Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Too Hot To Handle

Last Sunday 20 players showed up making one of the deepest talent pools of Pot Gamers all season.  There were enough Captains to fill all the A & B slots for five teams.  But one team was too hot for all the rest.  Bear's team produced two eagles one on 2 South from 127 yards out by Little Hilow (Mark) and the second on 10 South after a 330 yard drive Jay Esh hit 9 iron into 15' to secure his.  Bear's team of Jay Esh, Commish  and Little Hilow shot 3 BB +1 on front and +2 on the back for +3 total which almost swept all of the pot.  Triple N's team of Chimney, Fireman and Hilow tied the back with +2.  Low scores of the day were Triple N 72, Skrocki 73 and Bear 74.  John Hollar made his 2012 debut which added to the depth of the field.

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