Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two Tales

The gray cloudy skies made it look like it would rain any minute, but it held off and turned into a brightening light gray sky day as the 20 Pot Gamers played the first Pot Game in May. Mad Dog was able to figure out how to make 5 teams of 4 (first time all year). Skrocki who had been assigned the 2nd team slot jumped the tee ahead of the  #1 team of Bear, when Skoog was still lingering in the parking lot.  However Skrocki failed to count his own players availability as Pistol Pete was missing.  So now we had three players having teed off and no 4th player.  Commish was doing a slow burn watching this Skrocki created fiasco unfold.  Finally Pete shows with 19 Pot Gamers yelling at him for being late.  He trots onto the tee and is immediately given a an X by Commish with full vocal approval of the angry Pot Gamers.  So then he tees it up and yanks it into the driving range.  But it gets better, after taking a full five minutes to look for it and not finding it he borrows Chimney's cart to race back to the tee to hit a provisional.  The Commish asks him what he thinks he is doing.  Pete too scared to answer pegs it and runs off the tee leaving his tee still in the ground.  Now with his clubs over by the driving range he drives to location of his second drive and belts it from the fairway with his driver knowing he has no chance to get the correct club from his bag.  The other controversy of the day was about to begin. Tractorman had raised the issue last week that all White Tee Players should be should be shown the exit to the B Game because they were disrupting the balance of the Pot Game. Commish pushed back in blog comments to say he wants all players to be competitive therefore the White Tee Players are right where they should be.  He also ordered Mad Dog to create a team with Tractorman and all White Tee Guys.  Despite Tractorman whining in the parking lot that if he had to play with an all White team he would not play, he had a big smile when he found out his team of Blue Tees, Penguin and Lenny (2012 Debut back from Villages) won 2/3 of the Pot with a back nine even par (3 BB) and +4 total.  Bear's team of Fireman, Skooger and Hilow shot +3 on front to grab a 1/3.  There were 8 skins worth $12 a piece, Bear 2, 40 1, Skooger 1, Dougie 1,  Lenny 1, Commish 1 and Deacon 1.  Low scores were  Bear 70 and Penguin 76 and Tractorman 77.

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