Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rumor Mill

Commish has instructed Mad Dog to create a team Sat. with Tractorman and three White Tee Boys to shut him up.  Miller Beer Company has announced to their stockholders the second quarter sales of Miller Lite will be substantially reduced because one of their largest consumers of the beverage will be having an operation in May and will be unable to drink for several weeks.  Cheez is stuck in NC because he won't drive in the rain (weeniephobia).  Dougie is tired of hitting the ball dead straight so he is working on a hook-slice shot.  Bret can't hit his driver in the fairway so he will be using his old Swamp Bat baseball bat instead. Sunday is Cheez's 2012 Pot Game debut however there is an Elk's Tournament which will take away 70% of Pot Gamers and the other regulars already have a foursome. Deacon's secret baggie contains an inhaler but it also has hair gel so he can groom his Don King hairdo. Commish's hand knitted head covers are available now in the Pro Shop. Billy D loves his RocketBallz white driver so much his girlfriend Gretchen has started to dress in all white to try to get his attention.  Sr Pro has sold Gino's and will be opening up a Coffee Shop instead, all the waiters will wear blue golf shirts and white pants.  TJ vows to not talk about how far he hit his driver just how he scored for the day (over/under is two holes before he breaks). Chuckie the majority stockholder of Bretwood has signed up to play in the Cribbage Nationals to be held in Atlantic City in June, Ellis will be flying him there.  House was recently nominated by Deacon to receive the Augie Dog award for beer purchases, there were no objections.  Otis has given up water skiing in case there is ever an Invitational again.  Rama was absent from the Pot Game for a few weeks to attend John Daly's "The Art Of The Backswing" school, the jury is out on whether it worked or not. Blue Tees recently sent an email to the Commish stating he loves everything about the Pot Game he would not change a thing. The Sierra Club has been studying the new rock formations along the river banks near 14N.  Bretwood Food Service announced that for every four beers you drink you get a free tuna roll.  Fireman bought the Bretwood's Beer Cart rights from SteelPen Inc and will be conducting behind closed doors Beer Cart Girl interviews at Keene State's Sorority Row next Thursday.  Chimney found a cobbler in VT who knows how to add 10lbs weights to his left golf shoes to prevent his foot from flying backwards.  40's wife got him a third job to go with his meter reading and dog grooming business, he will now be Mini's intern.  Birdie dumped Bear for Cheez in the dollar a hole match and figures to will make a killing.  Triple N has been taking night classes in How To Master Web Browsing 101. Jay Esh won't be back to the Pot Game anytime soon since he is winning too much of Holler's money.  Skrocki got word he has been kicked out of The Polish Open tournament because his relatives turned out to be Gypsys.  Penguin was detained at the Canadian border for trying to smuggle in Cuban cigars (he got off when he gave Porky up as his dealer). Pistol Pete petitioned Commish to be allowed to go to the white tees when the wind is blowing into his face (denied). Fritz the Cat is back working at Dick's Sporting Goods, so half off Mondays are back on.


  1. No more dog grooming. Now down to 2 jobs. 40-

    1. Obviously, the housing market has not improved.
      The once a month Gazette is now competing with the NY POST Cindy Adams.
      Tractorman, aka Dickie Mac, will take all side bets with his White Boy Team.

  2. I along with several of the other people, who play in the best game in town, known as the Bretwood Pot Game, feel as though we are slowly being drivin from the Pot Game. After reading a comment from the House, I will go to the Blue Tees if the Commish, Bear and Chimney want me to. What does that mean? A new guy attempting to a Pot Game of four. Is he saying they and they alone are his friends. A lot of feelings are being hurt!!! As far as Sunday and the return of the Cheez, I uderstand a lot of the gamers aren't showing up because they don't want to hear all about the Villagers. We are not Village people.
    The Deacon

  3. WTF

    House's comment meant he was not attuned to how our Pot Game works and "misspoke". As you know this group is not a democracy.
    House will play the Whites or go find another group.
    Half of your rant is from a NEW member who was nervous over some adverse comments directed at him. Give him some slack and get over it.
    I think we all know a group by "consensus" has never worked at Bretwood. Ours works extremely well and I think we all have alot of fun with the bullshit our group encounters. We probably keep many golfers away because of the tough skin you need to have to play with us. And that's OK, we don't want everyone. We have a special group.
    The matters where we had to have a consensus have worked out pretty well. Money, drinks, and format to name just a few, have all been discussed and agreed upon as a group. Sure, not everyone can be satisfied 100%, but the goals of the group are met with these discussions.
    Let's not lose the fact we all want to have fun and if we win a few dollars, that's even better. We try to even the teams and still keep all the members in the group-thus the concept of some playing Whites. With all the teams even, there is a greater chance of everyone enjoying the day.
    As far as being driven out of the Pot Game...I am trying ways to keep more people in our group.

    Special Group
    If we let everyone in, regardless of handicap, we will be forced to look at NET scores. We don't want everyone, but we want everyone with us to continue playing. These are our friends for years. House has been with us 2 years, built some friendships, is a hellava guy, and this year we decided he would be welcomed back as a White player. This does not mean we will accept high handicap players and put them on Whites-won't happen.

    Keep Group Honest
    Captains post handicaps
    Captains collect money
    Cheating banned for life
    Handicaps 'massaged' if needed

    Family members welcomed to play with you..we will adjust groups

    AND:Who wouldn't want to play with the CHEEZ! (quote: "a lot of gamers aren't.....Villagers") good! Stay home! show up the following weekend.

    Bretwood Pot Game Group looks pretty good to me.


  4. Just having fun and stiring up the pot for fun.but not aka dickir mac. Tractorman

  5. Mr. Commish, I will be in Keene town for Saturday. Any chance I could be a D player for some team that will have me? I am retired now, does that qualify me for white or is that position age related? The weather has been not very agreeable to golf in Maine, I hope Saturday it is at least dry. Anxiously awaiting a reply. Coach

    PS what is the tee time? as understood 15 minute beforehand check in is necessary.

  6. Wait just a minute....we'll have to take a survey? I'll try to get back to you by the end of the month.

    What time would you like to play?

    You can play any tees you want. Mix them up during the round if you'd like.

    Do you want us to assign your team members or would you like to pick your own?

    Saturday would be a better day for playing as we have a member returning from his winter home in FL who would bore you with his tales of Village Golf.

    Golf Committee

    1. Did you mean the end of the day?
      I will be having coffee hanging waiting to be picked just like gym class.
      Are the blue tees still a joke?
      If Chuck is assigning no problem....but if the other guy is I would prefer at least one pick.
      Saturday sounds so much better than have to listen to a snowbird.
      Thanks for your considerations.
      I have a GHIN card and my own clubs.

    2. End of month--we are a little slow
      We can't do that--too many hurt feelings
      Yes...that's why some play the Whites
      Chuckie does the math and HP fucks up everyone's day
      CHEEZ and his Villages exploits---boring!!
      Newcomers don't have to pay/your presence is enough
      Don't need a GHIN card--we trust everyone

  7. looks like maybe another white player for me,ha ha tractorman
