Svetlana Gazette Reader |
What Cool Pot Gamers Drink |
Gazette readers are found around the world like Svetlana the Russian Stripper who recently sent in this picture of herself reading the latest blog post on her iPhone. USGA investigating Bretwood for having the worst bunker sand in the country. Commish wasn't feeling well Saturday morning not because he was canceling the Gold Game but from some farm fresh goat cheese he ate which he got from Mrs Commish the night before. Joey M reports he is feeling good and plans to make a his comeback with a Memorial Day appearance. House bought a rack for the deck, first guy to scoop up a cold one from it, Deacon. Word leaked out The Invitational might be back this summer as Randy & Friends was canceled recently. Mad Dog can't understand why his ping wedges don't spin anymore, it might because they were made when Jimmy Carter was our President. Cheez was seen in Dick's Sporting Goods the other day testing senior flex drivers, how the mighty have fallen. Hottest Pot Gamer drink is Lime-A-Rita. Gazette will be starting "Guest Blogging" next week, where any Pot Gamer may write a blog and submit it to the Gazette for publication. Fireman enrolled his daughter in a summer lacrosse league so he will only have to play one Pot Game a weekend. Tee J had to put new spikes in his shoes after Sat's Gold Game as he wore the old ones out swinging so hard. Billy D's Gretchen assured him it was alright if he goes to the Berkshires this weekend to play golf (does she know Berkshire Betty is his partner). Chuckie revealed his plans for the new Pot Gamer's lounge to be built next year when he takes over control of Bretwood. It will have 12 beers on tap, 6 flat screen tvs, leather couches to seat 24 and fresh hot & cold
appetizers. A password will be required to get in, Chuckie said he sent the passwords out to the favored Pot Gamers last week so if you got one congratulations, otherwise never mind.
She looks like a dude.