Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Monday

Although the weatherman said rain, it was clear blue skies for the 15 players who showed up today.  Scores were high as only 5 Pot Gamers broke 80 on South.  Skrocki's team of Fireman and Billy D broke out of the gate fast with a 2 BB score of even par on the front but were overtaken when Luke's team of Penguin and Lenny lit it up on the back with a -2  making their +2 total a winner as well.  There were 7 Skins: Hilow 3, Luke 2, House 1, Fireman 1 worth $10 a piece.  Low scores were Luke 74, Hilow 76 and Skrocki 77.  House upon making his second eagle (drove 14 and one putted) in two days immediately went under investigation by Commish for possible violation of having faked the need to play white tees.  Plus he took the last cold beer from a rack on the deck even though he had consumed two already when other parched Pot Gamers where just sitting down to enjoy a cold one.  And if that wasn't enough he was asking other deck dwellers what Luke's last name was and why was he calling Mad Dog, Dad. Sounds like a parking lot meeting is just around the corner for House.  Skooger true to his word bought enough popcorn to fill up everyone who wanted it.  Deacon well on his way to beating Chuckie's 84 over/under but finished double on 15 (perfect 3 iron, half wedge hit on screws to back trap, blasted into water), double 16 (hooked 7 iron into pond, pitched to 5", leaves pin in hole, misses one handed, flips it to himself never went into hole), par 17, double 18 (snap hook, hits tree, into front trap, short of green, chip, one putt) giving him an 85 and the over.

1 comment:

  1. I told house that Luke was a relative of mine, now he thinks his last name is Davis.
