Monday, May 14, 2012

Whew That Was Close

Saturday's Gold Game almost didn't happen.  Commish played Friday in a Mid Week Pot Game and was assaulted by a few very vocal Pot Gamers about playing from the Golds the next day.  They cried and carried on so much it was giving him second thoughts about his decision.  He then went out and shot a newspaper 90 which further cemented his doubts about the Gold Game.  He started to think the whiners actually represented the feeling of the majority, which he found out Saturday morning they did not.  In fact many of the whiners never even showed up Saturday, but all the Pot Gamers who were eagerly awaiting the challenge of the Gold Game did show.   The Commish looking like he had not much sleep agonizing over his decision to pull the plug on the Gold Game, found out how strongly the majority wanted to play.  So as 18 players walked to the first tee on North, nobody was quite sure what was going to happen.  Otis who had Commish on his team walked directly to the Gold tee and escorted Commish to the tee as well.  As everybody looked on Otis pegged his ball between the gold markers and took a mighty swing and the Gold Game was on,  as applause broke out among the Pot Gamers.  A shivering and shaken Commish reluctantly teed it up and with head down walked down the 1st fairway.  Otis the Oracle had predicted the over/under at 2 for Pot Gamers breaking 80, however 3 broke 80 (Mad Dog 76, Bear 78 and Skrocki 79).  Mad Dog's great score produced for his team 1 1/2 sides along with Birdie and Vinny, they were +1 on front and tied overall with +9.  Skrocki's team Tractorman and Hilow shot +2, +7 to tie for overall with +9.  Bear's team Fireman and Tee J, who were completely out of it on the front nine with +13 rallied on the back for +5 to take one side.  There were only 3 skins Mad Dog 2, 40 1 worth $30 a piece.  Otis the Oracle came very close on most of his individual pregame predictions within a stroke or two. Despite the dire predictions of Gold Game being too hard only 4 Pot Gamers drifted over into the 90s, most were in the low to mid 80s which is normal from the Blues/Whites.  Nobody is ready to play another anytime soon but it was enjoyable to do once or twice a year.

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