Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Few Morsels

The Flood Damage on South Course holes 2-4 is worse in person than any pictures show.  Gravel and tree debris is extensive all across fairways and third green. Today 18 holes were open playing South 1,5,6,7,14,15,16,17,18 and the front nine of North.  Tractorman reports all 18 Holes on North will be open tomorrow.  The river is high but mostly staying within its banks. The video below was filmed today from the 5th tee looking back towards third green and fourth tee and fairway

It was been reported that Murt's operation went very well and he has headed home to recuperate, no doubt under the influence of something stronger than Miller Lite to manage his pain.

Skrocki has renamed Deacon, Mr. Purrfect.  But he does also answer to Captain America, AD and Don King Hair.

The scheduled start of playing the ball down tomorrow has been postponed until further notice.

Battle Of The Beav is only 4 days away.  Expect to see both Commish and Birdie this weekend to polish their games for Monday.  Pudge will be texting hole by hole updates which the Gazette will blog live.

One good thing from the heavy rains, the traps are now wet compacted mud/sand which makes them much easier to escape from.

Mini Captured New River on 13S From Knight Farm

Mini Pics Of Surry Dam Road Flooded

Mini out just after storm passed shared the pictures show above.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Waterlogged Wednesday

2nd Hole South

E. Surry Road

7th Hole N Path To Fairway

12th Hole North Cart Path
4th Hole South Looking Back To Tee
The almost tornado like conditions around Keene which dumped up to 5 inches of rain, washed out the culvert on the E. Surry Rd making getting to the course impossible.  The course will be closed today until a solution can be found.  Tractorman reported last night that the brook/ditch on 13S was now a river which made its way across 9th fairway, 10th fairway and flowed into the river on 11th.  Crack reporter Tractorman took pictures of flood damage to courses and says there will be 18 holes open tomorrow. Commish was cut off from getting home as Sullivan had flooding across Rte 9, which forced it to be closed.  He had to walk 6 miles in the dark at 10pm to get home. Bear lost power for 7.5 hours, when a pole next to his neighbors house broke off and pulled the service off their house causing Bear's transformer to blow.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Updated Hole-In-One Pool

Congrats to House for his Hole-In-One on 16S from the "Red" tees which means the original 2012 Pool worth $270 has been paid out.  If House hadn't been so cheap he could have had it all, but since he didn't take advantage it is still up for the taking.  Remember any member may buy into the 2011 pool for $10.  There are 23 players already entered in the new pool.

Memorial Day Monday

Although the weatherman said rain, it was clear blue skies for the 15 players who showed up today.  Scores were high as only 5 Pot Gamers broke 80 on South.  Skrocki's team of Fireman and Billy D broke out of the gate fast with a 2 BB score of even par on the front but were overtaken when Luke's team of Penguin and Lenny lit it up on the back with a -2  making their +2 total a winner as well.  There were 7 Skins: Hilow 3, Luke 2, House 1, Fireman 1 worth $10 a piece.  Low scores were Luke 74, Hilow 76 and Skrocki 77.  House upon making his second eagle (drove 14 and one putted) in two days immediately went under investigation by Commish for possible violation of having faked the need to play white tees.  Plus he took the last cold beer from a rack on the deck even though he had consumed two already when other parched Pot Gamers where just sitting down to enjoy a cold one.  And if that wasn't enough he was asking other deck dwellers what Luke's last name was and why was he calling Mad Dog, Dad. Sounds like a parking lot meeting is just around the corner for House.  Skooger true to his word bought enough popcorn to fill up everyone who wanted it.  Deacon well on his way to beating Chuckie's 84 over/under but finished double on 15 (perfect 3 iron, half wedge hit on screws to back trap, blasted into water), double 16 (hooked 7 iron into pond, pitched to 5", leaves pin in hole, misses one handed, flips it to himself never went into hole), par 17, double 18 (snap hook, hits tree, into front trap, short of green, chip, one putt) giving him an 85 and the over.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Red, White & Birdies

Pudge got his wish of good attendance when he got 28 Pot Gamers to play in his Red, White & Blue Tournament.  It was a birdie fest with 78 birdies having been made plus 2 eagles; one being a hole-in-one.  Mini's team of 40,  Dougie and House blitzed the field with -4 on the front and -4 on the back for a -8 total.  Only Skrocki's team of Luke, Billy D and Hagen prevented a clean sweep when they tied the back with -4 to take a half a side.  The highlight of the day was House making a hole-in-one on 16 S using a pw that hit 8 feet from hole on the high side and took one bounce and jumped left into the hole.  Costing him lots of money for drinks to quench the thirst of parched Pot Gamers, although he won $270 from the Hole-In-One pool.  Joe M came off IR to join the gang, great to see him back so quickly.  Also Scotty-Steve made his debut so we can call off the nationwide search. Plus Billy M back from FL made his debut as well. Deacon finally beat the over/under of 84 set by Chuckie with an 82.  There were only 3 skins Hilow, Triple N and House worth $ 46 a piece.  Low scores of the day were Triple N 66, Bear 68 and Pudge & Forty 71.  Nineteen of the 28 players broke 80.  Most players dressed in the theme colors even if it meant wearing swimming trunks with no pockets, however one was impersonating a plum, another dressed in all black like a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but a good time was had by all.  Mad Dog was serenaded with a chorus of off key Happy Birthday and was given a brownie in place of Birthday cake.  Bear clipped Mad Dog for $5 in their match giving him a $10 lead YTD.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Last Hurrah

With Mad Dog's 61st Birthday looming on Sunday he decided to unleash the super flick on Saturday to lead his team to victory.  There were 15 Pot Gamers ready to play under hot humid conditions with temperature in the 80s.  Dickie Mac made his first appearance in several years. Bear's team of Joe H and Cheez slipped pass everyone with a +3 (2 BB) on front, but Mad Dog's team of Brett and Hilow came roaring back on the back with a -3 to take overall with a +2.  The 17th hole was key for Mad Dog's team when they had a chip-in eagle and birdie to seal the deal.  There were 7 skins worth $10 a piece Mad Dog 2, Deacon 1, Bret 1, Tractorman 1, Commish 1,  Cheez 1.  Low scores were Mad Dog 72, Skrocki 74 and Bear 75.  Mad Dog took $4 off of Bear in their dollar-a-hole battle.  YTD Bear up $5.

Friday, May 25, 2012

News & Notes

Gretchen By Billy D's Pool
Starting the weekend of June 2-3, we will be teeing off at 7am sharp, which means you need to have called in or signed in by 6:45.  Commish has knitted himself some new mittens to keep his fingers warm, so he might show up at the earlier time. So now that you have been notified you need to reset your alarm clocks.  Gretchen called the Gazette to say she has received dozens of calls to her hot line but none have led to finding Billy D's high draw, a lot of them are just heavy breathing on the other end of the line. Birdie and Commish should be playing hard this weekend as the Battle Of The Beav is only a little over a week away.  Chuckie's "Instant Action" Betting Line has the Deacon's score for all three days at an over/under of 84 with most of the early action taking the over. Tractorman can't decide whether he wants to be an A player or a B player, one round he shoots 76 the next 85. Tee J has gone undercover this weekend for the job we are not allowed to talk about.  He will be posing as a Golf Expert at Dick's Sporting Goods.  Dougie has been logging into Bubba Watson's "Art Of Curved Shot" online seminars, because he was bored with hitting it straight so often.  Rama set up a range at the Pit and has been practicing his irons instead of fixing the loader.  Pudge after the Battle Of The Beav is taking himself off the Pro Am circuit and has signed up for 21 Scrambles all across New England.  He said his current game is better suited to scramble play and much more relaxing when he doesn't have to worry about his individual score. Skooger wants everyone to know he is buying popcorn on Sunday at least two bowls, maybe even three.  Cheez is feeling so confident about his game he has set up a challenge match against the ladies who trail the Pot Game, his score against their best ball.  Chuckie just called in to say he has the odds of a Cheez victory at 20-1.  Otis has been doing yard work all week in order to get to play at least one day this weekend, unless he decides to go water skiing instead.  Sunday is Mad Dog's 61st birthday, so be sure to wish him Happy Birthday.  You may have to say it twice because at his age he is getting hard of hearing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pearls Of Wisdom

Commish announces we will be playing the ball down starting June 1st.  Also on 13 N all players must re-tee their second ball if they hit into the harzard rather than use the drop zone.  If you need to re-tee a third ball you don't belong in the Pot Game, so walk directly to 14th tee.  Pudge has decreed Sunday May 27 will be the first 2012 Red, White & Blue Tournament on the South Course.  All players should dress in Patriotic colors to get into the spirit of the day.  Cheez on comeback trail once he stopped aiming 35 yards to the right, shooting 76 Wednesday.  Jay Esh's power game is still intact and his putting is improved if he has a partner to give him a clue as to how his putt breaks.  Commish has flashes of his solid putting stroke mixed in with a combination of a push slap stroke that has to be seen to be believed.  USGA sent a team to investigate the speed of Bretwood's greens after getting dozens of emails from an M. Barrett.  Gretchen reports Billy D has been looking everywhere for his high draw shot, he thinks he lost it in late April on the South Course.  She said if anyone finds it please call 1-800-Hot-Girl(friend) and she will see you get a nice reward.  SrPro has been preparing his game for a surprise appearance in the up coming months, you may not recognize him though as he has lost 40 lbs. Sully has been tinkering in his body part workshop creating the perfect hipbone for his buddy Murt who will undergo surgery on May 30th.  We wish him well in his recovery so he can join us back at the Pot Game.  Bretwood Food Services reports that there will be free hot dogs and hamburgers in both snack shacks for all Pot Gamers during the Memorial Day Weekend in appreciation of their beer consumption in 2011.  Tee J enjoyed being a Cub Reporter so much he started his own blog entitled "Tales of a Hooker".  Blue Tees has appealed to Commish to be allowed play the Blue Tees because he says he is lonely on the Whites.  Pistol Pete picked up 20 yards on his drives by squaring up his club face.  Tractorman has secretly been applying "No Grow" to all the greens late at night to try to get them up to speed.  Fireman bought a "Slice Your Way To Success" dvd in the discount bin at Dick's Sporting Goods but reports it didn't help so he sold it to 40 after he re-labeled it "Hook Your Way To Success".

Birdie Barrage

Wednesday's bright and sunny skies brought out 13 Pot Gamers looking for a little competition.  Commissioner Lenny faced with an odd number tried to create balanced teams but the law of the Pot Game ruled again where three man teams can never beat four man teams.  If having one extra player wasn't advantage enough Captain Skrocki unleashed a team of birdie makers which blew the field away. His team of Walt, Hagen and Hilow had seven birdies on front for a 2BB score of -5 and followed that up with 3 more birdies on the back to record even par and sweep all sides.  Low scores of the day were Triple N 74, Walt 75 and Cheez 76.  It was a good day for scoring as six players broke 80 on the North Course.  Bear clipped Mad Dog for $3 in their dollar-a-hole match.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hole-In-One Pool Update

After Chimney and Commish came within an inch last Sunday of both making hole-in-ones, it was time to view what they might have won had they not miss judged the wind.