpa mode sat out the action but plenty of other Pot Gamers were on hand to try fool the Golf Gods into playing one last great round.

Saturday the forecast called for clouds and cool temperatures and based on the number of jackets being worn by the Pot Gamers it was spot on.  Five teams of three were created to play 2BB with all birdies counting on the North course.

Team #1 Triple N, Dicky Mac and Brett shot a respectable +5 on the front despite the struggles of the  and C players.

Team #2 Bear, 99 and Jerry Maquire played steady and were able to produce a winning score of +3 with only birdie between them.

Team #3 Sandy, Skrocki and Rama had a yo-yo round with a great beginning collapse in the middle and a mini comeback at the end which got them a tie for second place at +5

Team #4 Brad-Brian, Andy Mac and Skooger went off the rails on the 2nd hole when they lost three shots. Despite an eagle on the 4th by Andy Mac when he dunked his second shot they never got back on the tracks on their way to +10.

Team #5 Pudge, Billy D and Birdie the favorites on paper followed Team #4 off the tracks on the second hole when they lost four shots on their way to a horrendous +10 on the front to tie for the boobie prize.

Team #1 never was able to get two players on par and drifted to a +6, while Team #2 played steady again coming in with a +4 to tie the back with Team #4.  Team # 3 and Team 5 shot +7 and +5 and waited to be served their $20 beers.

Team #2 with 2.5 sides served up the drinks and listened to all the stories of the putts that didn't go in from all the other teams.

There were 7 skins worth $10 a piece. (Andy Mac 2, Triple N 1, Rama 1, Brad-Brian 1, Brett 1 and 99 1).  Team #4 said all three of their skins were either chip-ins or dunks from the fairway, no putts necessary.

Low scores of the day Triple N 74, Bear 75, Sandy 80 and Skrocki 80.  Everyone else 80s or 90s.

Pudge and Sandy both resumed their match with Bear and both left $7 lighter in the wallet.

Sunday could produce only nine players so they played 2BB with all birdies counting on the South course.

Team #1 Bear, Skrocki and Chimney with only 1 birdie between them somehow shot a measly +1 which has good enough to win the front.

Team #2 Pudge, Billy D and Rama opened fast going red on the 1st and held steady until 6-8 when they lost three to push them up to +3

Team #3 Brad-Brian, Jedi and Loy were cruising at even par when they imploded on the 7th hole with a bogey and triple to go +4 and then lost three more to move all the way up to +7

Team #1 went from -2 on the 10th all the way to +7 by the 18th hole a total collapse.  Meanwhile Teams #2 and #3 were fighting off double bogeys but still managed to squeak in a score of +6 to tie the back.

Team #1 won 2 sides and Team#2 and #3 took a half side each.

There were 7 skins worth $6 a piece. (Pudge 2, Rama 1, Bear 1, Jedi 1, Billy D 1 and Loy 1).

Low scores of the day were Pudge 73, Bear 77 and Skrocki 79.  Everyone else was in the 80s or 90s.

Bear lost $6 to Pudge so he was up only $1 for the weekend.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

All Tied Up

With more than a little chill in the air on Wednesday morning (38 degrees at tee off), 10 Pot Gamers showed up for a little winter golf.  A few even braved the temps in shorts.

Chuckie made up two teams of 5 players each and they played a little 3BB with all birdies counting.

Team #1 Bear, Sandy, Otis, Walt and Billy D teed off with their breath visible and dew so think it looked like a cover of snow.  The dew made putting a real challenge plus the cups hadn't been changed since Saturday.  Even with all those factors they shot -1 lead by Otis's even par 37.

Team #2 Mad Dog, Triple N, Skrocki, TJ and Molasses Boy were up and down early but settled in with a respectable +1.  Mad Dog and TJ lead the way with 38s.

Team #1 got off to a terrible start on the back and were +4 after the 13th hole.  But they roared back with 4 birdies on the next 5 holes to end up at even par.  Team #2 went red on the 10th hole and never went over even par through 16. with Mad Dog shooting a 33 on his own ball.  Then Molasses Boy woke up from his slump and rolled in birdies on 17 and 18 getting them to -2.  So both teams won a side and split the back.

Low scores of the day Mad Dog 71, Otis 76, TJ 77, Sandy 78 and Triple N 79.  There were eight skins worth $6 a piece (Mad Dog 2, Walt 1, Sandy 1, Otis 1, TJ 1, Bear 1 and Molasses Boy 1).

Bear's game imploded while Mad Dog's came to life, so Mad Dog whipped him for $7 making the YTD all tied up...


Cheez scared everyone with news of him being hospitalized for a mild stroke.  He is out now and very optimistic about a full recovery.  His plan is to play in the 9 at 9 on Thanksgiving.  His email is psgolf@comcast.net if you want to drop him a line.  The Toothpicks are waiting for him to tee it up with them.

Billy D with Wednesday's round hit 100 rounds for the year.  In contrast Bear hit 50 rounds.  Cheez in his limited time playing this summer did 69 rounds.

Otis always conscious of his handicap missed a few "not needed" 4 footers during his round except on 17 when his weak putt rolled over the front edge much to his dismay.. 

Mad Dog reported that the highest index on Wednesday was only 5.3, so "Hump Day" attracts real players.

The 18th hole had two chip in birdies, one for each team.  Sandy from behind the green and Molasses Boy from the front.

Captain America was bundled up riding his mower with temps in the 30s.  He is trying to get one last round in this year before the snow flies.  His target weekend is the 19th-20th.  Tractorman has a bad shoulder and is on the Disabled List.  Thankfully it is not the one that was operated on a few years ago.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Legend Is Born

You never know in the Pot Game when something extraordinary is going to happen.  Saturday was one of those moments when one of our regulars did an unbelievable thing.

Saturday was forecast to be the best day of the weekend.  Twelve Pot Gamers showed up to play a little 3BB on the south course.   Mad Dog was going to play and come out of retirement (again) but when he saw he would be the 13th player he bowed out.

Team #1 Bear, Jay Esh, 99 and Rama got off to a steady start +2 after 6 holes but slipped up on 8 and 9 to end with +6 on the front.  99 shot a smooth even par 36 on the front with a nice 38 by his partner Jay Esh, but it was enough to make up for the 4 bogeys their Captain was making.

Team #2 TJ, Brad-Brian, Brett and Jerry went red on the first hole but struggled on 8and 9 also to shot +6 on the front.  Captain TJ shot 38 with C man Brett throwing in a steady 39 but they couldn't get a third ball from their other players.

Team #3 Triple N, Andy Mac, Skrocki and House had the best team on paper all they had to do was go out and play.  A and B players did their part with 35 and 37 but never were able to get a third par or birdie from the C and D players and ended up with +6.

So each team knew with a three way tie whomever won the back won 2 1/3 sides.  Mad Dog drove up to Team #1 on the 11th tee and asked to play along.

All three teams came off the 10th hole at -1 thinking they were at least 1 or 2 strokes down to everyone else.  Team #1 on the strength of two birdies in the first three holes from Jay Esh were able to ding/dong their way to even par through 14 holes.

Then it happened.  99 who was only 1 over on his own ball on the 15th tee, popped up his hybrid into the very front of the fairway trap.  In typical Mad Dog style he said "Nice pop up".  99 without missing a beat says "It is going to be one hell of a birdie".  To which Bear replies "I'll take a par from there and be very happy".  So as they walk down the fairway they see 99 take out his hybrid and start digging his feet in the sand.  Rama looking on from the edge of the trap is thinking what the hell is he doing.  Nobody tries a 220 yard carry shot over water from the sand playing 3BB when all his other partners are yet to hit.  But 99 does...  With a mighty whack he hits a missile of a high draw that hits on the left side of the green and rolls to the back collar 32' from the pin.   His partners go crazy.. Yelling at him they can't believe he didn't lay up.  As 99 walks to his ball Bear yells out to him "You can only be a legend if you make the putt".  To which 99 just smiles.  As 99 is studying his putt he asks Jay if he wants to play as he isn't quite ready.  Then he checks with Bear to see if the pin is leaning in his favor.  Finally after lots of analysis he pulled his putter back and stroked his putt, then watched as it rolled through the fringe over two swales and dead into the middle of the cup.  Securing his place as a legend in Pot Game lore forever.

He then birdies 16. If that wasn't enough he push fades his tee shot on 18 almost into the first fairway.  Then he tries to hit a 3 wood through the trees but catches one flush shooting the ball across the 18th fairway to 174 yards out.  He hits his third shot 12' past the hole and calmly drains it for an incredible 71.  A score so low that Bear had a hard time having the GHIN computer accept the score.

Mean while Teams #2 & 3 were melting down with back nines of +15 and +6.  So Team #1 swept 2 1/3 sides.

Low scores of the day were 99(The Legend) 71, Triple N 73, Andy Mac 77, Jay Esh 78, Bear 79 and Brett 79.  There were 4 skins worth $15 a piece (99 2, Brad-Brian 1, Jay Esh 1)

Sunday looked to be a good day to stay home and relax because of a rainy forecast and several Pot Gamers were playing in the Elks vs Italians tournament.  But when the weather called for showers to be over during the early morning seven either brave or crazy Pot Gamers showed up to play.

Chuckie made up the teams.  But Mad Dog who had to be coaxed to play insisted that he had to have Jedi on his team.  Which forced Bear to trade his own son for Skrocki.

Team #1 Mad Dog, TJ and Jedi (also using Birdie's score) teed off first on the North course hoping the rain would hold off.  They got off to a slow start and held it together to shoot a +3 2BB on the front which given the on again off again rainy weather wasn't bad.

Team #2 Bear, Andy Mac, Skrocki and Birdie jumped started their round on the strength of Skrocki's birdie on the first.  They followed that up with two more birdies on the 5th hole which gave a solid even par on the front to take a three shot lead over Team #1.

Team #1 rallied on the back with TJ and Jedi both posting 38s and with Birdie giving them two birdies they shot a solid -2.  However Team #2 was still firing birdies with everyone scoring between 36 to 40 on the back which gave -3 to sweep all sides.

Low scores of the day were Bear 76, Andy Mac, 77, Skrocki 77 and Jedi 78.  There were 8 skins worth $4 a piece. (Skrocki 2, Birdie 2, Jedi 1, Bear 1, Mad Dog 1 and Andy Mac 1)

Mad Dog finally took on the Bear to resume their season long match.  Bear came away with $4 making the YTD Bear up $7.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday Wonderment

With a forecast of near 80 degrees, 16 Pot Gamers came out to tee off in fog and play a little 3BB on the South course.  Mad Dog scheduled Valley Seniors for a 9am shot gun on the back nine which lead everyone to conclude this could be another of his "Bright Ideas".  They got more nervous when the Dog announced he wasn't playing (another retirement).  But in the end his logistics worked out and the two groups never collided.

Chuckie created four groups to do battle.  One of the participants Commish had to re-introduce himself as no one has seen him in over a month.  Bear had texted him the night before to challenge him to show up while the weather was still warm and he did.

Team #1 Triple N, Molasses Boy, 99 and Rod P went red on the first hole but couldn't hold it as they crept up to +4 at the turn.  Triple N shot a very impressive 33 on the front on his own ball which was good for the second best score of the day.

Team # 2 Pudge, Skrocki, Billy D and House were rolling along until they reached the 7th hole when the best they could do was +4 which kick started them on their way to shoot +9 on the front.

Team #3 Sandy, Otis, Fireman and Commish were able to ding/dong their way to a +3 score when players B-D all broke 40.

Team #4 Bear, Walt, Birdie and Skooger were rolling along until they had to take a triple bogey 7 on the 4th hole which sealed their fate.  Bear threw in 4 birdies to shot 32 and Walt shot a tidy 37 but they couldn't get lower than +4.

Team # 1 drifted into bogey land when they shot +10 on the back followed close behind by Team #3 who shot +9.  Teams #2 and #4 fought it out ending in a tie at +3.  Team #2 went birdie crazy when Pudge and Skrocki birdied the last 6 holes in a row.  Team # 4 had three birdies on the 16th hole to put them -2 but couldn't hold on losing 5 shots on 17 and 18.

Team #4 ended up with 1 1/2 sides, Team #2 1/2 and Team #3 1 side.

Low scores of the day Bear 67, Triple N 74, Pudge 74, Otis 76, Walt 76 and Sandy 78.  There were 8 skins worth $10. (Pudge 4 (Roy Boy x 4), Bear 1, Triple N 1, Billy D 1, Skrocki 1)

Sandy who has been clipping Bear on a regular basis in their automatic dollar a hole match forked over a record $15 to Bear.  Pudge and Bear also have an ongoing match and despite Pudge making four birdies he still lost $10 when Bear posted 7 birdies.

Cheez update.  He is stuck in NC grandchildren mode which does not allow playing golf.  He won't make The Villages until Sunday night.  Lots of rust on his game.

Half A Loaf

While the Gazette editor was on assignment in SC last weekend a new cub reporter was able to supply info for Saturday but not for Sunday.

Saturday under clear blue skies 13 players showed up for a little 2BB on the North course.

Team #1 Triple N, Billy D and Jerry lead the way with a very average score of +6 when they couldn't find two players on each hole to make a par or better.

Team #2 Mad Dog, Tractorman and Dickie Mac went along with the trend by shooting +6 after they imploded on the 6th hole having to use a bogey/double bogey 2BB.

Team #3 Sandy, Jedi and Fireman got off to a shaky start but steadily improved to a score of +4 good enough to take the front.

Team #4 Andy Mac, Skrocki, Skooger and House were the favorites on paper by virtue of them having 4 players.  But they couldn't overcome the C and D players shooting 10 over on the front on their own balls which resulted in another +6 score.

Team Captains went to the whip on the back nine resulting three teams (Teams #1 #2 and #3) shooting even par.  Team #4 an improved +2 but not good enough to keep pace making them one of the few 4 man teams to lose this summer.

Team #3 claimed 2 1/3 sides so they had to buy the drinks and serve the thirsty deck dwellers.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 73, Sandy 75, Jedi 76 and Mad Dog 78.  There were five skins worth $13 a piece (Jedi 1, Triple N 1, Sandy 1, Mad Dog 1 and Tractorman 1).

Sunday's results are known only to those that played...  All we know is Cheez didn't win anything.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Against The Odds

Cheez had let it be known that there was only a one in ten chance he would play Wednesday, but he surprised everyone by showing up. With 11 other Pot Gamers joining him, Chuckie created 3 teams of 4 to play 2BB with all birdies counting.

Team#1 Mad Dog (yes he came out of retirement), Otis, Billy D and Fireman on the strength of Otis's three birdies shot a respectable -1 but fell short of winning the front.

Team#2 Bear, Skrocki, Molasses Boy and Skooger peaked at -3 but slipped back to -2 but held on to share on the front.

Team#3 Sandy, Walt, 99 and Cheez also peaked at -3 but settled at -2 to tie.

All teams had at least 5 birdies on the front with Team #1 getting 6.

The back was a whole different story with birdies drying up and all teams shooting over par. Team #1 managed a +1 score to secure the victory because the other two teams shot +2. However all teams tied for overall. Which made this the fairest teams of any Pot Game all summer long.

Cheez asked to play a regular Pot Game on his last day complete with skins and they did. There were only 2 skins worth $30 a piece. (Sandy 1 and Molasses Boy 1)

Low scores of day were Bear 78, Molasses Boy 78, Walt 78, Mad Dog 79 and Otis 79.

Bear was able to pry $2 from Mad Dog making the YTD Bear up $3.

Fireman told one last Cheez story as the Cheez's Pot Games came to a close. On Sunday on the 16th hole North, Fireman chunked his tee shot so he headed half way up the hill to hit his next shot. As he was over his shot about to pull the trigger he heard a crash of what sounded like his bag being knocked over. Sure enough as Fireman looked over at where he left his bag, there was Cheez with his head down looking at the ground, arms outstretched pushing his cart up the hill right smack into Fireman's clubs. Cheez not missing a beat looks at Fireman and says "who would leave their clubs in the middle of the fairway". Only the Cheez oblivious to his surrounding could run over his playing partners clubs with a push cart in the middle of the fairway. He has become Hopper Jr.

We will miss him for the wealth of Gazette stories he gives us every week. But he is a "Toothpick" now for the winter.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Swan Song

Cheez announced that he is leaving on Thursday for The Villages, so this past weekend were his last official rounds in the Pot Game.  He got a recent email from the the head of the "Sticks' in The Villages informing him that unless Phil "The Thrill" was arriving in early October, they were full up with players.  So if he is still "The Thrill Is Gone" then they have found a home for him with former "Sticks" who also have lost their games.  The group is called "The Toothpicks".   They play behind "The Sticks" on Saturdays.  The good news is they don't care if you move around when someone is putting out and you can talk all you want in their back swing because most can't see or hear.  Should be fun.

Saturday was unseasonably warm at 7:30 so jackets were off early.  Twenty players showed up to play which is practically a Red, White & Blue mob.  Mad Dog announced his retirement from golf for 2013 because of bad golf game and bad back, not sure which came first.  So the YTD with the Bear is over.  Bear declared victory with $1 in winnings. (Last fall Dog retired and unretired three times so stay tuned).

Team #1 Triple N, Joey M, Birdie and House went off first with 2 carts and one speed walker.  They shot a middling +5 3BB with all birdies counting on the front.

Team #2 Bear, Billy D, Cheez and Chimney ripped off three birdies on the first hole to grab the lead only to watch it disappear on the next hole with 3 bogeys.  Cheez may have jinxed the team when he said on the first hole, "I never play well if I birdie the first hole".   It was down hill from there into a +9 score.

Team #3 TJ, Jedi, Brett and Rama thought they were off to a fast start with a TJ eagle on 1 and three more birdies over the next four holes from Jedi and Brett getting them to -3.  However they succumb to the power of the bogey and ended up with +6.

Team #4 Jay Esh, Tractorman, Jerry and Fireman looked great on paper but never got untracked and ended up with a score of +7.

Team #5 Brad-Brian, Skrocki, Dr Dave and Dickie Mac realized they might be in trouble when their captain doubled the first hole, so they decided to dig deep and try not to use his ball.  The strategy worked as they ding-donged their way to +3 and victory.

As the teams were finishing and heading to the deck, Team #2's score of +4 on the back was holding up as everyone else was +6-+10.  Cheez was starting to count his "chickens" again when Team #5 announced they had swept all sides with a back nine +2.

TJ was not as disappointed as his team however because he had polled everyone as they sat down on the deck to see what their low score was on the first.  He knew he at least had a skin with his eagle.  So the stunned look on TJ's face was priceless when Bear started to ask for birdies on 1 and Brad-Brian shouts out "eagle".  Dickie Mac had dunked with it with a wedge from 90 yards out.  That set off hoots and hollers heard around the course.  All TJ could say with his jaw wide open was "really, your shitting me".   Another classic Pot Game moment.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 74, Bear 76, Jay Esch 76, Tractorman 77, TJ 77, Skrocki 78, Dickie Mac 78, Dr Dave 79 and Birdie 79.

There were a total of six skins worth $15 a piece. (Dr Dave, Billy D, Triple N, Joey M, Brett and Jedi.

No group hit it longer than Team #3 with massive drives; they were hitting 9s and 8s into the 18th hole when the rest of the field were hitting hybrids and 3 woods for their second shots.

Dr Dave jumped back into the winners circle again this week.  He has raked in so much cash from Pot Games that he is thinking about cutting back his grueling work schedule from 2 1/2 days a week to 1 1/2 days.

Sunday was suppose to be rainy and cool until around 11am.  However the rain blew by before 7am and bright blue skies greeted the Pot Gamers who showed up.  Only 10 made it, so quota became the game much to the displeasure of the Birthday Boy Cheez.  He couldn't believe on his last day he was forced to play the game he hates the most quota.  Nobody else seemed to mine so it was game on.

Team #1 Bear, Dougie and Billy D made zero points on the first hole and continued that theme throughout the front nine ending up with -9.

Team #2 Sandy, Jedi and Birdie never got better than pars and bogies and finished with a indifferent -7.

Team #3 TJ, Skrocki, Cheez and Fireman having fattened their handicaps all summer were able to shot +3 on the front to gain a 10 shot advantage over the nearest team.

The Pot Game theme is usually never fear on the back nine the team that blitzed the front.  Sunday was no exception as Team #3 blew a huge lead by shooting -12 on the back for a -9 total.  Team #1 was imploding with a score of -7 led by their inept Captain being -10 on his own ball.  However Team #2 shot an impressive +4 on the strength of Sandy's three birdies and Jedi's one birdie and lots of pars from Birdie.  They snatched the total out from under Team #3 with a -3.

Low scores of the day were Sandy 77 and Billy D 78.  Everyone else was in the 80s.  No one could figure why most players had a bad scoring day on the course in beautiful weather.

There were 7 skins worth $7 a piece (Jedi 1, Sandy 2, Fireman 2 and Skrocki 2).  Fireman had a total of three birdies but still managed to slip into the low 80s.  He must need new equipment.

Birthday Boy Cheez
Cheez was rewarded with an extra beer out of the Pot as it was his 71st birthday.  No he did not shoot his age.  There will be an over/under pool on what age the Cheez will accomplish shooting his age.  The early line is when he is 74.

Friday, September 20, 2013

What A Bright Idea

Average Wednesday Bretwood Player
Thick fog was foreshadowing what disaster the Wednesday Pot Game was about to become.  With the new start time of 8am on weekdays,  it gives time for other groups to jump ahead of the Pot Game.  Wednesday was a classic case.  Twelve players from MA with and average handicap of 40 teed off just in front of the Pot Game on the South Course.  The North course was closed on the back nine so the Pot Gamers were stuck.  Mad Dog came up with a "bright idea" to walk all the way out to 11 and tee off to jump ahead of the disaster in front of them.  This ranked up there with his idea to put the Pot Game behind the Elks Tournament 6 years ago.  Reluctantly the 12 Pot Gamers walked and rode out to the 11th tee even though they were worried that when they came around a big crowd would be on the first tee.  Mad Dog assured everyone that it was September no one comes out to play.  Well when they came around there were 5 groups waiting to tee off with an average age of 80.  The round took over 5 hours to play.  Moral of this story is the next time Mad Dog has a "bright idea" no one will be listening.

Team #1 Bear, Walt, Billy D and Cheez never got untracked on the disjointed back nine shooting the high score of +10 3BB.  Billy D despite laying down the rules of no talking or moving on the greens to Cheez, he couldn't keep him under control.  Cheez picked up maybe two pins in 18 holes even though he putted out first many times.  He was more interested in securing a ride in Walt's cart then helping out his team mates.

Team #2 Mad Dog, TJ, Bill M and 99 got it rolling early but let it slip away with a +6.  Mad Dog was a mess the whole round worried he wasn't going to finish his round in time to take over his duties in the Pro Shop at 1pm.  According to his group he was a real pleasure to play with while his blood pressure was rising.

Team #3 Triple N Skrocki, Molasses Boy and Skooger cruised to an easy victory on the back with a solid +2.  Triple N was like a race horse stuck at the gate with no place to run.

After the long wait on the first tee most of the Pot Gamers were so stiff they could barely swing the club.  Team #2 had two of the youngest members so they were able to carry their teammates  to victory with a solid +1.  Which gave them the total as well with +7.  The other two teams were well behind with +8 and +9.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 75, TJ 77, 99 77 and Walt 77.  Everyone else was in the 80s.

Mad Dog despite shooting an awful 84 to Bear's 81 he still managed to get a $1 on the strength of his one birdie making the YTD Bear up $1.

Billy D bought a bucket of balls to hit on the range.  When he got over there he realized he couldn't even see where they were going because of the fog.  He did see a vision we are all familiar with though of the Cheez emerging from the fog from in front of the range with a arm full of previously hit range balls.  Most of Cheez's retirement dollars would be gone if "The Big House" knew how many free range balls and cart rides he has taken over the years.

Too Old To Care About

Saturday:  I told you it was old news.  18 Players showed up in the fog to play some 2BB on the south course.  Mad Dog was going to go with 3 teams of six when he remembered that he could make 6 teams of three instead.

Team #1 Triple N, 99 and Cheez somehow managed to overcome the jinx of their Captain not winning in at least a month and pulled out a -1 on the front to nip two other teams.  Both 99 and Cheez were waiting for the other one to hit a Chinese hosel rocket.  99 blinked first with two of them but couldn't entice Cheez to follow him.

Team #2 Brad-Brian, Molasses Boy and Skooger were in the lead until the 9th hole and a bogey did them in, so they finished even par.

Team #3 TJ, Billy D and Chimney played the front great for individual scores but lousy for team scores at +2

Team #4 Andy Mac, Skrocki and Rama closed fast with a birdie on 9 but still fell one short of the winning score with a even par round.

Team #5 Bear, Brett and Dr Dave thought they had it made with automatic money man Dr Dave on their team but it wasn't to be with the high score on the front of +4.

Team #6 Mad Dog, Birdie and Jerry Mag stumbled out the gate to finish next to last with a +3

On the back nine Team #6 under threat of their Captain launched a birdie assault led by Jerry Mag (3 birdies) to cruise to an easy victory at -2.  All the other teams were shooting between +1 to +5.  Team #1 did get total with even par to win two thirds of the pot.

Low Score of the day were Skrocki 74, Molasses Boy 76, Mad Dog 77, Brad-Brian 77, TJ 77, Triple N 77 and 99 77.  There were only two skins worth $45 a piece (Andy Mac and Jerry Mag)

Mad Dog despite beating Bear by two strokes was only able to grab $1 making the YTD Bear up $2.

Sunday: Gazette did not cover the Pot Game and no reporters turned in their reports.  Cheez did mention there were 12 players.  Who won is anybody's guess.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Not A Chance

The Gazette polled dozens of Pot Gamers (really random golfers on the range) to get their opinions on the following questions:

Will Cheez shoot a score lower or equal to his age?  Not A Chance
Will Fireman turn his right hand to the right to stop the fade?  Not A Chance
Will Mad Dog catch Bear in their year-long match of cards for a buck a hole?  Not A Chance
Will TJ cut back on his playing golf on the weekends when he becomes a father?  Not A Chance
Will we see Commish at another Pot Game in 2013 with the weather getting cooler?  Not A Chance
Will Dougie opt play the tips on his road trip Invitational next year?  Not A Chance
Will Billy D dump Gretchen for his new neighbor?  Not A Chance
Will "The One Who Moved To The Cape" ever play in another Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will House ever be allowed to play on the white tees?  Not A Chance
Will Tractorman stop tomahawking his wedge?  Not A Chance
Will Skrocki find a cure for his shanking of chip shots?  Not A Chance
Will Triple N ever walk at a normal person's pace during a round of golf?  Not A Chance
Will "The Big House" ever allow beer carts on the course?  Not A Chance
Will DMac's girlfriend ever let him play another Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will Otis ever lengthen his back swing to get more distance?  Not A Chance
Will the maintenance crew ever get a raise more than $9 per hour?  Not A Chance
Will Dickie Mac ever like the team he is on?  Not A Chance
Will Chimney ever shift his weight to his left foot?  Not A Chance
Will Birdie's house sell before Cheez's next spring?  Not A Chance
Will the Bayou Bomber ever prefer NE Clam Chowder to Gumbo?  Not A Chance
Will Mad Dog ever witness another player miss a zero inch putt in his lifetime?  Not A Chance
Will The "Vulch" be welcomed back into the Pot Game by Joey M?  Not A Chance
Will Dr Dave ever hit bad on the range and great on the course?  Not A Chance
Will Brad-Brian be able to dodge the day his sons start beating him at golf?  Not A Chance
Will Molasses Boy ever get his "Little Bow" nickname back?  Not A Chance
Will Bretwood stay open until December this year?  Not A Chance
Will Jay Esch be known for his putting rather than his long drives?  Not A Chance
Will Sandy ever reveal what is really in that gigantic coffee mug?  Not A Chance
Will Deacon ever have anything but an "outside" voice?  Not A Chance
Will 99 ever look younger than his real age?  Not A Chance
Will Chuckie ever give up his ownership in Bretwood that he won off of Ellis playing cribbage?  Not A Chance
Will 40 adopt the fade like his brother?  Not A Chance
Will Murt come out of exile and play in the Pot Game again?  Not A Chance
Will Danny Roy's girlfriend find out he plays golf every afternoon before he goes home?  Not A Chance
Will Loy show how he got a $20 bill to fly on to the roof of the Clubhouse?  Not A Chance
Will Skooger ever sharpen his game so he can be a B player?  Not A Chance
Will Rama ever be able to top his expression after missing a putt of "Swahili Cock Boxer"?  Not A Chance
Will Brett shoot another round in the 70s like he did two weeks ago in the Pot Game?  Not A Chance
Will Pudge ever again pick a date for his Red, White and Blue Tournament and then not show up for it?  Not A Chance
Will any Pot Gamer break it to Mini that he is not really Mad Dog's son?  Not A Chance
Will the "Big House" step away and let Luke take his rightful place as manager of the empire?  Not A Chance
Will Blue Tees be a delight to play with because of his positive attitude?  Not A Chance
Will Jerry Maguire ever give himself another putt while playing a match against another Pot Gamer?  Not A Chance
Will Joey M's future Invitational have more players invited than Randy & Friends Tournament?  Not A Chance
Will there ever be another long haired J-walker sent to County Jail for two days because he talked while Deacon the Bail Commissioner was talking?  Not A Chance

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pea Soup

Wednesday remains the most popular mid week day to play in the Pot Game.  But this Wednesday was unseasonably warm and muggy with incredible pea soup fog enveloping the entire course at tee off.   Normally with early morning fog you can see 50 0r 60 yards off the first tee, not today 10 yards maybe.  It lasted for 4 holes before it gave way to hot broiling sun and temperatures soaring into the 90s. 

Fourteen players teed off on the South course to avoid the newly punched North course greens.  But the greens they putted on were in the worst condition of the summer, long shaggy soaking wet grass still healing from the punching of several weeks ago.

Team #1 Triple N, Molasses Boy and Otis teed off first and shot a nice little -1 2BB on the front but it wasn't good enough.  Team #2 Bear, Skrocki and Billy D got off to a rough start with three bogeys on the first hole but brought it back to even par but well back from the winners.  Team # 3 Mad Dog, Sandy, Fireman and Johnny Hilow (great to have him back with us) roared out of the box on the strength of Sandy's 4 birdies in the first five holes (33) to shoot -4 to win.  Team #4 Bayou Bomber, Walt, Cheez and Skooger shot even par despite Cheez shooting 1 under on his own ball.

Usually when a team jumps out to a big lead on the front they can't sustain it on the back and today was no exception.  Team #2 and Team #4 both staged comebacks to shoot -2 to split the back nine.  Team #3 shot even par which was good enough for total at -4.  Team #1 a dream team on paper could only manage to shoot even par.

Low scores of the day Sandy 70, Otis 72, Cheez 72 (no joke), Bear 74, Walt 75,  Billy D 76, Mad Dog 76, Triple N 76, Bayou Bomber 77, Skrocki 79 and Molasses Boy 79.  Only three players shot in the 80s.

Mad Dog on the strength of his $4 eagle on 10 nipped Bear for $1 making the YTD Bear up $3.

Cheez trying to shoot his age (70) was on pace with two holes to go until he finished bogey, bogey to shoot a great 72 but oh so close to a life goal.

Sandy made 5 birdies most of them on the front nine when he couldn't see the pins on the greens because of the fog.

Triple N again fails to cash.  He is starting to get a complex about it.  Speaking of which why does he carry his bag on occasion like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder?  What's up with that.

Despite the complaining on the course and on the deck about the terrible condition of the greens and broken down cups, there were a record number of players in the 70s.
Billy D's New Neighbor With Flag In Honor of  9-11-01

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lumpy & Bumpy

Saturday brought out 18 players despite cool temperatures.  Mad Dog with his calculator on his phone was able to divide the Pot Gamers into 6 teams of 3 playing 2BB with all balls counting on par fives.  Team # 1 Triple N, Cheez and Jerry Mag got off to a horrendous start with +10 lead by their B man Cheez shooting 48.  Team #2 Bear, 99 and Fireman shot a unimpressive +9 which proved to be second best score on the front.  Team #3 Mad Dog, Birdie and Chimney all shot in the low 40s on the front which resulted in +11, good for nothing.  Team #4 TJ, Billy D and Skooger joined the chorus of high scores and shot +9  which tied for second and got them no money.  Team #5 Molasses Boy, Joey M and Dicky Mac quietly cruised an impressive +5 winning the front by a wide margin on the strength of two Joey M birdies.  Team #6 Dougie, Jedi and Rama stumbled out of the gate after waiting over half hour to tee off with the big field and followed the trend with a +10 on the front.

The back nine was a whole different story.  Team #1 with Triple N firing a two under 33 and three birdies coupled with his partners adding three more birdies shot a unbeatable (they thought) -4 for a total of +7.  All the other teams #2 through #5 were coming to the deck with tales of woe after shooting +2 to +7.  Team #1 was so confident their Captain went to the range to test new hybrids he would buy with his winnings.  The other two Jerry and Cheez were smiling while they replayed every shot as to how they got to -4.  However the smiles soon gave way to shocked jaw dropping faces as Team #6 announced they birdied their way to -5 after being +2 after the 11th hole.  Dougie and Jedi both had three birdies and Rama had another with his back nine even par 35.  Their total of +5 beat Team #1 by 2. So Team #6 served the $20 beers to all the deck dwellers with smiles on their faces.

Low scores of the day Triple N 72, Jedi 76, TJ 77, Mad Dog 78, Dickie Mac 79 and Joey M 79.  There were 6 skins worth $15 (Dougie 2, Chimney 1, Joey M 1, 99 1and Dickie Mac 1).  Mad Dog continued to take advantage of Bear's late summer swoon and clipped him for $7 making YTD Bear up $4.

Sunday's weather called for showers early but aside from some impressive clouds there was no rain at tee off time.  Mad Dog decided to sit out because there were exactly 12 players signed up.  So he created 3 teams of four which meant 3BB was the game.  After avoiding the plugged sandy lumpy greens of South for weeks the Pot Gamers finally ventured out to give it a shot.

Team #1 TJ, Tractorman, Dr Dave and Dickie Mac struggled on the front to shot the highest score of +6.  They knew they were in trouble when their usually reliable B player Tractorman came within a few inches of killing Billy D with a super shank that rocketed from the 7th tee across the 6th fairway missing Billy D's head and into the river.  Team #2 Bear, Billy D, Cheez and Rama lead by a shaky Captain, somehow they found their games and shot a nice little +2.  Team #3 Skrocki, Molasses Boy, Fireman and Chimney lead by the two birdies from Fireman and a timely 9th hole birdie by Skrocki tied the front with +2.

Team #1 after getting a glance at the new snack shack girls on the 10th tee got a shot of testosterone which propelled them to go eagle, birdie, birdie (-4) on the first hole (10th) on the back.  Even with a cold front closing in with its 30 mph winds, they couldn't be stopped as Tractorman led them to a back nine -5 on the strength of his exceptional 32.  They actually got it all the way to -7 but lost two over the last two holes.  Needless to say they won back and over all as the other two teams were shooting +11 and +5.

Low scores of the day were Tractorman 73, Molasses Boy 75, Bear 75, TJ 76, Skrocki 78, Dickie Mac 79 and Cheez 79.  There were 11 skins worth $5 a piece (Tractorman 4, Dickie Mac 2, Fireman 2, Skrocki 1, Bear 1 and Billy D 1).

The greens 1-8 were as bad as advertised full of holes, sand and broken down cups.  Putting was a challenge but chipping was even more so with the holes shooting them in all directions.

Cheez breaking away from the dreaded "laterals" and finding his game, did hit one classic on the 15th which went so far right into the swamp even the beavers won't find it.

Bear on a terrible birdie drought finally made one after 40 holes without.  He threw in a few others just for good measure.

Rama is hitting it as well as anyone in the Pot Game.  His drives are long and right down the middle.  When his short putting comes around we will have ourselves a new B player.

Dr Dave again found his way on a winning team.  What he shoots makes no matter good or bad he is cashing in.

Dickie Mac quietly breaking 80 every time out and collecting a little cash himself.

TJ earned his first X for purposely hitting his drive on 14 N directly at Birdie's cart with Birdie in it.  He said he saw him dressed in a "red" sweatshirt and thought that liberals were banned from wearing that color. His defense was he did it on behalf all conservatives.

99 suffers from the same "Chinese Disease" as the Cheez, so when Joey M yelled down to him on the 10th fairway "Hey, Jay shanked any lately" it was a very low blow, especially since he just about to pull the trigger on his iron shot.  No he didn't shank his shot; he duck hooked it right into the pond to prove Joey M wrong.

Billy D's New Neighbor Poolside Photo By Visor Cam

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Midweek Shift

As summer winds down Wednesdays are becoming more popular as 14 Pot Gamers teed off on the North course.  They played a little 2BB.  Team #1 Triple N, Billy D and Cheez got off to a slow start and never recovered.  Team #2 Bear, Otis and Fireman tag teamed around Otis's great front nine to shoot +2 which gave them half of one side.  Team #3 Walt, Skrocki, House and Blue Tees tied for half a side with +2 on front but faded on the back.  Team #4 Mad Dog, Molasses Boy, Skooger and Rod P just missed out on the front with +3 but wiped out the field when they ripped off a -2 on the back which gave them the total as well.

Low scores of the day were Triple N 75, Otis 75, Walt 76 and Mad Dog 76.  Bear's game went south which allowed Mad Dog to bite off $5 in their summer long match making it YTD Bear up $11.

Next week starting Monday Pot Games will be at 8am weekdays and 7:30am weekends.  Also due to the spotty wet fairways the ball can be lift and cleaned in your own fairway for the rest of the year.